
Chapter 1490: Demon Emperor

"How can I know? He gave me fake memories about his life. I don't think I know anything about him which isn't made up," Xun replied, shaking her head. "Everything he told me it's a lie."

"You know, even lies contain a trace of truth sometimes. He created a fake world in your memories, but I'm sure even in that fakeness, he left something real. He wouldn't make a world from scratch. Is there anything you can think of?" Long Chen asked. "Anything that might have an inkling of truth?"

"I don't know. Maybe his home world, where he gained his abilities? In the story he created, he found the ring in the world with me, and that's where his journey started. Maybe it wasn't the ring he found there but the person with the Bloodline? If there's something that's true in his story, it can be the world," Xun let out after thinking for a while. 

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