

Some people are woefully ignorant of our customs," Hermione said self-righteously. "I was just providing a handy translation."

"What happened?" Lily asked in surprise. Hermione glared darkly at Lily.

"I overheard some horrible girls in the library—they didn't know I was there—intimating that I might have to get married because I was pregnant, and that was the nicest thing they had to say about me," she whispered furiously, but James and Remus heard her, and they both looked upset at that. "And then I was walking to the common room when I saw some…hussy…rubbing herself all over Sirius and begging him to sleep with her."

"But," James began and then stopped. He was torn. The idea that Sirius' deranged fan club was still hurting Hermione enraged him, but she couldn't just run around doing the sorts of things that she'd done. "Hermione you just can't do things like that. It's bound to draw the professors' attention."

"What did she do, exactly?" Remus asked curiously. Hermione was smirking slightly, and it frightened him just a bit.

"I'm not sure," James muttered. He turned to his sister. "What did you do?"

"Where's Sirius?" Hermione asked mildly, and flipped another page in her book. James turned around.

"He was right behind me," he muttered to himself. They all turned to the portrait opening as Sirius slipped in, and strolled over to their group. He sat down on the couch next to Hermione, and stared at James, waiting.

"Is he done yet?" Sirius asked Hermione. She shook her head.

"No, not yet," she murmured back. "Could you stand up please?"

"Sure," Sirius stood up, and Hermione followed. She flicked her wand and his outer robes and shirt disappeared, leaving his well-muscled bare chest with its new tattoos open to everyone's avid gaze. Remus stared at Sirius for a minute and then started laughing.

"What?" James demanded. Remus gasped for air and waved at Lily who was staring at Sirius' chest and giggling. She shook her head, laughing so hard that she was having trouble breathing.

"She's marked him with the runes of claiming and ownership," Remus gasped out, tears streaming down his cheeks. "Anyone who trespasses on her property will 'be punished'."

"It's quite simple," Hermione said smugly. "Lily, hug Sirius."

"Okay," she said with a shrug. The red head stepped forward and hugged Sirius. His arms went around her shoulders and he hugged her back. James frowned darkly at the two of them, and Lily stepped away from Sirius, trying to hide a smile.

"See?" Hermione pointed out, waving a hand at Lily. "She didn't trespass, so she's fine. He's all half-naked and everything, and it didn't do anything to her because she's not planning on poaching."

"And the bite marks?" James asked dryly. Hermione beamed at Sirius who was giving her a heated look, despite the number of people in the common room.

"Well, I figured few people would actually see him without his shirt on, so he needed something a little extra," Hermione said logically. James rolled his eyes and shook his head at Sirius.

"I warned you," he said flatly. Sirius shrugged.

"I know," he said mildly. Remus shook his head. Sirius was happy, he was proud that Hermione had marked him. Remus could feel it rolling off him. It was a primal thing, marking one's mate, and it appealed to Sirius' animagus side. It appealed to Remus as well, but he had yet to meet his true mate. He could be patient though because he knew she was worth it. James turned to his sister.

"Put his clothes back on him. I have to see him half-naked enough as it is," James said in exasperation. Hermione waved her wand with a slightly bored air, and Sirius was robed once again.

"As long as people keep their hands to themselves, they won't have to worry about anything," Hermione said airily. Then her expression darkened. "And if they can't, well they get what's coming to them."

"The professors are going to notice," James warned her. Hermione snorted.

"What girl is going to admit that the problem is that she tried to sexually assault Sirius?" Hermione asked dryly. Remus snorted.

"That's true," Remus said with a wry smile.

"Yes, but what did you do?" Lily asked curiously. Hermione smiled, and all the boys shuddered.

"It's a progressive spell," she explained sweetly, settling herself down on the couch. "Really, though, I tied it to actual touching. If someone verbally flirts with him, it does absolutely nothing. You can say whatever you want to him. The first time someone touches him with sex on their mind, their eyebrows grow together. If that person persists it get progressively worse. Next is facial acne, then rupturing pustules, then I think it goes to a mild electric shock. I'll have to check my notes."

"You are scary," Lily said in awe. Hermione shrugged.

"Don't mess with what's mine, and you'll never have any problems," Hermione said calmly. James snickered, and Remus rolled his eyes.


The first Hogsmeade weekend of the year was fast approaching, and Lily just couldn't manage to get excited about it. James Potter had liked her since their first year, and she'd realized somewhere along the way that she liked him, too. Only now that she knew she loved him, he seemed to have forgotten that she existed. She'd even stayed at his house this last summer, and one might have thought that there would have been ample opportunity for him to kiss her, but it hadn't happened. Now it was their last year here at Hogwarts. If he was going to make a move, he was running out of time. She laid her head on her folded arms and sighed.

"Lily?" James said hesitantly. She raised her head off of her arms and blinked at him.

"Yes?" She asked curiously. He looked nervous, and unsure of himself, which was very unlike the confident Gryffindor.

"Has anyone asked you to go to Hogsmeade yet?" He asked quietly, his ears a brilliant red. Lily shook her head.

"No," she murmured, her green eyes wide.

"Would you…would you go with me?" He asked bashfully, speaking more to his toes than to her. Lily hid a smile.

"I would love to, James Potter," she said firmly. He looked up at her in surprise.

"You would?" He asked, stunned.

"Yes," she confirmed, a small smile playing about her mouth. He smiled at her and it was blinding.

"Well, all right then," he said with a nod, and he left her alone in the library. Lily giggled and rolled her eyes.

"What are you so happy about?" Hermione asked as she sat down next to Lily.

The red-head blushed prettily and glanced around the library.

"James just asked me to Hogsmeade," Lily confided. Hermione sighed dramatically.

"Well, good! It's about time that brother of mine got his act together. I thought I was going to have to lock you two in a broom closet or something," Hermione said in a relieved tone of voice. Lily swatted her on the arm.

"It's not like I could control how quickly he moved," Lily complained. Hermione snorted, and then she frowned.

"He really cares for you," she said quietly. Lily nodded.

"I know. I care for him, too," Lily said softly. Hermione nodded.

"Okay, then," she said firmly. "If he screws up, we'll kill him together."

"It's a deal," Lily said with a grin.

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