
Fuel And Fire

During the morning inspections, Belen can't keep her mind from recalling the dream from last night. More of a nightmare, remembering the flames makes her stomach tighten as her thoughts continuously bring up the fire. Just the word seems triggering enough to make her collapse.

It's as if her body is present, but her mind is elsewhere. Her resting face seems so blank that it makes Noah and the others think if perhaps she's mad at something. Though as they were getting ready to receive her harsh remarks, she bluntly says, "that is all for today," she quietly turns to the elevator.

Noah runs after shouting, "Wait! Madam!" just then. His eyes widen in shock, mouthing aloud, "BELEN!!!" hearing a loud thud, all of the employees turn in the direction of it, noticing Noah on the floor panicking while embracing Belen in his arms, "BELEN! BELEN!!" he yells worriedly.

The department leaders rush to his side, "I'll call the ambulance!" one comments hurriedly, taking out its phone.

Noah stops him, "NO! Please don't! She has a doctor, I'll call him," he glances behind him to see the employee's wearing a worried, frightened expression. He can't let this commotion get out of hand. He takes a deep breath before saying, "everyone, return to your stations. A doctor will visit." His dark complexion is enough to threaten everyone when he carries Belen like a princess into the elevator.


Noah carefully lays Belen down on her office sofa. He stares at her face with a hurt expression, caressing her brown strands of hair away from her pale face. He says in a low voice, "Belen…are you not feeling well? Please, wake up" he gently presses his cold lips on her warm forehead, "I'll be back shortly."

His facial expression turns cold as he walked out of the office. He boldly turns to the receptionist with a determined look, "make sure to show the doctor inside once he arrives."

"Secretary Noah, where are you going?" the receptionist asks.

He secretly smirks, "to see the employees," he confidently strides into the elevator, striking a fake smile as the elevator doors closed.

The female receptionist gets a shiver down her spine, "is it just me, or is Noah different today?"


Meanwhile, in the elevator, Noah makes a fist manifesting his veins and sharp knuckles at the thought of, "how could this happen? She was fine until" he pauses, "Leena, she most likely said something to Belen! Argh! Was it about Everest? Damn! If only I can get rid of him!"

He walks out into the 3rd floor to check on everything, most notably to calm the employee's concerns. While clearing each floor, everything seems ordinary, except the 5th floor.

He passes by the women's lounge, overhearing a handful of female voices talking aloud as if asking to eavesdrop.

"I saw the whole thing!" claims a squeaky voice.

"Sally saw it too, didn't you?"

"I only heard a loud thud, but I didn't see when she fell."

"ugh, then who has the tea?"

"Most likely, the Madam!" they all laugh, "when doesn't she, right?"

"shut up! So, Maiki, how did everything happen? Did she fall? Trip? Or did Noah knock her out when we weren't looking?"

"Oh please! Secretary Noah was running after her. How could he knock her out?!"

"Not gonna lie though, she was looking pretty sick during the inspections!"


"The Madam, you dummies!"

"Ooh, right, right!!"

"She looked the same to me."

"Nah, there was something different about her."

"Like what?" they all ask in unison.

"psst!" Maiki calls their attention deeper, forming a circle, "she was probably heartbroken about sir Everest's scandal," she grins as everyone awes.

"I mean, it's possible when you think about it, right?"

"They've been going out publicly."

"But do you really think they were close enough for this kind of scandal to hurt her? Like she doesn't seem like the type who wears the skirt in a relationship."

"Right? That's what I was thinking too! It doesn't make sense."

"Oh, Maiki! We almost believed you!" Just then, Noah receives a message from a publicist, "a link?" he opens it almost immediately, showing him a page on Twitter with countless news about Belen.

His brows furrow, "it can't be…do we have rats at A Star?" he glares at the women's lounge, clicking his tongue in annoyance, "guess I'll have to sneak up on it."


Meanwhile, Belen dreams of the fire once again, "ha…ha" panting aggressively, trying to breathe within the fuming flames. "Someone!! Help me!!" she vigorously shouts, with tears streaming down her face, "HELP! SOMEONE! PLEASE HELP!"

She bewilderedly turns every corner when the live-fire purposely blocks any path, preventing her from leaving. She desperately lifts her arm against the fire, "I don't want to die…" she says suffocating, sadly coming to a realization.

