
Killing Zhang Jiao

It seemed to Zhao Yun that the infiltration was a failure since the Leader of the Rebels was angry at them for some unknown reason when Tang Shi whispers to Zhao Yun, "What are we going to do now?"

"The only thing we can do would to take the head of that Leader and Zhang Liang's head and try to fight our way out. The noise inside the city could indicate the others outside that the city is in tumult giving them a chance to attack," says Zhao Yun as he looked at the nine men that followed him into the city.

They were all pale when Tang Shi whispers, "Yun, I don't want to die."

"Trust me, I also don't want to die either, but it's the only way to survive this is by taking them hostage and before releasing them to cut their heads off," whispers Zhao Yun back while the officer was still not around since he was trying to delay the group from entering until the Leader has calmed down.

Zhao Yun could see the fear of death in the eyes of his men as he was also scared to die before everything even started.

"I will try my best to keep you all alive as good as possible. Just stick together and everything should be fine," says Zhao Yun trying to calm them down as if they entered and they showed their faces full of fear it would label them guilty before they could defend themselves.

Five of them recuperated as they believed in him while the other four were just too afraid to believe that they would return alive. The Officer returned to their group and he really didn't have a good expression on his face showing pity to the group.

"I tried my best to buy you enough time but the Leader seems to become only more furious the longer we wait. Just remember that I tried my best to keep you alive," says the Officer as he leads them into the room.

Once inside the group sees that Zhang Liang had a complicated face as he found it a pity that ten young rebels will be sent to their death because they killed a platoon leader to help them.

When they all stop and the Leader had their back to them when the Officer says, "My Lord, I brought you the ten that came today. I really would try-."

"Officer, you should retreat now before I punish you with them because I don't need your opinion on this matter since this concern someone bigger than all of us," says the Leader as he turns around and Zhao Yun can see his face.

It was a man that had a long beard and long hair. He seemed like a Hermit to Zhao Yun that really was trying his best for the people but that wasn't a reason good enough to start a rebellion against the Emperor.

Zhao Yun looked the man in the eyes and saw a fire in them that seemed unnatural for a normal mortal that never learned the art of Qi. This makes Zhao Yun now understand why that Leader was so angry.

"I'm Zhang Jiao as you all surely know," says Zhang Jiao as Zhao Yun had now a name for that face when Zhang Jiao continues, "Do you know what you have done?"

"We killed a Platoon Leader and escaped the army," says Zhao Yun as Zhang Jiao looked at him.

"What is your name, boy?" asks Zhang Jiao as he looked calm outside but was furious inside.

"Heng Hua, I killed the Platoon Leader Yun," says Zhao Yun as Zhang Jiao openly showed his rage now.

"Yes, you killed him and that was your mistake. Do you know in what situation you have put me!" shouts Zhang Jiao as he throws the table in front of him against the wall.

"I don't know what you mean. He would have died either on the battlefield or assassinated, wouldn't he?" asks Zhao Yun looking confused at Zhang Jiao.

"If he would have died on the field I could have washed my hands clean since on it I can't show mercy but by assassinating him and bringing even his head to me. That really puts me into a tight spot," says Zhang Jiao explaining why he felt angry as he looked at the ten seeing that they all just had simple armor on that every commoner could get from a smith.

"You all don't have to die since Heng Hua already admitted killing Zhao Yun. You nine can leave the room," says Zhang Jiao as the nine bow nervous before looking towards Zhao Yun only to see him calm.

They leave the room and Zhao Yun was now alone with Zhang Liang and Zhang Jiao when the latter asks, "Do you know who you have infuriated?"

Zhao Yun only shakes his head when Zhang Jiao says, "You infuriated an Immortal that big that no Immortal would dare to stand in his way to cleanse this earth just to get revenge for killing his Godson."

Zhang Jiao closes his eyes as he turns around. He walks towards a window and sighs while his brother Zhang Liang gave Zhao Yun a pitiful look. He was happy that the other nine survived this but still for him Zhao Yun was a good asset for his troops.

Zhang Liang closes his eyes and exactly at this moment that both weren't looking at him Zhao Yun smiled as his Black Dragon Armor appeared on his body and he grabbed with one hand his sword and with the other two throwing knives.

He throws the knives at Zhang Liang while rushing at Zhang Jiao and slashes horizontally aiming for Zhang Jiao's neck only to find his sword stop at the neck as it seemed to have turned into metal.

"So you were an assassin from the beginning, Heng Hua," says Zhang Jiao as he turns around and sees his brother dead finding one knife in the head and another in the chest.

