
The V-Word & The B-Word

Izuku froze. His eyes trailed between Baku's clothed form to the red-head's nude form. "Please, please, please don't tell me what probably happened with him too…"

The blonde smirked, his bright red eyes darkening. Izuku swallowed a heavy ball of air, trying to steady his increasing anxiety. "He's 'nother 'experiment' like myself. The fucker saw me around the parks then picked me up."

The man turned around, having already turned off Izuku's small stove and plated the stack of bacon he had made. "I've got bacon! …Unless, you don't want?"

"No, uh—lemme get the table set," Izuku scurried around his kitchen quickly, grabbing everything necessary for three guys to eat bacon. "Sit yourselves. If anything, I'll sit on the couch if we don't fit. I wasn't planning on getting another pet so soon…"

"Thanks bro! I'm Eijirou bee-tee-dubs, or just Ei is fine too," Eijirou gave Izuku the brightest smile and Izuku wanted to cover his eyes. It's too early for anything that bright.

"I'm, uh, Izuku. Baku calls me 'Deku' though, so expect more of that than my actual name," Izuku set the table quickly, watching as the other two moved the bacon and eggs to the middle of the small table. "Wait," Izuku turned his head towards the blonde, "what's your actual name? Like before this happened?"

The blonde growled at the mention of the Incident, not before sighing. "I guess ya deserve to know, huh? Name's Katsuki. Katsuki Bakugou; which is where that stupid kid's name comes from."

Izuku stopped serving himself eggs to stare off in between Eijirou's and Katsuki's chair gap. "Oh, so Kacchan, then? I'll call you Kacchan since you've got that, ah… Nickname for me."


Izuku's phone rang and interrupted Katsuki's beginning of a string of curses. "I'll get that!" Eijirou called out and ran to the kitchen to find the phone.

Then Izuku heard him answer.

Then Izuku watched as he trekked back into the living/dining area to hand Izuku his phone. "It's for you, I guess it's your boyfriend or somethin'…"

Izuku gave Ei a look before grabbing the phone back, putting it to his ear, and asking, "Hello?"

"Izuku flippin' Midoriya, did you find another stray? The guy that answered didn't sound like Baku." Oh, that's right. He hasn't told Shouto anything about Ei yet.

"Uh, yeah. About that… Wanna have another movie night?"


"Movie Night" as the two friends now had dubbed it consisted more of an onslaught of questions from Shouto, some random crappy Netflix movie playing as background music, Ei now fully clothed, and Katsuki, in his cat form, getting pet by Izuku on top of his lap.

Eijirou tried his best to answer the weirder questions from Shouto, his face red and voice somewhat high-pitched from embarrassment. Izuku wanted to physically restrain his friend to stop his interview, but once he moved any part of his body, Katsuki's small form would hiss violently and he would scratch at the other man's jeans until he resumed.

"He looks comfortable," Shouto commented when he stopped questioning.

A small smile grew on Izuku's face, noticing a soft purring coming from the kitten. "Honestly, this is the quietest I've ever seen him." He sucked in air before continuing, his voice barely over a whisper, "He kinda needs a bath, though."

Eijirou watched the interaction with wide eyes. "Are you sure you guys aren't dating? Like, what the hell. You both are manly as fuck."

"I'm pretty sure I'd have a daily heart attack if Shouto lived here. He can't cook. I like my place in one piece."

Shouto gasped, then coughed, yet all for dramatic flair. "I can cook! Ramen cups, that's it." He turned to Eijirou, "I almost burn this apartment down, like, weekly. The management company actually hates me."

"Hey, bro! That's cool! Izuku's almost like a housewife around here, I'm sure he makes good shit!" He ended his compliment with another bright smile directed towards a sputtering red faced Izuku.

Shouto gave Izuku a look before nodding sagely, agreeing with Eijirou's statement. "Have you told Inko about your new puppy? I'm sure if she and Toshinori come over with All Might, he'll," Shouto's eyes moved to Eijirou's criss-crossed relaxed form on the floor, "have a blast."

"Haven't told anyone. This is, like, another development. I still need to figure out if Ochako can sneak anything from Tsu's job to give me for these two. I'm sure she'll also convince me to get them collared and chipped and checked by her boss." Izuku brushed over the v-word, not really wanting to get scratched by the napping kitten on his lap.

"I'm sure if Inko gives you that mutt you can take all three to the vet," Shouto, on the other hand, didn't understand why vet was a 'bad word'. Katsuki woke up instantly from his little nap to stare angrily at Izuku, a growl vibrating out of his tiny frame.

"I agree with him guys. I really don't like the idea of the vet." Eijirou tried giving Izuku and Shouto his best sad puppy eyes. Shouto wasn't that easy to fool.

"We need to at least know if your animal forms are healthy… I'm sure if we explain to Ochako and Tsu, albeit vaguely, what's going on, I'm sure they'll just come here and do basics."

God, Shouto was right, Izuku figured. "I'd also hafta figure out how to chip you guys so ya don't get sent to the shelter if someone calls in animal control. Sadly our town's shelter's a kill one… They don't even call owners if they find their pets on the streets."

"Guess I'll call our tea friend? Since you'll spill everything," Shouto decided, watching Izuku's eyes well up with tears, probably thinking about how many pets get killed at their shelter.


"I'd advise giving the two a bath in their animal forms… Ochako mentioned it on the phone call. But it's also just common courtesy too. I'm sure you can bathe Ei easily; Baku… Not so much," Shouto commented, watching Izuku run his eyes through Amazon's extensive pet care sections. "Endeavor was never an easy cat to get wet on purpose."

"That cat just hates you, Shou. Period. It doesn't care if you fed it a whole, freshly caught tuna fish, it's still gonna sit over you at night waiting to finally claw your left eye out." Izuku turned around to face Shouto, directly focusing on the other's left side, the healing pink-red scratches seemingly more pronounced.

"You're right. And I hate you deeply for once again, like always, rubbing it in my face," another dramatic sigh escaped Shouto's mouth. "Hawks the Pigeon still chummies up next to the fur ball. Although the bird chummies up to anyone."

Izuku blinked. "Isn't that… Weird to you? Predator and prey, best friends. I dunno, it sounds uncomfortable."

"Natsuo likes it. Has a whole Instagram dedicated to the two."


Shouto hummed. "Do you need help giving them a bath?" A pair of narrowing green eyes landed on Shouto's mismatched ones. "I'll take that as a yes."

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