
12 First Quest

Raliz woke up. She was in a room that filled with medicines,potions and stuff.

People went to check her up when she was about to stand up.

Raliz knew what kind of people these are. Witches. But these Witches look different, though.

They were wearing White long Witch Gowns and Hats.

The door in the room opened up and it revealed Witchita, The Black Knight, Harry, Aldrin, and Wizardo.

Vanessa immediately ran towards Raliz.

"Raliz, Are you alright?" Vanessa asked.

"I'm fine. What happened? Did we kill those King Level Creatures?" Raliz said.

After Raliz said those words, all of their face turned to be depressed.

"Hey, guys... What happened?" Raliz asked again. Their silence meant something bad.

"Raliz..." Vanessa said Raliz name.

"We lost..." Harry said. Raliz went silent.

"The Creatures destroyed half of the Kingdom..." Harry added, sadly. Raliz couldn't believed it.

"Harry!" Everyone except Raliz, exclaimed in what Harry's said.

Raliz thought that they don't want her to know what happened to the Kingdom so, she could recover her health faster.

Then Harry laughed, "Ahahaha! It's a prank!" He exclaimed while pointing his finger at Raliz.

"I got you! You should have seen your face! Hahaha..." Harry could not stop laughing. He spanked the ground really hard.

Raliz face went grim.

Everyone that was watching was about to laughed.

Raliz gathered her power in her fist and hit Harry's face. Harry got hit and flew outside the room.

"F#@*! Y@*! A$$#*@#!" Raliz cursed Harry with anger.

Everyone couldn't help it and laughed also.

"All of you were involved too?!" Raliz was frustrated. She was very embarrassed. She should have known it.


After the prank they explained everything what happened. They said, she fainted after the God of Order said its rules and a blast of light came to Raliz's body.

Raliz remembered that part and when she received the Blessings.

They said that those King Class Creatures went wild after that, and they began to target Raliz. Their interest changed.

But then reinforcement came. King Level Knights battled the King Level Creatures to death. The Creatures were killed and the Kingdom was safe. Raliz was relieved when she heard this. The King Level Creatures were no jokes.

Those Creatures could destroy Thousands of Kingdoms. There were five of those King Class Creatures and enough to destroy Vanessa's Kingdom.

Fortunately, trained King Level Knights dealt those Creatures.

Vanessa told Raliz that her Mother, The Queen of the Witch's Rule Kingdom, wanted to see Raliz.

Witch's Rule was the name of Vanessa's Kingdom.

Raliz and Vanessa went to the Throne Room to speak with the Queen.

The two arrived at the Throne Room. There, they saw the Queen waiting for them. They bowed before the Queen.

The Queen signaled them to stand up. They stood up.

"Your Majesty, I am Raliz, Vanessa's Team Captain." Raliz showed respect and introduced herself to the Queen. She already planned this Introduction. She only hoped for is that the Queen won't asked her things that's out of her knowledge.

The Queen smiled.

"Team Captain? Like a Master?" The Queen asked. Raliz was starlted of the Queen's understanding so, she immediately explained it.

"No, your Majesty. It's more like a Leader." Raliz said.

"You're level... is weird." The Queen said.

"You're level is still zero, and..." The Queen added but stopped for a bit before she continued saying," You're level is like for a newborn baby. I can see that you haven't level up or maybe, I can't discern your level. Where are you came from?" The Queen said.

Raliz was sweating right now. How did the Queen saw into her Level?

Raliz remembered about the Rebirth. It made her level go back to zero.

But what Raliz making her nervous was the question about where she came from. She can't tell them about where she came from and about the people in her world.

If this world knows about Raliz's world, disaster will come. Alpha World is full of magical stuffs and Raliz's world would turn into chaos.

There would be a possibility that the people here in Alpha world would enslave Raliz's people or help Raliz's people to gain power and magic that would lead to calamities and destruction.

Raliz won't let it happen. So, she can only do something. To lie.

"I came from an another dimension. It was called... Eartheria." Raliz said.

The Queen went suspicious at first but she bought it anyway.

"I see. So, about the part of having my daughter as one of your team member, I want you to take full responsibility for my daughter. Can you take that responsibility, Raliz?" The Queen said with a serious look in her face.

"Yes, I will, Your Majesty." Raliz said with courage.

"In that case, You're officially, my daughter's leader." The Queen officially announced Raliz as the Leader of Vanessa.

"Raliz, have you ever been given a quest?" The Queen asked.

"No, Your Majesty, I haven't." Raliz said.

"Then I'll give you one. This will become your very first quest. If you complete this quest, you'll be recieving a handsome rewards." The Queen said.

She continued on by saying,"You have to deliver an Item in the Artillery Kingdom. Here's your map, the Item that I want you to deliver, and the beginning payment of the quest. Will you accept it?" The Queen ordered one of her maids to hand over the things. Especially, the one that the Queen wants to be delivered.

"Yes, of course, your Majesty. It'll be an honor." Raliz take the quest and things that had been given to her.

"Now, you'll take my daughter with you. Along the road, You will encounter beasts and Creatures. Be careful and get stronger. Good luck." The Queen warned them and wished them good luck.

Raliz was very happy. It's been a while that Raliz will be going on an adventure again.

Raliz and Vanessa prepared themselves and their things.

Raliz went shopping with Serpent. Raliz also got her shares for fighting the Creatures. It was a bountiful gift for the Kingdom. Some of the Creatures, that were killed were useful by using their flesh as food, their skin as clothes and Armors, and other parts of their bodies that used for making accessories and equipments.

Raliz also examined her Gem. Her Gem was acting strange lately when she received the quest.

Her gem glowed and letters and numbers appeared like a hologram. Raliz red it.


Level:Zero Level

Health: 1,500

Mana: 2,000

Power Level: 200,000

Spirit Energy for Evolution required: 0/20,000

Class: Spirit Summoner

Spirit: Dragon Snake

Dual Blood:

Dark Blood(yet to be awaken)

Dragon Snake Blood:


Vine Slaughter

Innate Skills:


Direct Looting

Aerial Walk

These informations appeared like hologram in front of Raliz. Raliz touched it and she could touched it like an ipad. She scrolled down to see what more informations can it give.


Deliver the Item to the Artillery Kingdom

(Rewards: 1,000 Spirit Energy)

Raliz was shocked to see this. She can also gain Spirit Energy by completing quests.

Raliz got fired up. She promised herself to complete her quest and to obtain more rewards. She also promised herself to become more powerful and will never accept death.


"I will find my Grandpa and I will find a way to get home" She said.

Next chapter