
Chapter 1

Carissa dashed into her room and flopped onto her bed. She was exhausted from a full day of classes. As Carissa pulled her chocolate brown hair out of its low ponytail, she asked herself,

"Why does 10th grade have to be so hard? Ugh what I'd give to be a princess and never have to worry about school and money."

Money had been tight ever since Carissa's father had passed away. Carissa's mother had to work a second job and Carissa was often home alone after school.

'There's no way I'm doing homework tonight' She thought, 'it's Friday and I have a LOT of sleep to catch up on'

Carissa laid back in her bed and closed her eyes.

Carissa awoke to the sound of chirping birds

'That's odd' she thought, 'birds never perch near the apartment.' When Carissa opened her eyes, she gasped. Although she had fell asleep in her bed in a two bedroom apartment, she woke up in a field full of lush green grass. Carissa looked around and saw a cluster of trees, on which a few birds we perched.

"Wh-where am I?!"