Her puzzled eyes widen upon hearing her admit, "I don't want to die?" she turns to listen to a familiar voice within the chaotic red flames, "Of course you don't, because I am you."

"W-Who are you?!" she frantically shouts, turning like a mad-man. The flames suddenly disappear, turning everything dark. She's frightened even more and cries out, "HELP ME!!!" at the top of her lungs.

But her desperate voice only echoes through the cold pit.

A familiar voice answers, "You don't have to be afraid."

"W-Where are you?!" Belen rapidly demands with a cracked tone.

Suddenly a thin white light guides Belen, forming a path on the ground for her to follow. She decides to walk following the light cautiously as if walking on a tight rope. When she overhears the same voice from earlier, "I'm in here," it calmly says.

Belen eagerly runs to the voice as the light widens. She immediately stops, shocked to see a tragic figure locked within an animal cage made for wild animals, like lions, cheetahs, and tigers.

Belen hears the sound of steel fresh clacking metal chains and anxiously yet innocently asks, "are you okay?" quietly approaching it.

The dark figure is hidden within the most bottomless pit of the cage, away from the light, merely replies, "It…hurts."

Belen bravely grabs the metal bars wishing she had the strength to break through it, or at least bend them. Yelling, "Don't worry! I'll get help!" she turns away.

When the clacking of metal chain rings from behind, Belen hastily turns to see the figure walk into the light within the cage. She shrieks, placing both hands to cover her mouth, "AHHHH!"

Tears unknowingly trail down her cheeks as she walked closer to the figure, gasping, "w-why am I in there?" Belen frightenedly asks, seeing a vivid person that resembles her.

"I'm not a look-alike. I am you," indeed, the figure on the other side of Belen, within the cage, is locked with chains around her neck, arms, and feet, a younger, pale, thin version of Belen.

Left speechless to say anymore, Belen gently grazes the hand of herself from within the cage, "Y-You are m-me?" she asks in disbelief.

The naked Belen that's locked within the animal cage only smiles, warmly saying, "I am you…Belen."

Seeing such a warm smile from herself felt very foreign, it was strange, but she could feel its kindness within that one smile. She got closer, fascinated with seeing her gentle, tired eyes. She admired herself, even more, saying, "was I always this pure?"

"Don't leave me behind. Free me, please, Belen," it begs, aching her heart.

She assertively says, "wait! I don't know-how! I can't! I'm powerless!!"

"The key is you…" she scarcely points at her.


"Mm," she faintly nods with a smile, "only you can free me."

"B-But! H-How!" Belen rapidly trembles, feeling the coldness from the metal bars numbing her senses.

The light begins to dim on the cage, "let go…let go," her voice grows farther and farther away. Belen runs after it in the dark, "WAIT!!" she heavily pants, "PLEASE WAIT!!!"

White dusk of light appears beside Belen, saying, "only you can save him."

"Why are there two fires?!" she screams as the flames of crimson fire spark out from beside.

This time, she can feel the intense heat making her sweat a lot more than usual, "Please! Save me!" she begs continuously.

The gentle white light says, "you must save one."

"Huh?! Save who?!" she turns bewilderedly with an irritated tone.

"Choose. You only have one choice."

"Forget that! I want to save myself first!!!" she says greedily.

"I am your protector, save the one you wish to protect."

"I-I can't! I don't want to! What the heck is going on?! I-I just want to go home!" she nervously demands.

"Pick one."

Belen contemplates looking at her left and right, thinking which fire looks less threatening? She finally comes to a decision making her way to the left, when the voice asks, "why have you chosen to save the one on the left?"

Belen sighs, "because" her face softens, "I've heard that left is usually considered the devil, the one on the right has god, but then what about the one suffering in the left? Should I leave him? When I have the opportunity to save whoever it is?"

"Are you positive you won't regret it?"

She reveals a confident smile and determined eyes, "of course!" as she stepped foot within the fire, it spread, making a path.

"Belen! Belen?" she wakes up slowly, recognizing her doctor, "what are you doing here?" she gently asks groaning in pain.

The doctor's worried expression disappears when Belen looks behind him to see Noah's puppy-like eyes, "B-Belen?" he whispers unsurely.