"You think you can kill someone that learned from an Immortal before. I will avenge my brother," says Zhang Jiao who hasn't even noticed the change of armor from Zhao Yun.

Zhang Jiao takes a sword and it ignited as fire was around his sword when he tries to attack Zhao Yun who uses his sword to block the attack.

Zhao Yun's sword begins to be surrounded by water before both swords crash when Zhang Jiao opened his eyes wide from seeing that as he says, "That can't be. You are too young to have learned that."

"Or I'm older than you think," says Zhao Yun as he grabs his other sword and surrounds it in water qi as well before aiming for the neck of Zhang Jiao who wanted to scream at that moment to warn everyone outside but it was too late.

His head was separated from his body as the metal qi holding the neck together was cut through by Zhao Yun's sword and water qi. He puts his swords away as he felt a little sick from killing but he kept it together as he took the clothes from Zhang Jiao and put the head in it.

Then he walks towards Zhang Liang and takes the daggers out and says, "I'm sorry that I had to kill you but I couldn't have any witnesses."

He uses one of the knives to separate the head from the body and puts it in cloths as he then uses fire qi and puts the room on fire.

'This should be the best signal that I'm able to produce to take everyone's attention,' thinks Zhao Yun as he walked towards the window and just jumped out of it only to land on a roof of another house.

He then begins to run as he jumps onto the street and looks around while shouting "Fire!" while thinking, 'If this doesn't take their attention I don't know what will.'

The people ignored Zhao Yun completely and even forgot that he was carrying two bloody rags on his belt as he rushed to the opposite side of where the fire was.

They were all preoccupied since their Leader was in that building at that moment. They rushed to help as they passed Zhao Yun who was looking for his men.

'Where are they?' asks Zhao Yun himself as he rushed down the street when he sees them standing still with the Officer looking in the direction of the fire as they could see the building burn.

He takes his sword out and rushes while pointing at the Officer that didn't see him coming when everyone was surprised when Zhao Yun shouts, "Everyone to the gates we need to open it so the cavalry can enter the city."

"Yes, sir," says everyone as they were surprised to see Zhao Yun still alive.

"I will tell you later how I escaped but for now move," says Zhao Yun as he takes his sword out and carries the dead Officer while shouting, "Make way an Assassin is in town. He stabbed our officer before running in that direction."

The people now rushed to the opposite direction of the gates or to help put the fire down as everyone believed that the said assassin put the fire before being caught by the officer that Zhao Yun was carrying with the others as they made their way towards the gates.

Once there they see the gates empty as it seemed everyone guarding it made their way to help with the fire or to catch the assassin when Zhao Yun puts the dead officer down he tells his men to open the gates when he turns to Tang Shi and says, "Once the gates open we will hope that the cavalry will enter or at least help us escape."

"What have you done?" asks Tang Shi as he saw the bloody rags hanging from Zhao Yun's belt.

"I killed Zhang Jiao and Zhang Liang," says Zhao Yun as the gates were about to open when he rushed up to look where the troops were.

"They are all here," says Zhao Yun as he sees not only cavalry but now even the infantry was visible as they were coming out of the forest near the cavalry making the moral of his nine men rise.

Shadow was in the sky and landed on his shoulder when suddenly the troop from outside came rushing towards the gates as the cavalry was rushing in first.

The gates opened and the cavalry rushed into the city first followed by the Infantry and Archers. Zhao Xian enters the city on his horse with Thunder beside him when he stopped at the gates to see his son since everyone else had their orders.

The Archer placed themselves on the wall, the cavalry was riding through the big streets of the town while the Infantry rushed through the smaller street that the cavalry couldn't access as they purged the city that was already in chaos with everything that was going in it.

"Son, are you alright?" asks Zhao Xian seeing his son bloody when Yun nods.

"I completed the tasks even if some complications occurred while performing it," says Zhao Yun as he was holding two bloody rags with two heads in them when Xian nods.

"Good my son, you ten should rest for now. You did well in your tasks. I will inform Lu Zhi about it after we have taken the city," says Zhao Xian as he then galloped into the city.

The battle was bloody as the rebel didn't give up while their Leader was already dead as well as their General. Zhang Jiao's wife committed suicide with her daughter before the troops could even get towards them.

The city of Guangzong had fallen into the hands of the Emperor again and Zhao Xian sent a messenger to Lu Zhi informing him about the situation while Zhao Yun was cleaning his swords and daggers of the blood so they wouldn't rust from it.

They didn't take anyone as prisoners as they killed every last rebel in the city making Zhao Yun feel guilty since in modern times you would have taken them as prisoners before killing them.

Hope you like it.

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