
Chapter 3

Outside Dust Till Dawn

After my battle cry which sounds very intimidating and full of fury I charged right through the goons hitting them with Merciless left and right and I could have sworn one of them said 'My leg!' heh must be my imagination. I looked at Ruby to see her kicking some ass after I blocked the sword of a charging goon. Seriously though these guys are being beat by a level 1 me. Its so laughable. Then I saw a goon going behind me while I was busy taking care of his buddy in front of me. While the goon was about to attack me from behind I smirked and head butted the goon in front of me then doing a 360 which reminds me of Glaive's skill Bloodsong.

[You have learned the skill Bloodsong! Swing your blade around that also gives you a bit of health when you hit an enemy. Mana:50]

'Wow really? This skill practically works like Glaive's skill ultra. This is awesome. But that mana cost is too high! Just like in Vain Glory when you don't have any additional energy.' I thought with a sigh. After I beat the last goon with a kick in the balls I decided to kick 4 downed goons at the balls to finish the optional quest. After doing so, I saw Torchwick aim his cane at Ruby then fired. I used the afterburn on Merciless to reach to Ruby quickly and carry her not after receiving some damage to my back.

[You lost 50 health!] Which took half of my health! And "Dammit! That hurts!" But at least Ruby didn't get hurt don't want to fail my other optional quest didn't I? After an extremely antagonizing pain on my back I hear Ruby gasp and look at me worried. "Are you okay?! Why did you do that I could have dodged it instead!" She said/scold. I chuckled making her confused. "Well if I didn't what type of friend am I?" I asked making her blush. "Can you put me down this is embarrassing." Which I did. Then we saw Torchiwck climbing up a building. Then we asked at the same time to the shop keeper. "Mind if we go after him?" He replied with a nod. Ruby chased after Torchwick while I decided to test something. "Hmm can I reach it?...Well YOLO!" then after saying those words I activated Merciless' afterburn to try and reach towards the building. You're all probably thinking that I reached the top of the building but sadly no I didn't instead I got a perfect "view" of Ruby jumping over the ladders and on to the building giving me a nosebleed.

[You are having a nosebleed.]

[You lost 1 hp. 2 hp. 3 hp. 4 hp. 5 hp.]

After seeing that message I decided to put some tissues which magically appeared in front of me to my nose to stop the bleeding. 'There are many types of deaths but death by nosebleed has gotta be the most peaceful types of deaths.' I thought. After climbing the ladder I saw Torchwick throw a red crystallized dust towards Ruby. Luckily I managed to catch it and shouted. "Hey mister somebody who looks gay! You dropped something!" And after shouting that and at the same time making Ruby giggle cutely and seeing Torchwick twitch his eyebrows which I strangely saw even if both of us are very far away from each other. Glynda the hot witch of Beacon arrived while I insulted Torchwick. When I saw her she immediately attacked the VTOL. Torchwick immediately went inside the said airship. I readied Black Viper knowing what will happen next. 'Okay so Cinder is going out to fight us for a bit...Now that I think about it how will I get her?...Heh I love a challenge anyways so bring it on Cinder your walls will surely fall for me!' I internally thought with a grin. Then I saw it. AND HOW IN HELL CAN SHE EVEN BALANCE HERSELF WITH THOSE HEELS?! Anyways I decided to look at the dust bullets which I had since the first chapter. (The wall is broken! And the Titans are coming in! Curse you Sam!) I immediately felt a shiver up my spine. Meh who cares. I looked at my dust bullets which are all fire dust. I put the magazine back and started firing with Ruby. But Cinder managed to block all our shots. Then I tried something out I took aim and shot a blue beam full of power making Cinder's eyes widen and shoot at the beam making it explode.

[You have learned the skill Mana shot! Fires a beam of energy at your opponent and makes things go boom.]

Heh neat. Then Cinder's eyes locked with mine I looked at her, smirked and winked making her take a step back, also making me laugh internally. Then after that I hear Ruby saying "Can I have your autograph?" Yep cute AF unfortunately my oh so cute Rose that is not the case.

[You have leveled up to level 7!]

[You have received 30 points!]

[You have finished all quests!]

[You got the Titles: Nutcracker. 25% increased damage when hitting somebody in the balls. A Fucking Sadist. Increases your damage whenever you attack your opponent and whenever you hear you opponent in pain. Very useful in long fights or in BDSM.]

[You got skill:Roshambo. Hit your opponent's balls stunning them and possibly not giving them a happy future.]

[Increased relationship with Ruby Rose.]