"Noah?" she looks around, confused at her situation, "what happened?" she rubs her forehead, trying to remember what led her to the office.

The doctor sighs, "she seems fine, but I'd recommend she rest for today, at HOME," he strictly emphasizes. Belen and Noah both flinch, sensing his tone of voice that is until she rebels, "I-I can still work!" but in that moment of excitement, her head painfully aches.

The doctor stands, "see, you need rest, and Noah, I trust you'll drive her home," he raises a brow.

Noah obediently nods, "Yes, I will, thank you, doctor."

As he escorted the doctor to the stairs, Noah can't help but feel off and asks, "doctor, if nothing is wrong with her health then?"

"It's probably her mental health, or rather spiritual?"

"S-Spiritual?" Noah spits out confusedly.

The doctor cracks a timid smile with a shrug, "Something like that, at least I've heard some of my patients claim."

Noah slightly laughs, "I highly doubt it's anything of that sort. I'm afraid it has to do with that fiancé," he grits his teeth.

The doctor stares at his eyes full of hatred, "are you referring to Everest Fox?"

Noah unconsciously rolls his eyes, "yeah, him."

"Before I forget, come to the hospital anytime this week so that we can start your treatment."

Noah's heart tightens hearing the doctors comment, sullenly slumping, "…Y-Yes, I will. Thank you for coming, doctor," he walks ahead when the doctor stops him, "I can lead myself out, why don't you check on Belen, she seemed pretty shaken."


Just as Noah quickly came back into the office to check on Belen, he's perplexed to see her calmly sitting up on the sofa wearing a soft expression while looking at nothing. Is she daydreaming?

He slowly yet cautiously stares, "Belen? how are you feeling?" he goes on his knees, looking like a lost puppy while gently grazing her hands. She bluntly stares, meeting his worried gaze when she coldly whispers underneath her breath, "different eyes."

"Huh?" Noah sits up, getting closer to her face.

Belen turns away, hanging her head, "Noah," her soft voice rings, "that fire, in high school. Tell me, was I the only one?"

He bewilderedly furrows his brows, "fire? Ooh!" he exclaims, recalling the fire incident in high school, "you want to know if you were the only one who suffered during that fire?"

She nods, looking at him with expectant eyes, "hmmm?" he pauses, "Not that I know of? You were the only one in the library, I believe. How come?" he cutely cocks his head sideways.

"I had a dream…" she quietly says. As she said that, the other Belen's images locked in a cage reappears, making her heart palpate. Her body starts trembling like a leaf. Noah feels her fragile, thin hands shake. He quickly reacts by gently pulling her into his embrace, Belen can feel his warm chest touch her face, but most importantly, she can faintly hear his heartbeat over her own.

He tightly wraps his arms around Belen so securely while laying his chin atop her head. And gently whispering, "It's okay…you don't have to remember, please don't," his heart aches when he pats her back, "don't worry, I'm here. The fire is gone."

As he said these words, Belen internally gasps, remembering the voice. She looks up, meeting his clear eyes, "w-what, did you say, just now?"

He gently smiles, "the fire is gone. There's no need for you to remember."

Belen throws herself in his safe arms, wrapping hers around his waist and nuzzling her head into his stomach. He blushes from her sudden action, secretly hoping she does not look at his face right now because even he can tell its red by the heat of his ears.

Instead, he warmly comforts her by patting her back, "let's go home."


Though as soon as Noah took Belen home, he gets a call concerning A Star, making him hesitant whether to stay or go back. Belen turns to Noah with a rugged look in her eyes, "go back to A Star. They need you."

"B-But Belen! Y-You!" he stammers worriedly.

She shouts, "They need you, not me!! Come on, Noah."

He internally sighs, giving in, "alright, but please answer my calls."

She cutely nods, "mm."

"Hmm," he strikes a pleasing smile, "I'll be back then."

As soon as Noah left, Belen tried her best to sleep. Though no matter how many times she did, she'd always wake up within 30 to 40 minutes with hot flashes and her heart palpating fiercely. It wasn't painful, but instead, she was afraid to fall asleep, but at the same time, her physical body was tired and needed proper rest.

