
Chapter 100 - Mahora Festival Final Arc 15

"Noble Phantasm that can make someone invisible that was once owned by Hades the god of the underworld, by using this Noble Phantasm your aura and body will become undetected."

"The legendary Cap of Hades!" Yue shouted in surprise. "Shirou-san, where did you get it!"

"The Cap of Hades should be in the form of a hat, or a helmet, but why the Cap of Hades that belong to Shirou-san is a long piece of cloth," said Nodoka.

"You two don't have too talk that much," said Asuna. "Whether it's a cloth or a hat, what important is we won't be caught by Chao!"

"Shirou-kun then how do you use the Cap of Hades?" Konoka asked.

"All of you just form a line while holding onto each other," replied Shirou. "Then stick the Cap of Hades in the form of a long cloth on the eight of you, I guarantee you all will not be seen by anyone."

"Why suddenly I think we have to play carts like a kid," said Haruna. "Am I wrong here, or it just my feeling?"

"Ah, it's just your feelings, I think," said Shirou who was amused by his prank trying to hold back his laughter. "So now all of you go to the school library. It's a safe place because Chao doesn't have any cameras or recording devices installed there."

"Then Shirou-dono," said Kaede. "If the eight of us use the Cap of Hades, how will you, Rin-dono, Luvia-dono, Negi-bouzo, Arturia-dono, Sakura-dono and Setsuna-dono avoid Chao's supervision?"

"I still have another Cap of Hades," said Shirou. "So you don't have to worry Kaede-san."

."Alright de gozaru," said Kaede. "Then we'll go!"

"Wait, Kaede!" Asuna said. "Why don't Shirou-kun and Negi come together with us! It will be more convenient if we are all going together."

'I must have a good reason, so I can be with Shirou-kun in this mission!' Asuna said. 'And I think the reason that I said earlier is pretty good!'

"Asuna if we are all going together and it will be very difficult to walk while holding hand," Rin said. "That's why Shirou divided all of us into a two group so we can move more easily, and the Festival is still on and if we going together there will be too much casualty for us. Are you understand what I said Asuna?"

"Yes, I understand," said Asuna as she lowered her head.

'Too bad I can held Shirou-kun hand! Shit shit shit! Are Rin-san already now what I'm thinking!'

"I'll contact all of you with telepathy when you all arrived at the library," said Shirou.


After Asuna and the other girls left Eva's house, while using the Cap of Hades. Shirou then begins to explain the second part of his plan to Negi, Rin, Sakura, Setsuna, Arturia and Luvia.

"Sakura, Luvia, Rin," said Shirou. "I want the three of you to check something for me in the Magic Net use the special connection at the Emiya's residence to check the Magic Net there is something on the Magic Net that we will use for the war againts Chao."

"Checking the Magic Net, huh," said Sakura. " Luvia-san or me didn't have a problem checking the Net, but the problem here is Nee-san."

"Tohsaka Sakura is right," said Luvia. "Tohsaka Rin is really bad using gadget and electronical device."

"Hey!" Shouted Rin. "I've made progress you know! At least right now I already know how to use the smartphones that Shirou buy for me for our aniversary!"

"That was true," said Sakura. "But Nee-san can only use it for texting and calling right? You still didn't know how to use the other function of the smartphones. And even now you still didn't know how to turn on the TV, PC and the Bluray right?"

"Cough! I'm still trying Sakura," said Rin with a flushed face. "Don't tease me like that!"

"Then I'll leave everything to the three of you," said Shirou while giving a paper that had instruction on it, about what they must to find on the Net. "I and Setsuna-san will going to meet Principal Konoemon to tell about Chao's plan, and ask him for help."

"Shirou-Nii how about me and Arturia-Nee?" Asked Negi.

"Negi you and Arturia must go to our class to meet Ayaka-san," replied Shirou.

"Why did the two of us have to meet class rep Shirou-nii?" Asked Negi.

