
Training to be the best

Shaurya's brows furrowed, "which man did I ask you to look out for? I do not remember giving any such instructions."

"Uff, did you not tell me to observe my surroundings? I did as I was told. I zeroed upon this man who sat right there, nervously, clearly waiting for someone. When the other person didn't turn up, he paid the bill and left," she described the person in detail to him.

"We are getting out of here," that's all he said in response, much to Mriga's acute disappointment.

Tipping his head at the owner of the place discreetly, he guided Mriga out of the place.

"Ah, he is such a heartbreaker. Despite his current unkempt avatar, even an old heart like mine goes thumping at his appearance. Not that he cares. For all his clandestine activities, he is quite clueless at receiving signals from women," the pub's owner grumbled under her breath.

She knew that most of the girls working at the establishment were smitten by this mysterious, regular customer who was courteous every single time and tipped well. But that was the extent of his interaction with them. He wouldn't look at even a single girl, no matter how pretty she was. Well, it was a pity!

They walked back in silence. Mriga was dying to know if her assessment had been correct. She wanted to ask about the mysterious woman whom she had seen twice on the same day already. She had hoped that he would be pleased with her observation skills and share some details. Much to her discontent, all he did was walk back in long strides which she had a tough time keeping up with. By the time they reached back to the shop, she was feeling wronged.

"Why don't you go ahead and clean up first? The room at the back, is yours. I still have some work to do. So, will finish that and come sleep at the store later. Lock the room before you go to sleep," he rattled off the instructions as they stood at the threshold of the shop.

"Why did you take me along tonight?" she asked, no longer able to control her emotions.

Shaurya had wagered with himself about how long would Mrignayani be able to hold onto her curiosity. She had nearly succeeded in impressing him with her forbearance. The explanation which she had offered him that afternoon about her delay in completing the task, had intrigued him enough to take such a gamble with a person her age. If the teachers at the Gurukul got to know that he had taken her to the pub, they would probably get a heart attack and give him one, as well.

But Shaurya believed that one's true potential could only be gauged in real life situations. No amount of simulations could ever prepare the person for what happened on the field. He preferred taking calculated risks by putting his trainees in the less dangerous environment rather than waste their time and his, in taking them through sanitised drills.

Mrignayani had exceeded his expectations tonight. The critical most characteristic needed in a spy was the ability to adapt to the circumstances quickly. By her reaction, he had gauged that this was her first visit to such an establishment. Not only did she control her emotions, she even had the presence of mind to try and get a read of the room. Though she fell for the distraction which Shaurya had set up for anyone who may have been looking out for him, but that was understandable considering it was her first such experience.

The man whom Mrignayani had observed and commented upon, had been planted there by Shaurya as a ruse. He had needed to meet someone from the Southern Zilla who was waiting upstairs for him and which is why he had done the drunken act. In the meanwhile, the nervous looking man downstairs had made sure that anyone looking for suspicious activities would focus on him and not Shaurya. It seemed that Shaurya had managed to meet the intended agent from Southern zilla, undetected. And he had discovered a promising talent like Mrignayani.

All in all, the evening had been a success.

"I took you along because I wanted to test if you could handle yourself in unfamiliar situations. You will go back to your courier activities from tomorrow morning," he answered her question in a monotone.

"Nooooo…please give me another chance. I promise to do better the next time around. I really really was thrilled with the experience tonight," Mriga grabbed Shaurya's arm impulsively.

Looking at her with cold eyes, he extracted his arm out of her hands and asked, "tell me one reason why I should give you the chance and not the other four?"

Mriga's voice shook with unspent emotion, "it doesn't matter whether you give them a chance or not. I am not in competition with them. All I want to promise you is that the next time you take me along, I will perform better than tonight, no matter the circumstances."

Shaurya looked at the determination etched on her face. It made a captivating sight. He couldn't help but stare.

"Manage the shop tomorrow during the day, like you did today. Be ready with the same clothes and appearance by 8pm. If you are late, I won't wait for you," he spoke brusquely.

Mriga gave a shout of delight and started jumping up and down excitedly. Shaurya turned his face away from her quickly lest she saw the smile which had sprung up unexpectedly on his face looking at her exuberance.

He stepped out of the shop but waited at a short distance till he heard the sound of the lock turning behind him.

"At least she retained the sense to secure the door in her current state of excitement," he thought wryly before walking away.

Wishing you all a happy Monday morning. Looking forward to a fab week ahead.

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