
Five Leaders

Alex waited for him for a few hours. Finally, the principal came back. His appearance was a mess. It seemed like he rushed himself back to meet him.

"Let's go to the council!" The Principal grabbed his hand.

Alex was silent.


Alex scratched his cheek embarrassedly, "It's embarrassing for me to ask this. But, Principal, I still don't know your name... Teacher never told me."

"…" The principal was dumbfounded. "That old man sure has a weird disciple. Whatever, I haven't introduced myself too even though you have come all the way here. I'm Florest McDave."


"Don't mind it…" the principal pulled Alex hurriedly. He was also embarrassed by his name. He couldn't tell him that he was born in a hut in the middle of the forest. His parents wanted to name him 'Forest' but it was confusing if he was actually in the forest. That was the reason why they threw an 'L' in the middle of his name and became 'Florest'.

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