
Express Service & The Stray

"You killed him." Selena said as she stood over Green's headless body.

"Shitt!!" Alfie stood beside her as they looked down. "I…I didn't mean to…"

"Of course you didn't, you weren't in control." She frowned. "What happened to the other one, Shadow?"

"It's a bit hazy, but…." Alfie didn't finish but his expression made it obvious.


Selena sighed, disappointed. Green and Shadow were just like them, reincarnators who have many things in common. They had the opportunity to work together and aid one another but it seems it was wishful thinking.

"Let's deal with this later, we have more important things to focus on." Alfie said.

As if appalled by Alfie's response she turned towards him, but didn't question him on his thoughts.

She knew the type of person Alfie is, to him he took many lives in the war and had many soldiers fall besides him. Green and Shadow weren't anyone special to him so he wouldn't think too deeply about it.

That is unless they were close to him.

"How in Hera's fury did you get caught and turned by Loki?" She asked another question instead.

Alfie stayed quiet for a moment, as if embarrassed. "He had the Space and Mind stone, I couldn't just run off. He set up a good trap."

The sides of her lips tugged as if mocking him.

"Now listen." Alfie felt offended by the look she gave. "If i had prep time, i would have fucked him up, but he caught me off guard okay?!"

Selena closed in on Alfie, checking him out to see if the effects really wore off.

From what she figured, Alfie killed off Shadow before turning towards Green, and the archer was losing the battle which prompted him to portal right next to her and get some help, but Alfie finished the job before Green can even finish the word "help".

And with everything she put in to knock Alfie into sanity, he wasn't feeling the best right now but his Chi should be more than enough to bring him back to peak.

"Can you still fight?" She said as she held onto one of his cheeks.

"Against these damn space bugs? Easy."

"Then I suggest you multitask, my love. Spent some quality time with your daughter." Selena suggested as she signalled her head towards a figure behind him.

Alfie turned around to see the young girl who is more than a few decades old despite looking like a teenager.

She stood there with a foolish smile on her face, keeping her eyes on his figure.

Alfie looked down at her before turning to Selena. "Whose the kid?"

Selena rolled her eyes.


Alina jumped onto him tightly hugging him with a beaming smile. "Greetings, father!!"

Alfie sighed, hugging her back while putting a hand on top of her head. "I guess this is where we officially mee—"

"I've heard stories about you." She said.

"Good ones I hope." He squinted his eyes towards Selena.

"Mostly, though mother seems to always call you an idiot, as well as Aunt Peggy but it sounds better than being always grave."

Alfie turned to Selena with a raised brow, Selena in turn did the same towards Alina who basically called her grave, or uptight.


"Another one!! I've got i—"


Before Alina could call it, a spear suddenly pierced through the chiutari's aircraft and the chitauri itself before exploding.

Alina turned towards Selena.

"Go, I will lead my warriors." She then eyed Alina. "Stay with your father, do not STRAY."

She gave Alfie a look, basically telling him to watch her.

Though he wasn't sure if it was for Alina's safety or because she tends to stray as Selena mentioned.

He chuckled. "Alina, was it? Come. Let's have a father-daughter-alien-slaughter time." He conjured up a portal.

"YESSSS!!" Alina screamed happily

Despite her mother, Aunt Peggy and Aunt Rona constantly badmouthing her idiot of a father, she can't help but notice how fun his life was.

History has once upon a time declared Alfred "Alfie" McBride the most dangerous man on earth not due to his skills or merits but because of how he once deserted his post and constantly put fear into his enemies and allies alike.

Though from Alina's perspective, people like Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter and her mother seemed to only think of him as a troublemaker.

History has mentioned that Alfie McBride had a short temper and tended to get into fights a lot, while his closest friends considered him annoying.

From what she figured about these two point of views, Alina thought her father didn't like people very much and is more than likely to kick someone in the face and not deal with any nonsense, while he hypocritically turns to his friends and trouble them with his nonsense.

She thought he was interesting.

"Oh, that reminds me." Alfie thought aloud before getting rid of the portal.

"What is it, father?"

"Here, you hold it." A colorful Freedom-like frisbee appeared in his hand as he tossed it towards her. "We got some deliveries we have to make."

"Ohh, is this Captain Rogers shield?!"


"You and me, we stay here on the ground, we keep the fighting here." Captain America said to Black Widow.

"And Hulk." He turned towards the Hulk. "Smash."

With a grin, Hulk jumped off to smash bugs and properties.


Chitauris started swarming in towards the area, Captain America jumped below the bridge with a pistol and dagger while Black Widow stayed on the bridge giving him backup fire.

Captain America's suit was damaged, and he got hurt more than a few times, but he can do it all day.

Parts of his suit burned off and his shield was stolen by his best friend who visited him recently.


He stabbed the dagger on the head of a chitauri before spinning and firing off shots at another.


