
Friends or foes alike

"Seriously! How should I've known?"

"Really Dud? It was quite obvious, you know?

"How was that obvious!?"

"Whoa! You're really not perceptive."

"You're not helping."

"How could you have mistaken her for a boy in the first place?"

"She was wearing a pant and she has short hair"

"Hey, the Middle Age called, They want their sexism back"

"Don't begin! It's just... I never saw a girl with short hair before"

"I bet you also never talked much with girls."

"... No, I didn't. Damn it, I should apologize to her."

"Careful, it's learning"

"Ok, you can stop now! I think you made your point very clear."

"Hohoho, but I'm just getting started."

Since the delicate misunderstanding, Dudley had been the target of Jenna's harsh sarcasms. The redhead girl had been enjoying the young man's misfortunes, but unfortunately, he could not say that he didn't earn them. Being outrageously mistaken about Terry's type, Dudley was kicked out of the room in a ruthless fashion, to let the girls change. He was ejected so quickly that he almost hit a group of young first years who were running in the corridor for some reason. Dudley didn't have time to see who it was, but that wasn't important, because all his attention was focused elsewhere.

As Dudley was waiting for them to finish, he was trying to find a proper excuse. But even after they finished changing, Dudley couldn't come up with anything good before Terry, now entirely dressed in her schoolgirl uniform, left him and Jenna and went away with Lady on her shoulder. The slender black cat gave Dudley a disapproving look as the two of them left. Jenna didn't say anything when Lady and Terry left and just waited for Dudley, who was deeply ashamed of himself right now, to put on his uniform. And to magnify the young man's misery, at the moment he finished changing, Jenna damaged his ego by drowning him with the most pernicious remarks one after the other. And unfortunately for Dudley, he couldn't counter back.

After a few minutes , the train finally arrived at its destination. Dudley left the car followed by Jenna. Outside, the both of them found themself on a tiny dark platform barely lighted. On the cold night air, Dudley tried to find Terry among the first year but could distinguish anyone in the poor luminosity. Him and Jenna joined the rest of the first year and stood out from the others by their size. Because of their stature, the two young people attracted several questioning looks.

"Look at these two. Do you think they are lost?" questioned someone in a slightly mocking tone and right behind Dudley.

"Shhhh! Don't draw his attention" quickly responded a familiar and nervous voice.

Dudley and Jenna turned around to see who was talking and saw two boys behind them, a ginger and a brown-haired. Both of them were already familiar with Dudley. The redhead was the Weasley boy named Ron who he met at the train station and the brown one was his own cousin, Harry Potter. Ron Weasley, who appears to have already forgotten Dudley, just remembered him and opened his eyes wide. Perhaps a bit embarrassed or simply being intimidated, the redhead looked away from Dudley and stared down to the ground, casting a glance at Harry from time to time. As for Harry, he only remained silent in front of his cousin in fear of making a new blunder. Dudley didn't say anything and just looked at his cousin and the ginger in turn with a scanning eye.

"I see you already made a new friend" simply said Dudley to Harry.

Harry squinted his eyes but didn't respond to Dudley's quote. As for Ron, Dudley could see him reddened to the ear. Apparently, he liked the comment. Dudley just glanced at him before grinning widely.

"My redhead is prettier" declared Dudley smiling, stunning both Harry and Ron.

"You bet I am!…. I am the redhead, right?" said Jenna looking to Dudley questioningly.

Dudley rolled his eyes, still smiling at Jenna while Ron was stunned in front of them. Harry did not argue with Dudley but rather reassured Ron that this was just his cousin's way of speaking. Meanwhile, Hagrid came carrying a lantern in one hand and gathered the first years to follow him. After a quick walk in a winding and narrow path, they arrived at the edge of a big black lake overlooking one of the most beautiful scenes Dudley has ever seen. Perched atop a high mountain on the other side, its windows sparkling in the starry sky, was a vast castle with many turrets and towers.

"No more'n four to a boat" called Hagrid to them.

Dudley and Jenna took their place into one of the boats. Dudley tried to go the same as Terry but he still couldn't find her. Growling in his boat next to Jenna and two others, their boat took to the lake among the rest and headed towards the castle. Shortly afterwards, they passed through an opening under the cliff on which the castle stood. Navigating through a dimly lit tunnel, the whole group finally arrived at an underground harbor that led to a stone stairway that climbed up to a massive oak gate. The group climbed the stairs and gathered in front of the massive door.