[Your relationship with Yang Xiao Long, Taiyang Xiao Long and Qrow Branwen will increase when they meet you.]

[Aura has been unlocked.]

[While fighting with the goon your strength has increased by 2.]

These notifications startled me making me jump backwards and making me fall off the building screaming "OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT." I closed my eyes waiting for the pain. But I saw myself levitating thanks to Glynda the Hotwitch. "Thank you!"

Interrogation room

"Blah blah blah blah." Currently that's what I'm hearing from Glynda for a while now same with Ruby. Sorry little Rose. Then I heard Glynda the Hotwitch say "-someone want to see you." Then I see the door open to reveal the Wizard of Oz…Sorry can't help myself and look! He has cookies. Then I suddenly have an idea. "Ruby Rose." The great wizard said then he continued "You have silver eyes." He finished making Ruby uncomfortable. "So where did you learn to do this?" He asked pointing at a video of Ruby taking care of the goons and just in time to see me kick a goon to the balls. "S-Signal Academy." Ruby answered. "They taught you to use one of the most dangerous weapons ever designed?" Ozpin asked. "Well one teacher in particular." Ruby replied. "I see." Said Ozpin while placing the plate of cookies in front of her. Before she could take a cookie I took the whole plate. She was shocked then looked at me with teary eyes then I grinned, took a cookie then fed her one cookie at a time. Making her pout which almost knocked me out because of her intense cuteness. "Its just that I've only seen one other scythe wielder of that skill before. A dusty old crow." He said. "Oh that's my uncle!" Ruby replied. Then I proceed to help myself with some cookies which surprisingly heals me 10 per cookie. Ruby finished her explanation and agreeing to Ozpin's request, then Ozpin looks at me. "Well then young man from what I received you don't have any records nor do we have a record of your name. Please do tell why? And who are you?" Asked the great and mighty wizard. 'Well I could either tell the truth or tell them that I was born outside the walls. I think we all know what the audience wants right? A motherfucking straight to the point answer that's what it is!' I thought with a grin. "Well let me ask you a question Headmaster Ozpin. Do you believe in dimension travelling?" I asked making Ozpin interested, Ruby excited, and Glynda irritated. "What nonsense!" She said. "Silence Glynda let the boy speak." Ozpin calmly said.

1 hour of explanation later

"So you're saying that you come from a world called Earth?" Ozpin asked while I nodded. "And you have the power known as 'The Gamer' which allows you to live your life like a game?" I nodded once again. "And that this world we're living in is nothing more than fiction?" I nodded. Obviously all three of them are questioning themselves. "Sooooo in other words we're not real?" Ruby asked sadly. "Yeah but when I'm here call yourselves real life people instead." I said gaining the attention of the three people in the room. "Think about it in my world all of you are in a show called RWBY but add me in the mix which is not a character in RWBY then this IS real life so don't go all glum besides you're too cute for that." I said making Ruby blush and smile. After my words sink in Ozpin smiled. "Well this certainly is an interesting conversation so Sam would you be interested in joining Beacon Academy?" He asked. "Yes, deal, done." I said very excited. "Well then here take this." Ozpin said while giving me a letter. "Give this to the guard that will be guarding the Bullhead towards Beacon. Be at the station at 3 weeks." He said. "Yep and thanks Headmaster Ozpin." He nodded and left with Glynda. "Sooo hey Ruby I guess I'll see you later I'm going to have to train a bit if I want to survive." I said. "Wait! Can I see you at the Bullhead to Beacon 3 weeks later." Ruby asked. I gave her a grin then said one word. "Definitely."


I was walking outside the city then I realized that I still haven't upgraded my stats. I was thinking and tapping away and I stopped tapping when I chose my title.

Sam Anderson

Title: A Fucking Sadist


Health: 165/190









Stat points:0


"Wait now that I think about it I still don't know how to id create and why the hell did it look like I used observe as a passive skill?"

[Because you didn't look at the screen you dimwit and you didn't try creating anything.]

"Oh 'Skills.'"

Passive Skills

Gamer's Mind-Passive

Gamer's Body-Passive

Active Skill

Observe-1 mana

Roshambo-3 mana

Bloodsong-50 mana

Mana shot-10 mana


[Quest Alert: Get to level 20 before 3 weeks! Rewards: Increased relationship with Ozpin, Ruby Rose, and Glynda Goodwitch. 500 lien and 500 experience

[Optional quest: Get a six pack! Rewards:Title:Manly and Hot As Fuck! You will get girls easier!]

[If you want help leveling up please tap Yes if no tap No Y/N.]

I though about it for a while then tapped Yes

Next chapter