
The kind offer

Next Day.

Ning and Yichan's place.

"Vacation? When did you guys plan this?" Ning inquired.

"Yesterday night," Yichan informed.

Raising her brows, she added, "Why do I feel like you boys are up to something."

"Why would you feel like that? I am just being a good brother and sending Yitian for a vacation."

"Where is he going?"

"To Mr.Wang's parents place," he informed.

Widening her eyes in shock, she snapped, "What? He is going for a vacation where Liying is right now?" When Yichan nodded his head, Ning smacked his ass. "Smarty ass."

"Did you just spank me?"

"Yes, do you have a problem with that?"

"Hmm of course not but if you continue behaving like this, we both might be late for work," he remarked before inching closer.

"I did not hear or see anything." With his eyes squeezed shut and his hands pressed against his ears, Yitian slowly walked inside.

"Open your eyes before you trip on something and hurt yourself," Yichan instructed.

Next chapter