
Angel Visage

The next chapter was created in cooperation with ° ΩLø-fï · NïnjäΩ °. Our cooperation is developing and I hope that it will be fruitful. So, without prolonging, I would like to wish you a good reading on our common behalf.

The day before...

(Somewhere center Gotham)

Robin, Batgirl and Raven leave Batman's headquarters and they drove the previously prepared car to a temporary hideout. Which was an apartment building close to the city center. Which Robin (Dick Grayson) bought as a result of numerous quarrels with Batman. He wanted to become independent and not be dependent on Batman.

Building was relatively small but sufficient to accommodate a small family of three.As soon as Robin saw the destination of his apartment complex on the horizon, he said "We arrived" and it broke the silence they held for most of the ride.

(Batgirl)-"Why are we here?Are we not heading to Titan's Tower in Jump City?"

(Robin)-"There has been a change in plans, we will stay in Gotham for some time."

(Batgirl)-"Why? Does this have anything to do with "The Devil of Gotham."

(Robin)-"In fact, yes. Listen, it's not always what it seems. He may not even know why he does it. Or it can be controlled. We don't know it, nothing is sometimes what it looks like." Robin looks at Raven from the back, who is listening to the conversation while reading a book.

(Batgirl)-"I completely support you, we should find him and ask him. Maybe he can join your team."

(Robin)-"I doubt it. However, if it is just what I think, then maybe I will consider.And if he threatens the civilians, we will have to dispose of him."



POV MC(Krius)

Krius finishes reading the article, then puts the newspaper away on the shopping bags by the bed.

As they say, when you are going to rest, life will give you something to do so rest is not an option. It is difficult, but the article itself made me want to go "hunting". Personally, I think this article is a "sign" that I am to save the children or that I'm lucky that such situations stood out early so it won't be a bigger issue later on. Although one does not exclude the other.

It is hard, in the article they wrote that children disappear from the southern area of ​​Gotham. I will fly there yo start searching for a bit, maybe I will come across a trace. But first,I decided to pack something for the "trip".

Krius gets up as he was previously sitting on the sofa,and heads for the old backpack lying by the wall. Krius found this lying in one of the empty rooms of the hideout. He takes the backpack in his hand and walks back towards the sofa with it. He then begins to pack some things into it including, snacks, drinks and a book about human anatomy.

He took the book because it may be that he won't be able to return to the hideout soon and he needs something to do besides practicing. He also has to learn to control his power range sooner or later because, he wants to be able to stop the villains without having to kill them. "Not that I'm going to stop, I just don't want to be considered a bigger monster than I already am." He thought while packing his bag." I'm quite the monster, only for the bad guys. I don't want the civilians to be scared of me, and I don't want to rely too much on black energy. I'm starting to feel that the continuous use of one type of energy (not counting the mix) is starting to have some side effects for me. Namely, he becomes more aggressive, maybe not enough to affect my decisions. But I feel it is forcible, and it will be better if I start using white energy more often now. For balance, this can make sense. However, more on that later, now it's time for a little investigation.

MC takes off his jacket and T-shirt and puts them in the backpack. Then he straightens his wings and jumps through a hole in the wall. At the same time holding the backpack in his hand




Few minutes later

It took me a little while to reach the southern part of the city. The distance was not very great, but when I moved far away from my hideout I took some pit stops to stop two attacks and one attempted r*pe. Which ended up with one dead thief and one massacred r*pist. I treated the latter one extremely 'Special' and traditionally sent him to hell where his filthy presence belonged. As I said, I met with three sudden interventions, however, not all ended up like the previous ones. This assault attempt was not as simple as the one I have encountered so far. Unlike the previous thief(which led to death), the thieves I met so far are villains who attacked civilians mainly to take money from them. Then they spend the stolen money on alcohol, drugs or to pay off some gangster. However, they did have the determination to go through with the robbery, and will not hesitate to kill the victim to get what they want. Plain garbage, but the guy I met today increased my perspective of the term thief. Not so much that I did not know about it, but after encountering the same "dirty" thieves on my way I began to forget that someone like him could exist.

Well, this thief was different from those I have met so far. Of course, at first I wanted to treat him like everyone else, when I saw that he threatened a woman with a gun. In a normal situation I would appear behind him and settle the matter in an instant. My decisions changed when I heard the tone of men and the things he said like "Please, I don't want to hurt you" and "Just give me your wallet." The woman opposed the attacker, she was not even submissive when he begged her not to resist. On the other hand, seeing that the woman did not give up, and he was very desperate himself, he went a step too far. Seeing that there is no way for a woman to give away voluntarily, in desperation he decided to shoot her.