Her eyelids were heavy each time she woke. If anything, it frustrated her the most because no matter how much she tossed and turned, her stream of thoughts only continued to bother her awake.

She recalled her conversation with Leena concerning their mother. She wonders, "how can she reveal something so personal? To me? Damn, why do I care? Ugh…." She profoundly sighs, "why can't I be free? Whose keeping me locked? Or is that my imagination? I never thought I'd be so scared of fire. But I can't deny the fact that I don't want to die. I can't" she grips her pillow tightly.

Her sight quickly darkened, falling asleep, when a strong, clear voice shouts, "Save him! You must save him Belen! Only you can touch his heart! SAVE HIM!" it echoes.

Belen finds herself running from side to side, trying to find an exit within a dark hallowed room, when she squats, clasping her hands to cover her ears, "please stop it! stop it!!"

The fierce voice asks, "Do you want him to die? His blood will be in your hands! GET UP BELEN!! SAVE HIM!"

Belen violently shakes her head, "NO!! I DON'T KNOW WHO YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!!"

"The one in your heart, he is your reason for living. Save him, Belen, I've given you the power and protection to save him!" the voice echoes these words while fading in the distance.

At that moment, Belen awakens, suddenly sitting up like a corpse on the bed, noticing the darkness outside, "its night?" she stares at her clock, "eight' o clock…" she bites her lower lip hesitating for a minute when dashing to her closet.


Meanwhile, at A Star, the news of Belen fainting during the morning inspections goes viral with gossip surrounding every corner of A Star, but most chaotically is dealing with assumptions concerning Belen's health.

Noah's always thrown into problems after a problem. If not that, it's either assisting the departments' leaders or handling phone calls from directors to investors concerning A Star.

It isn't easy, but it's not his first time either. He's so busy that he hasn't had the time to call and check up on Belen. But if anything were to happen, security would let him know.

Noah doesn't know that Belen left her house and ordered security to not inform him about it.


Everest overhears soft knocks on his motel door. He jumbles a the sound, worried who it could be, when after a few minutes of silence, a deep male-like voice says, "Pizza delivery!"

His brow rises, turning to glance at the messy room behind him, "I don't remember ordering any?" he yells, "wrong person!"

They continue to knock, "Pizza delivery, Leena Fox?"

Everest twitches at the mention of his sister's name, thinking, "did she order me a pizza?" He gladly opens the door with beaming eyes, that is until, "B-Belen?!!" she stares at his shocked expression with a grin, "mm, stuuuuupid!" she teases in her male-like voice impersonation.

But just before Everest was able to process her being there, she forced herself in bypassing underneath his arm that was resting by the door, "thank you!" she says cheekily with her regular voice.

He does not bother hiding his loud groan, turning to face her with a displeased expression wishing she'd leave.

"How did you get here?"

Belen dumbfoundedly answers, "with a car, duh!"

Everest smacks his lips, "I meant how did you know where to find- hold up! How do you even know I'm here?!"

She crosses her arms, tilting her head arrogantly with sharp eyes, "Leena came to see me not that long ago." She coldly smirks, glancing around the "small" room, and automatically cringes her nose at the sight of 7-eleven boxes of food, mainly pizza, scattered on the floor. She disgustingly throws Everest a strange yet judged glance.

Everest starts picking up the pizza boxes but quickly realizes, "wait a minute, why do I have to pick up after myself? I don't work for YOU anymore. Why should I care if you feel comfortable or not?" he haughtily shifts his tone.

She nods, intrigued by his bold attitude, "I had no idea you were living here like some homeless bum," she criticizes.

His shoulder's slump breaking his happy attitude and rudely says, "Belen, what are you doing here? Honestly! Why are you here? What do you gain from seeing my current state? Huh? Did you come to make fun of my miserable self?"

He scoffs, "Just get out," he says tiredly, not even trying to start a fight.

Belen's eyes shift, dropping her authoritative tone, honestly speaking, "Are you really annoyed to see me?"

"Would it be any other way?"


"Belen," he shakes his head, "I don't want to see you."

She makes her way to sit on the bed by pushing away the cardboard boxes on the floor with the tip of her heels, "well, unfortunately for you, I'm not going to leave that easily."

"Then I'll," he stops mid-sentence seeing her grin.