"Arturia is Ayaka's older sister, as well as the heir of Yukihiro-Konzern," replied Shirou. "Our plan to fight Chao is related to Yukihiro-Konzern."

"Shirou I don't know why you need my family help," said Arturia. "But I will use my family power if that will help you, But why Negi also have to come with me to meet Ayaka."

"That's because your Shotacon little sister is someone that hate to brake the rules," said Shirou. "But if Negi ask her, she will do anything for him. Even if Negi ask her to drink all the water at the Mahora lake!"

"Then Shirou can I ask what kind of help do you need?" Asked Arturia. "Even without asking Ayaka's help, I think I could do something if it within my power as Yukihiro Konzern heir."

"As the heir of Yukihiro clan of course you held a lot of power," replied Shirou. "But class rep management and socialization skills are much better than yours Arturia, so we really need her help right now."

Hearing Shirou talking highly about Ayaka. Arturia had to admit that when it came to managing the family business and socializing with the upper class, Ayaka skill was far above her. Her skill is good and she can do a bussines and socializing just fine but Arturia can't do it at Ayaka level.

"Well I am not as good as Ayaka in that area," said Arturia. "So Shirou now tell me what your plan is! I don't want you to prolong this conversation anymore!"

"Saber is right Shirou, you talk too much unnecessary things," said Rin. "Hurry up and say your plan!"

"Yes, yes," said Shirou with a sigh."Every year the closing event of the Mahora Festival is held by Yukihiro Konzern, right?"

"Yes, my family is responsible for the event," said Arturia. "So what?"

"Arturia I want you and the class rep to change the closing event for this year's Mahora Festival," said Shirou. "With another event I've planned."


Class 3-a at 9 am.

"Hey Ayaka are you here?" Arturia enters class 3-a with Negi while looking for Ayaka.

"Of course, Ane-uee," said Ayaka who came out of one of the haunted house paths. "So why are you looking for me?"

"I want to talk with you about the last event of this year Mahora Festival," said Arturia.

"Eh, what's wrong with the last event of the Mahora Festival," said Ayaka. "Isn't it already decided by Shicii-uee that the last event of the year is the extreme hide and seek, does Ane-uee have any objection to that?"

"Not really, but someone has other ideas which I think are better," said Arturia. "So I intend to change the last event of the year from extreme hide-and-seek to survival event with theme 'The great battle of mage vs aliens'."

"A survival event?" Shouted Ayaka. "Ane-Uee, we shouldn't do such things like that for no apparent reason! It could damage both of our reputations! And I don't want us both act like a selfish rich girl!"

"What if I say the idea of ​​this event is from Negi, how about it?" Arturia said.

"Eeeeh!" Negi said. "Arturia-Nee is not me ummmph!"

When Negi was about to say that the idea of ​​changing the last event from Mahora Festivak was Shirou's idea, his mouth was closed by Arturia. And Arturia then whispered to Negi:

"Hey, Negi, you can't say the truth you know, because from the beginning your existence here was a talisman to melt my little sister's heart, do you understand?"

Negi nodded his head, even though he didn't really understand what Arturia was saying. But he only nodded, because Arturia looked into his eyes with an angry and intimidating look as if Arturia was ready to cut him at any time if he didn't agree with Arturia's words.

"Wh-why you didn't say it quickly Ane-Uee!" said Ayaka whose eyes immediately sparkled. "For the sake of Negi-Sensei, I will do anything! Even though I have to drink all the water of one lake!"

"Arturia-Nee for some reason I feel bad for the class rep" said Negi. "And Shirou-Nii word is true, Class rep really want to drink all the water from one lake if I ask her. That was so scary!"

"That was Ayaka bad side, as a pure shotacon, " said Arturia sighing. "But for the sake of stopping Chao's evil plans, just endure that bad taste in your mouth Negi."

Author Note: Read advanced chapter at Pa.treon.com/Raylight25
