
Innocent download

My name is Hope. If you are reading this I have most likely already died. This is my first journal entry. I made a huge mistake, a fatal one. I believed it to be just a game but I was wrong. I'll start from the beggining.

My day had started as any other. I tousled my messy blonde hair into a bun and put on my favorite black sweat shirt and my matching black pants with holes in them. I did not have time for make up as I was heading out the door to meet my friend, Conner.

He is tall with long chocolate brown dreadlocks and skin to match. He towers over me and when we are together we could best be described as a couple of idiots.

We met up at the food court inside the mall and all around us people were taking about a new phone app, the chaos app. Looking around me there were even advertisements for this app. It offered a huge reward for beating the computer and basically it was a game of cat and mouse avoidance.

The last player standing would win the reward of $100,000 U.S dollars. For most of us that could pay off alot of debt and even offer a pretty penny of savings. I imagined the gains in my head of what it could be in my savings account with my 15% interest rate.

Conner watched as I downloaded the app. He chuckled to himself as he told me,"Hope you aren't exactly computer savvy and imagine how many others have entered." I brushed him off eager to see what comes of it.

Opening the app, it asked to scan my face and fingerprints for entry and I created my nickname and entered my birthday and location. It seemed harmless enough.

The app greeted me with a black screen and flashed across it said when you hear two beeps run. After reading the instructions the app then displayed my heart rate, 72 beats per minute. Wow, technology is amazing was my last thought as I put my phone away.

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