

Give me a lifeline Bai Lei... give me something to hold onto and trust. Just give me something... I place my head on my knees and close my eyes. Tears drop from my face as I try to calm myself. Do I just accept this? 

I don't know how much time passed until I heard Chyou scream. I slowly lift my head, my tears are long gone, and give her a small smile. "My lady! Are you okay? Have you been hurt?" I shake my head and say "I'm fine Chyou, I just want to be alone please." 

She looks around the room in worry and even looks like she wants to argue but when she looks back at me, she slowly nods her head and walks away. The sun was no longer out, bathing everything in the silver moonlight as the snow slowly falls. Cold air blows into the large room, swaying the long curtains.

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