However, when the bullet left the pistol's chamber and flew towards the woman's shoulder, the bullet deviated from its path and headed toward the woman's heart. Fortunately, I appeared in front of the woman and shielded her from the bullet. The bullet obviously encountered resistance in the form of my diaphragm and changed forms into something resembling a piece of popcorn.

The guy when he saw me and understood who was standing in front of him. He did something that shocked me. Well, when he understood what had happened, he threw the weapon aside and threw himself under my feet and like the situation with the attempt to kill innocent women did not just take place. He begged, but not for his life, as everyone would expect. No. He begged me to help his daughter who is fighting for life in a nearby hospital. And from what I heard between the sobbing. She is very sick and he does not have enough money to treat her, that's why he tried to commit this crime.

His actions touched me deeply as I watched him "Please !! * sob * I know that for what I did, I deserve a punishment. * sobbing * But I am begging you, save my daughter. If I don't bring cash by tomorrow, they'll cut it off. Understand. He disconnects her from the respirator and my daughter will die. * Sob * I don't know what you are, devil, angel.I do not care. If you want my soul, Save her. I am only begging you, save my daughter. "

The man's actions impressed me, it struck my heart me deeply. The very fact that he did not care about his life and wanted to ask for the rescue of another being, his daughter. He impressed me, made an impression, showed class, I just can't find a good description of how to describe how I think about this man.

In fact, it was then that I stopped seeing him as a villain and more as a hero. It may not be a good word, but a person who is ready to sacrifice everything to save a loved one is a hero to me.

Then, seeing that the man is still sobbing and asking for help. To calm him down, I bend down and hug him while whispering in his ear, "Keep your soul, someone must take care of your daughter. After he saves her. Now stand, lead me to her. "

While all of this is happening the woman was watching the whole situation.She was standing motionless until Krius turns towards her. The woman was no longer scared at the sight of him and was moved by the situation. The woman saw that I, along with this thief who introduced himself as Jim Hammond was just misunderstood.

When the woman understood the situation, she proposed to give him the cash. However, I stopped her by saying: "Keep cash, and if you absolutely want to help then allocate it for some charity and I will be happy." Then we left the woman alone and went to the hospital.

In the meantime, Jim told me about the hospital situation and with each word he became more nervous. Well, in this institution the key thing is whether the patient has money. Instead of treating patients with due respect, doctors treat them like second-class patients (those who do not have enough money to pay for private treatment.) They even let patients die sometimes. There was an accident in which a rich man was injured and the hospital ran out of rooms because of the last patient. When the hospital wanted to make room for the rich man, they made the new patient leave and he died a few days later. Now the same fate is waiting for Jim's daughter. However, I'm here now and I have something to say about it. Considering that I planned to use a lot of white energy before, the situation is very useful. As they say, "kill two ducks with one brick." I pause for a second "Hmmm ... or something similar. Never mind."




Few minutes later…

When we arrived under the hospital building, we were both in a fighting mood. Evoked by Jim's story about the prosperity of this hospital. I think if it goes well with Jim's daughter. I will make this hospital go bankrupt. How? You'll find out for yourself but for now, let's move on.

I thought about dressing up, but after thinking, I think I'll do a small show. Jim suggested that we use the window and do everything secretly. However, Jim has forgotten who he is dealing with, and he does not know me enough to know that that he will not give up the pleasure of such action.

And it looked like this:

I am in all its glory with horns and wings as I take a proud step towards the ward where Jim's daughter is located. The very sight of people's shocked facial expressions was priceless, everyone froze immediately, just followed me and Jim.

On the way to Jim's daughter's room I thought about my next steps in this hospital and as a result of those intentions that I considered in my head. I noticed that my body is changing,more specifically my wings. They were relying on my intentions and with that the wings was (slowly) becoming whiter. Maybe not perfectly white but enough for you to see the change with the naked eye. Another significant change is that the horns are reduced, maybe not so much as they begin to hide.

Jim, seeing this change, will only smiled. However, I felt deep down that he became happier and more certain that everything would be all right.

As we walked down the hall, people stepped out of the way and made a path for us. In fact, this was the whole way to Jim's daughter's room. However, after a short walk we arrived and I saw a young blond hair girl, about eight years old. Which not only was bedridden. But she had many cables attached to her body, I don't know but from what Jim said, one of these machines is a respirator that keeps her alive.

Apart from the girl, her mother was in the room, who was sleeping seated on her daughter's hand. The woman probably watched her daughter all night and fell asleep now. Jim ran quickly to his wife and tried to wake her up, while at that time I was walking a bit slower towards his daughter.