"C'mon first year, mind yer step. Oy, you there! is this your toad." said Hagrid sorting something from his pocket.

"Trevor" blissfully cried Neville holding his toad.

"Keep him safe now. Everyone here? Good" declared Hagrid and knocked on the massive door three time.

The massive door swung at once and a tall black-haired witch dressed in a long emerald-green robe stood there. She was wearing a pair of square glasses and had a very stern face.

"The firs' years, Professor McGonagall" said Hagrid.

"Thank you Hagrid. I will take them from here."

The professor advanced into the corridor leading to an entrance that could accommodate Dudley's house twice. The new students followed the teacher through several torch-lit hallways. At one point, while passing through a path, they could hear the voice of several people in a nearby area. McGonagall led them to an adjacent room and they arrived in a small living room where they found themselves rather cramped.

"Welcome to Hogwarts," said Professor McGonagall.

She took a moment to see if every student listened to then resumed her statement.

"The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your Houses. The Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your House will be something like your family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of your House, sleep in your House dormitory, and spend free time in your House common room. The four Houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Each House has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn your House points, while any rule-breaking will lose House points. At the end of the year, the House with the most points is awarded the House cup, a great honor. I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever House becomes yours. The Sorting Ceremony will take place in a few minutes in front of the rest of the school. I suggest you all smarten yourselves up as much as you can while you are waiting."

She took a glance at the student, probably to probe them and then finished her sentence.

"I shall return when we are ready for you. Please, wait quietly." said the Professor leaving the chamber.

The group of first grade found themselves alone in the room in uncomfortable promiscuity. Many of them were worried about the ceremony and some were trying to prepare for a future test to take. Dudley was not further concerned about the ceremony, but rather focused his attention on finding Terry, whom he had not seen since she left with Lady.

After a moment, Dudley found a group of first year students in a corner of the room who was a little away from the rest. What struck Dudley was that above their heads you could see the tail of a cat moving. Looking closer, Dudley found Terry with Lady on her shoulders and who, by the look on her face, found herself in a tedious situation. Dudley with Jenna by his side went to rejoin Terry. As he made his way to the girl, Dudley identified among the students cornering Terry, the head of a young man with platinum blond hair plated on his head. A figure who was strangely familiar to Dudley. Lady seeing her master coming tapped Terry's shoulder and the latter looked back at Dudley in surprise. The blondie who noticed Terry's reaction followed her gaze and turned to face Dudley. When he and Dudley met eye-to-eye, they both had a surprised reaction. Both of them looked at each other for a moment, before smiling. One had a large and ferocious grin, the other a small and slightly mischievous smile. Obviously, the blonde-haired boy was the same he met at Diagon Alley.

"Hey! Long time no see!" said Dudley smiling.

"Dursley!" exclaimed the blond boy, cheerfully.

The blond boy, accompanied by what seemed to be his two lackeys, stared at Dudley with a joyful look. The boy was apparently enchanted to see Dudley again. Dudley, still smiling, noticed his gaze and couldn't think of anything else but that this blondie really deserved to come face to face with a toilet bowl.... During the small looks exchange, Jenna used this opportunity to sneak up and place herself right next to Terry, absolutely not worried about Dudley.

"I knew it was you I saw in the train. I was wondering how you have been since our last meeting at Diagon Alley" said the blonde-haired boy.

"Mostly fine. I read some books, stuff like that… What about you? Got your new broom?", asked Dudley, grinning.

"I have, but Father wouldn't let me take it with me. Apparently, first year can enrol for the Quidditch team. It's really scandalous!" replied the boy, grimacing.

"I feel you" replied Dudley, falsely saddened.

"Just because some Muggle-born didn't have broom before, the school put that stupid rule for 'equity' they said… What nonsense! We will be much better without any of them in this school. Them and others blood-traitors", replied the blondie casting a petty glance at Terry.