"You really think you have anywhere to go? If I were you, I'd be hiding in a ditch somewhere," she says savagely.

"Then…" he grips the door handle, letting it go, "what do you want?"

Belen shrugs, "I don't know. Leena told me to bring you out of here," she shivers, glancing the small room.

"Leena sent you? Why would she?" he wonders aloud.

She sighs, "who knows? I don't care," she pauses, "at least that was my first thought, but I've realized that your sister truly cares about you. It's sickening," she says enviously.

He scoffs, getting shy all of a sudden while rubbing his neck, "really?"

Belen narrows her eyes, "just go back to living with your father. Why make yourself miserable?"

"Huh? Miserable? Is that what it looks like in your eyes?"

"Hmph, am I missing something? If this isn't miserable, then what is?" she says sarcastically.

"Freedom…my freedom!" he exclaims, pointing at himself.

Her eyes lit up, widening in surprise, "your f-freedom?" she curiously cocks her head.

"Yes! I don't know what Leena told you, but I left THAT house for a reason!"

"THAT house?" Belen wonders his emphasis.

He angrily spits out, "I'm tired of that fucking cage!"

"Cage?" her eyes beam with life, looking up at Everest's determined eyes, making her shiver for a second.

"Don't you get it, Belen? I-I," he sighs, trying to utter, "I'm tired of living a life under my dad's constant control!"

"What is this sweet feeling?" Belen thinks to herself.

"When I agreed to become your secretary, I did it solely based on my own decision! I decided to learn under you, so I can one day open my own business. And become my boss!" he explains proudly.

A tingling sensation spreads through Belen's stomach, making her somehow happy? Or rather calm? But what is it? She can't help but want to share her stories too. Could it be that she has a lot in common with Everest than she thought?

She finally speaks up, "the only way to make our fathers give up on this marriage is by actually following through it for now."

"WHAT?!!" Everest sizes down to her in disbelief. Are his ears tricking him? Did he hear correctly? Is Belen actually in agreement with this whole marriage arrangement?

As he yelled, they overhear a bunch of running footsteps outside the door when he opens the curtain to see many paparazzi and cameras flocking the motel, especially Belen's expensive car. He mistakenly makes eye contact with one of them as they excited point up to him, shouting, "EVEREST! ITS EVEREST FOX!!"

Belen asks, "what is going on?"

Everest quickly hides behind the curtain, "shit!" he glares at Belen, "you really had to bring them with you?"

She blinks, unable to grip his point, "who did I bring?"

He annoyingly sighs, "uuuuuuhhh! Shit! I forgot everywhere you go. There's no mistaking you bring your whole fandom with you too!"

Belen realizes the commotion outside was her doing when the people crowding the door chant, "BELEN ASTARES! BELEN! BELEN! BELEN ASTARES! EVEREST FOX! EVEREST FOX!"

She shakes her head, irritated, "…I can never go anywhere."

"Well, thanks a lot, PRINCESS!" Everest claims sarcastically, "now I have nowhere to go! But the street! Fuck!" he nervously bites his knuckles.

"Let me call Noah!" she says panickily while patting her side pockets and silently wincing.

Everest asks, "what is it?"

She winks embarrassingly, "I forgot my things in the car…"

"Please tell me your kidding!" he glares frustratedly.

"Ooh! Why don't you call him?" she acts innocently.

"Argh!" he grunts, throwing his phone for her to catch. She dials Noah's phone, "Hello? Noah?! Its Belen! Look, there's no time to explain right now. But I, Ummm, need your help, uh-huh, I'm with Everest. I'll send you the address through text. Please come with assistance. It looks like someone tipped off the public about my whereabouts." She pauses to whispers, "a motel…anyways hurry!" she abruptly hangs up but as soon as she did, Everest's phone shuts down.

"You need to charge your phone," she obviously says, passing it back to him.

He growls, "well, if you hadn't forgotten your stuff, then we wouldn't have to use my phone! Fuck! I can't ever get a break with you!" he leans against the wall mumbling to himself, "I'm going to have to find another place to live, unless my car?"

Belen boldly rises, sizing up to him with an alluring yet confident expression, "Let's live together!" she smirks evilly.

Thanks for waiting, hope everyone enjoys this chapter!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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