When I was about to touch the girl's hand and try to use the "Angel's Touch" skill on it. [Author: I invite you to the Discord group. There you will find descriptions of the power and Glossary of characters presented in the novel.] However, Jim's wife, scared that someone with horns is trying to touch his daughter, she covered her body. She was about to chase me away, but she only managed to say "Leave ...". When her husband stopped her and then explained what the situation was.

It took them a while to discuss the whole situation that had arisen between me and Jim and that woman. Jim's wife was skeptical about her husband's behavior, however, after looking at her daughter and her poor condition. So she understood her husband's behavior and then turned to me.

(Jim Wife)-Can you save our daughter?

(Krius)-Save your daughter like that.

After Jim's wife stopped guarding her daughter and moved out of the way, giving me the opportunity to heal her. I approached her and knelt on one knee before taking the girl's hand. Before I started, I looked towards the door because I felt someone's eyes on me. There were people who I passed in the corridor and currently watching me while recording the whole situation. I just shrugged it off while ignoring them and returned my focus to the little girl.

Then, by using [Angel's Touch] skill, I concentrated white energy in the hand that I was holding. I felt White Energy presence flow from my hand to the girl's body.

From the outside prospective, it looked as if wings, horns, and hand started glowing before the light begin to travel from my hand to the little girls. As the light travelled from my hand began to travel up the girl's arm, the spectators were watching in shock and awe.The light slowly covers the girl until her body was slightly glowing, and everyone watching couldn't help but quietly watch. I felt the white energy consume the bacteria and viruses before destroying them while healing the girl in the process. After a minute the energy started to repair the organs that were damaged before the healing process.

The accompanying feeling from the energy was amazing. It felt as if I was floating on air and riding warm waves of lights.In addition to the pleasant feeling of removing the disease, I also felt a completely new pleasant feeling. The feelings behind it, I am not able name it properly, but it's something between pride of self and fulfillment of ambition. I was just happy with what I did and my appearance began to change at a faster pace than before. Namely, the wings became almost perfectly white and the horns were almost completely they hidden. Above my head, a ring of light appeared and begin to get more and more concentrated until it became a golden halo of energy. At first indistinct, but every moment was becoming more important.

After a while, when I felt that white energy no longer finds any bacteria, viruses or damage. I removed my hand and the white energy returned to my body. When it happened I felt the pain lasting less than a second, as if all the suffering that the girl had experienced so far was compressed to one second. however, I was to touched by the view before me.

Jim and his wife embrace the already waking healthy daughter. The stage is so beautiful that I lack words. From the tears of happiness that comes before me. I heard: "Thank you. Really thank you. God bless you". What Jim said at the end touched me deeply. Jim came up to me and hugged me and said loud and clear.

(Jim) - "I will pray every night, thanking God for the Angel he sent us. Ultor, it's good that you are here."

It took me a while to recover since I felt like I never did before. It was a nice feeling.

When I came to my senses, I turned towards the onlookers. Who looked with tears in their eyes, caused by the touching situation earlier. Then I turned back to Jim's family and spoke.

(Krius) - "Jim, I remember you telling me that you were forced to sell a lot of valuable things and generally sacrificed a lot to save your daughter. So take this as a tribute to your attitude and use it wisely ." Then I hand him two bundles of banknotes containing about thirty thousand dollars " But remember if you spend this money on something wicked. I will find out and then you will regret losing my trust." Then I turn and head towards the exit from the room.

(Jim) - "I promise I won't let you down."

Then I turned slightly towards Jim and gave him a smile. A thought came to my mind and after I turned around again and said-

(Krius)-"Jim, you remember our conversation before the hospital."


(Krius)-"You probably know what I am going to do.- After that I send him a smile and leave. "

How to harm a hospital where money is of the greatest value, not human life. The answer is simple, no sick no money. And if there is no money, the hospital suffers serious losses. So two birds with one stone. I will help the sick and punish the doctors fool on money by cutting off their access to money.




Two hours later .

If there is a global teacher in the treatment of patients, I have beaten him several times. Damn. I think I'll call Guinness if he doesn't. Because people were following me all the time and recording the whole incident.

In some cases, I had to look into the book on human anatomy. So thanks to this feat one can say that I have mastered this art to a greater extent. So when I meet Anna and the kids, I will definitely help them.

So when the last sick person recovered, I was surrounded by happy screams of glad people. I headed to the main exit from the hospital. All in all, it's the first time people have shouted my name in cheer for my active. Nice feeling.

However, it did not last long, because as soon as I got out of the hospital I saw that before him the whole cast was waiting for me not only the police but also a group of superheroes.

Chapter was created in cooperation with ° ΩLø-fï · NïnjäΩ °.

Thank you for reading . I am waiting for your comments

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