The girl held the young man's gaze for a moment before turning to Dudley with a frowned look on her face, unable in her mind to understand the relationship between the two young men. Dudley stared at her for a moment before winking discreetly at her. A burst of surprise ran through Terry's vision as she opened her eyes in amazement, incapable to understand what was really going on. The exchange between the two was completely ignored by the young blond boy, who only focused his attention on Dudley, visibly conquered by their "new" friendship.

"Oh forgot to make the presentation. This is Crabe and this is Goyle." said the blonde-haired boy, presenting his 'lackeys'.

"Yo!" simply nodded Dudley to both of them.

"As for me, my name is Ma…"

The boy couldn't finish his sentence that a flock of white individuals floating in the air and semi-transparents entered the room. The bunch of first grade gasped by the sudden arrival of the ghosts. The floating phantoms appeared to be arguing about something but they got their attention distracted by the new students. Dudley didn't pay them the least attention and focused on the boy in front of him. The boy who was gonna say something but stopped at the last moment turned his sight back to Dudley for a moment, before looking at Terry with a menacing gaze.

"You'll soon find out some wizarding families are much better than others, Dursley. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there." said the blonde haired boy as he held out his hand for Dudley to shake it.

"Oh! I'll be happy to know them" grinned Dudley while shaking the boy's hand with a ferocious grip.

Shaking their hand vigorously, the boy grimaced under Dudley's strong grip.

"Be sure to be in Slytherin then. Here you will meet the most noble families of wizards in our world." said the boy, massaging his hand.

The boy waved to his goons and then moved to another corner of the room without forgetting to give Terry one last sneering glance.Dudley watched them leave for a moment then turned around to see Terry, Jenna and Lady looking at him. Terry gazed at Dudley, unsure for a moment, but then decided to speak to him.

"I didn't know you already met Draco," she said, frowning slightly.

"Ooooh...our path crossed at Dia- Wait! His name is 'Draco'?!" asked Dudley surprised.

"You didn't know his name?" responded Terry stunned.

"I only talked to him for a few minutes. Seriously, what's that name? His parents want to make his life miserable?" declared Dudley.

The quote gave Terry a quiet laugh that made Lady slightly flinched.

"Hahaha!... Yes, that's his name. Draco Malfoy. A pure-blooded wizard from a 'noble' wizard family." said Terry with some disgust at the word noble.

"Damn! No wonder I want to hang him on the roof by the feet." declared Dudley.

"I would go for the 'kick-me' paper on the back. A classic!" said Jenna.

"Mmmh...Not original." said Dudley.

"What about stinking balls in his bed when he goes to sleep." proposed Jenna next.

"Oh, good one!"

"Hahaha!…" laughed Terry.

For a moment, the three of them resumed their behavior, forgetting their previous worries. Dudley, Terry and Jenna laughed together and had fun like in the train. After having laughed enough, Dudley turned towards Terry, not looking her directly in the eye.

"Hum... Terry… About what I said on the train. I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to offend you or something. I just… don't talk much to the girl" confessed Dudley a bit blushing.

Terry looked back at Dudley but said nothing at the moment. Seeing the arrogant Dudley so proud until then becoming so embarrassed, made the girl understand that he was sincere. She looked around the corner at Jenna, who replied by simply shrugging her shoulders, before sighing.

"That's okay Dudley. I understand you did not mean wrong." said Terry a bit smiling.

"Yeah! At least we have to be compassionate for that poor guy who confuses girls and boys. Life will not be easy on him." added Jenna smirking.

"That too. If we don't show our support to him, the poor Dud will forever be a lost cause." dramatically continued Terry smirking too.

"Okay, okay. Slow down! Man downs here! I get it, I've been insensitive. Stop pouring salt on me…" begged Dudley apologetically.

"Fine. Apologies accepted, Dudley." conceded Terry, fairly.

"Hu?! Already! But I had so much to add… You're too generous with him, Terry." pouted Jenna.

"Too late Jenna! I'm pardoned. Thank you Terry." said Dudley smiling.

Reconciled, the trio was finally able to discuss without being uncomfortable. And it was at that moment when McGonagall came back into the room.

"Move along. The Sorting Ceremony is about to start. Now, form a line and follow me." sharply ordered McGonagall.

Here is the chapter.

What will happen between Draco and Dudley??????

Hard to tell, but..... no spoilers.

Hope you enjoyed your reading.

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See you soon!

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