He was hit on the head by a chitauri, to which he gave his attention, that attention was a bullet and a dagger right onto its head.

He turned towards the bridge to see Black Widow was busy handling some chitauris on her side, which leaves him with no cover fire.

"You look horrible in that suit, my bff."

Hearing the voice, Captain America jerked towards Alfie with his pistol and dagger.

"Al!!" He shouted in surprise and worry.

"No need to get your trigger finger happy." Alfie chuckled.

Steve wasn't sure if Alfie is still UTI, but even if it didn't seem like it, he has been fooled too many times to believe it.

He put down his weapons and spoke. "Al, do you—"



He turned to the side to see a plasma beam from a chitauri being blocked by the shield that was his.

The young girl he recently learned is Alfie's daughter, protecting him.


"Hello, uncle!!" Alina bellowed as she appeared beside him.

Steve turned silent. Uncle? Was he an uncle? He's never been called such, he turned to Alfie who stood there smiling.

"Your worries are not needed, uncle." She chimed in again sweetly to Steve's ear. "Mother made sure to knock some sense into father's head."

Steve looked back and forth towards the duo.

"I believe this is yours." She handed the shield to him.

Steve held his longtime companion, the shield he instinctively tried to use recently had made a part of him feel missed.

"Thank you."

"Alina, Princess Alina McBride Gord." She said proudly to which Steve smiled.

"Ugh, what a mouthful." Alfie muttered on the side.

The two who picked up what he said didn't react much, they knew what kind of man Alfie is, or at least an idea of it.

"Steve Rogers, it's a pleasure to meet you, Princess." Steve gave a genuine smile.

"Call me Alina, you are my uncle after all." She smiled widely.

She was following her father's plan, he said the term uncle can be used to her advantage, and the great Steve Rogers might even spoil her for something so simple.

Plus he might need people, Alfie was all he had at the moment and he liked to stray in the dark with his own business.


A shot rang off as a chitauri fell. "Alright, enough of the chitchat, let's shed some blood my dearest daughter and brother!"





Natasha Romanoff stayed busy, she had to or else any careless moment would be her end. She wasn't special compared to her team but she had her own specialties.

She rolled on the ground before several shots made their way into a few chitauris' legs, she jumped onto the roof of a cab and ended them with shots on the heads.


A chitauri tackled her as she fell off the cab but she landed on her feet after some effort and turned to shoot at the chitauri.


A sword sliced the space bug in half, and stood on top of that cab was Alina.

"Hello!!" She jumped and closed in on her despite her wariness and pistol ready to aim.

"I'm Alina, Daughter of Queen Sele— well we can skip all that, my name is Alina, you have amazing technique."

An ally? She wondered. "Hello to you." An adorable ally. "Natasha."

"Can I slay bugs with you?"

"I would be honored, princess." Natasha smiled towards her.

She knew a bit about her from Agent Peggy Carter's files, the princess, child of a queen and a rogue.


They turned to see Steve uniting with them.



"Yeah." Steve chuckled.

"Where's father?"



Hawkeye stood at the edge of the roof of a building, keeping his eyes on the situation and calling out points of interest for his team.

That was until a visitor appeared behind him.

"Hello, Agent Bart—"


Before Alfie could finish his greeting, Hawkeye shot an arrow towards his head.

Alfie chuckled before stepping out of the way quickly, but it was never meant for his head.


"Oh, nice." Alfie said without trouble despite a wave of electricity running through his body. "I'll let that one slide."

Hawkeye turned serious, three arrows prepped onto his bow, but Alfie's next actions surprised and worried him.

"Take it, it might be useful."

Hawkeye kept his eyes on Alfie along with his aim, but he quickly glanced towards what Alfie threw and noticed it to be a quiver with green metallic arrows filling it.

"What…is this?"

Hawkeye turned back towards Alfie, who suddenly disappeared.


"Jarvis, have you ever heard of the tale of Jonah?" Tony Stark asked aloud.

He flew in the air, intending to gead straight into a leviathan's mouth where the rest of the plan would proceed.

"I wouldn't consider him a role model." Jarvis commented. "Sire, up above." Jarvis highlighted a figure falling from the sky towards the leviathan itself on Tony Stark's heads up display(HUD).

"What is that?" Tony wondered before the HUD zoomed in to the falling humanoid figure, themed in black and orange with a familiar face. "Interference." He stated.



Tony quickly stopped in midair, getting a clear view of Alfie McBride —his uncle— swinging his sword above where a giant golden slash made its way towards the neck of the leviathan.

"He can do that." He muttered exasperatedly. "Of course he can do that."

"It seems so, sire."

The leviathan fell, headless. Of course the head followed onto the ground.

As well as the laughing Alfie McBride.

"He took my prey."


Tony flew down, heading for the falling thief who took his glory. "Alright, time to earn some favors from the fun uncle."

Next chapter