
Lydia's a witch?

"I can't let you do that Stiles." Derek looked down at his friend with a stern look on his face.

"What right do you have to drag her here against her will?" Stiles' voice was filled with so much anger that he felt as if he was drowning in it.

"Stiles, she could be the Kanima, I couldn't risk her killing more people." Derek knew he was right, there weren't many people that they knew that had recently received the bite. Ignoring his own pack who he had watched over closely, Lydia and Jackson were the only other choices.

"It's not her," Stiles said, looking past Derek with a complicated look on his face.

"How do you know that?" Derek asked knowing that Stiles couldn't answer that question. It was obvious that Stiles had feelings for Lydia and Derek believed those feelings were clouding his judgment.

"I just know, now get out of my way," Stiles' eyes flashed Golden as he stared down Derek.

"I don't want to do this Stiles," Derek said as his eyes flashed red. Behind him, Erica Boyd's and Isaac's eyes all flashed gold.

"Then don't," Stiles said with no fear in his voice.

"I think that's enough," Appearing out of nowhere Elias places a hand on both of their shoulders, a bit of a smile could be seen on his face.

Elias," Derek said with a bit of surprise in his voice. "I thought you weren't being involved, " Derek said with a frown on his face.

"Well let's just say Stiles makes a compelling argument. Not to mention it was this or mean girls and Derek I'd much rather be doing this. "

"I heard that, " Bonnie entered the room frowning at her little brother. "As if the Spider-man trilogy is any better. "

"Hey, those movies are classics. Hopefully, the new guy does just as well as Tobey." Elias said knowing that a new Spider-man movie was coming out soon. Honestly, although he aged rapidly sometimes he still felt like his old self. Or maybe people just never outgrew movies like Spider-Man? Turning his attention back to Stiles and Derek there was a bit of surprise in his eyes.

Derek was an Alpha, sure he had only become one recently but Elias could feel the change. Especially those glowing red eyes, remembering his uncle's words he nodded, they did look pretty cool. Stiles on the other hand didn't feel the same as he had before Elias had left. Was it the current anger he felt over Derek holding Lydia hostage or was something else going on? Deaton hadn't mentioned anything about this when he told Elias of his Lycan heritage. Obviously, Stiles was different from regular beta's considering how fast he had taken to the bite but how different was he?

Elias hadn't been here to see the clash between Stiles and Boyd but he could hear and it was obvious that Stiles had won that ideal. Had his anger made him physically stronger? Shaking his head he realized he could look more into that later.

"Taking Lydia hostage was a tad bit far but this does make things easier," Elias said, patting Derek on the shoulder.

"Elias," Stiles said but was immediately interrupted.

"Stiles I know what you're going to say, but there is a chance that Lydia is the Kanima. Don't worry even if she is, we'll figure it out." Elias nodded in reassurance before looking towards the tied-up Lydia and Jackson. "The only question is how do we figure out who the Kanima is?"

"I may be able to help," Bonnie waved her hand as she stepped forwards. She frowned as she stopped next to Elias. "Hmmm," She commented before making her way over to Lydia.

"What does that mean?" Stiles asked, turning to Elias.

Elias simply shrugged his shoulders before frowning himself, "Bonnie don't get too close."

"Yeah, Yeah, I'll be fine. I fought off your uncle and father. I think I can take care of a few shapeshifters." Bonnie's words shocked everyone except for Elias. Kneeling down in front of Lydia she grabbed her hand as she shut her eyes.

"You're different," Bonnie said as she locked eyes with the fearful Lydia. "The bite, it didn't work on you. You're a witch."


"What do you mean she's a witch," Stiles asked, turning his attention to Bonnie.

Elias, who stood not too far away nodded as he thought about what Bonnie just said. Lydia's scream, he was sure every supernatural in the city must have heard her scream. It was full of power.

"It makes sense," Elias said, causing Stiles to look at him in confusion. "Her scream, do you remember what you felt when you heard it?" Elias asked as he looked at Stiles.

"What does her being a witch have anything to do with this?" Derek asked, taking a step forward.

"Well for starters it means the bite is magical in nature, Lydia have you ever shown any signs of using magic in the past. Have you seen things when touching certain items, have you seen signs?" Seeing Lydia shake her head, Bonnie continued. "It seems that the bite allowed her powers to awaken, I don't know what kind of witch she is but if that scream you all heard is what I think it is she can't be this Kanima thing."

"Untie her," Elias spoke, shocking Derek.

"We don't know if it's her yet, even though she doesn't know for sure," Derek said, looking at Bonnie.

"It's fine, Lydia's gonna stay with us for the next couple of days. That way we can keep an eye on her and Stiles, as you already know you're welcome at any time." Elias turned his attention from Lydia instead, looking at Jackson. He was already pretty sure that Lydia wasn't the Kanima which only left Jackson.

"Unfortunately that only leaves Jackson, Bonnie. How do you think the master controls the Kanima?" Elias asked a question he had been thinking about for quite a while. All of a sudden having control over something like the Kanima wasn't something natural.

"You're thinking it could be similar to a ritual, you think they're connected through magic." Bonnie smiled a bit as she thought about it.

" My mom told me that my body is full of magic, wouldn't it be the same for the Kanima and even Stiles and Derek?"

Bonnie took a few seconds to think before nodding, "The chances are small but If they're linked I might be able to use that connection to track down the master of the Kanima. Only it would have to be the Kanima I cast the magic on, green scaly skin and reptile eyes."

Elias nodded realizing they would still have to be patient, if Jackson or Lydia were the Kanima they weren't aware of it. The Kanima was more or less a puppet to be used by the master, it was a sad form of existence but for someone like Jackson… Elias wasn't too sure that he minded, the guy was a jerk.

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