
Truth out

"Wh….wha..t!" Clara stammered. 

That sentence seemed like the worst nightmare of her life. Her eyes remained wide open and body frozen. 

"Hum… hum.. No. She knocking out." The little princess corrected herself after recalling what Leo said when Clara was in the same situation Sonya was in then.

It was the scene where she had asked Leo to kill Clara or else she would destroy so many lives with her power that went out of control then. Leo knocked her out and when she approached Belle with the unconscious Clara in his arm, she asked if he had killed her and Leo replied that 'It's called knocking out.'

Clara sprung up immediately and dashed out of the house, while Leo picked Belle in his arms and followed behind, helping her wipe her tears.

"Don't cry, everything will be alright." He assured her.

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