

~ 3 years later ~

Well, the time passed calmly after that fateful night. Yuri returned to the Academy with Victor and Emília, who had managed to transfer from her school and was looking forward to studying at the famous Academy. Needless to say, her parents were proud of their daughter. Alan decided to finish his studies at the Alpha academy, after all his course had already been fully paid and he did not want to waste the money. As he was really smart he was able to skip some classes and graduated in two years, everyone knew that this willpower and inspiration came from his bride and the intolerable distance that separated them.

Yuri's mother, Elen, decided to move permanently to the Druid village where Victor's family lived. She had fallen in love with the place since the happiest Christmas celebration she had in her life, and after spending a few months with her parents, her new house was ready to move in. It was a rustic-style house (following the house model in the village) painted in shades of light sky blue. It had two floors, on top was her house, with 2 bedrooms, 1 living room / kitchen, bathroom and a small balcony, and below was a cozy pastry shop. She always wanted to have a place to sell her sweets and now she had her dream to come true.

Raelin was happy, happier even than she had been when she was younger. Surrounded by the people she loved most and who reciprocated that love, she flourished and the scars caused by her husband in the past have finally started to disappear. She and Elen became good friends, it was common to see both of them walking together and even Raelin helped at elen's bakery when the movement tightened. Arslam stayed with Raelin, he would never leave his wife and son again. His secretary, that was tasked to take Arslam back to his kingdom, had to return with empty hands. Although his action's appeared to be selfish, Arslan had already implemented changes in his kingdom so that it could function autonomously. So he got such precious time to spend with his family. Victor was happy to be able to live again with his father, who started to teach him more about the essence of elven power, as well as talking, laughing, playing, everything he cannot do during his son's life.

Even one of the aide's who came to pick up Arslan had stayed in Victor's village. This came as a surprise. He was a short, cranky blond guy with blue eyes called yuri, so to avoid confusion they started to call him yurio. He had come in the place of his grandfather, who had become ill, to try to convince Asrlan to return and ended up falling in love with the place. Yakov was left with the responsibility of training him to live with humans without causing damage. When Yuri and Victor returned to the academy, Yurio complained that he wanted to go along, after much discussion Yakov managed to persuade Yurio to enter next year if he managed to adapt to life outside the Faye kingdom. It turned out that under the druids tutelage, Yurio not only got permission to study at the academy but also passed the entrance exam for working students. The surprises do not end there, as apparently otabek had found his partner in Yurio when he went to visit yuri's house for a group work. It was a bit complicated at first, but this is a story for another moment.

Yuri and Victor lived happier than ever. Yuri had passed his pregnancy along with pichiti, who apparently had become pregnant with Chris during the holidays as well. Both were very happy and in a while all four of them agreed that they would need to move to a larger location, not only because of the babies but also because Yurio had come to live with them (Yakov had left Victor in charge of looking for him). They finally managed to find a house that everyone liked after searching a lot, better to say a mansion. It had 3 floors and 10 rooms, in addition to living rooms, offices, a kitchen, bathroom, a huge garden and even a swimming pool. Well, at least if their parents decided to come and visit, there would be enough space.

A few weeks after the move, Yuri and Pichiti went into labor. Victor and Yuri's family came running to hear the news, Pichiti and Chris had no family to go and see them, but seeing how good friends both were to Yuri and Victor, Raelin and Elen didn't hesitate to give the same attention for both of them. The hours passed, the dark night began to paint the sky and everyone waited in the waiting room for news worried about the delay. Victor and Chris were especially nervous, they had been removed from the operating room due to the stress they were causing on their companions (Raelin and Elen had taken their places). When they were both about to enter the room and look for their mates news , everyone heard cries spreading around the room. Raelin and Elen went out the door after a moment and said that the fathers could go to see their children and mates. Victor and Chris ran and arrived in the room where yuri and pichiti were. When both saw their children in their mates arms some tears escaped their eyes. Pichiti had given birth to a beautiful girl that they both decided to call Bloom. While Yuri had given birth to twins, a girl and a boy, who were named as Alice and Daemon. Everyone was happy and celebrated when the babies were discharged.

Alice grew up being a child with silver hair and violet eyes with a strong temperament while Daemon, her complete opposite, had black hair and blue eyes with a calm and serene personality. Both grew up loved (and pampered) by everyone in the family. And today they were in formal clothes while their father Yuri talked to them.

"Alice, sit down for me to finish fixing your hair" he said with the little tiara in his hands as he started to comb his daughter's hair "Deamon my love, go and call your father please, because if we dont get going in 10 minutes we are going to be late and be careful not to get dirty."

Shaking his head, Deamon went to the room where his father Victor was, arriving there he saw his father finishing up and said in his calm little voice.

"Dad, Mom told you to hurry up."

"Thank you son" said Victor finishing adjusting his tie and picking up his son and giving him a kiss on his head "my son is very handsome today, do you remember what you have to do?" he asked as he descended the stairs.

"A-ham," Daemon replied with a nod.

*Very well" praised Victor and when he got close to Yuri and Alice, he told his daughter "and who is this beautiful elf?"

"It's me, dad," she said, laughing happily.

"Wow you are the most beautiful girl in the world" said Victor giving his daughter a kiss.

"Even more than grandma?" she asked her father

"Yes, but we must keep it a secret to avoid to hurt her, right?" He said winking mischievously at his daughter.

"OK" agreed Alice giggling.

"Hi my love" said Victor kissing yuri while listening to a chorus of "eewwwsss" coming from their children.

"Hi Victor"replied yuri as he finished picking up the presents and picking Alice up, he continued "ready?"

"Sure," he replied, and they both went off to the old tree.

Today was a day of celebration in the village. It was finally the wedding of Alan (yuri's brother) with Emilia. Alice and Daemon had been invited as a flower girl and ring caretaker boy while Victor was Alan's godfather and Yuri Emilia's godfather. When they arrived at the place they saw all the guests sitting and waiting, yuri went with the children to the place where the bride was getting ready (tents had been set up to prepare the groom and the bride). Their mothers were there and wept with joy when they saw their grandchildren dressed for the occasion. The marriage proceeded without major changes. Daemon and Alice played their role with great elegance and cuteness, the bride was beautiful and radiating joy while the groom wept a few tears when he saw his wife coming towards him beautifully happy. After both said their vows, all those present shouted for joy when the newlyweds kissed and congratulated them on their wedding. Then came the typical village party, with music, dance and food. Everyone celebrated this union with joy. It was already dark and many of the guests were sitting by the fire listening to the love ballads of some villagers. Yuri and Victor were sitting next to each other, with Yuri leaning on Victor and his children sleeping on their laps.

"Victor" began to ask yuri absorbing all the emotions of the night.

"Hmm" Victor replied looking at his companion.

"This is not a dream, is it?" Yuri asked a little hesitantly "this happiness and love that surrounds us are real, right?"

"Of course, my love," Victor replied, kissing Yuri's forehead.

"And it's here to stay, isn't it?" Yuri said hugging his daughter while looking fondly towards both children.

"Forever and ever" Victor replied kissing yuri over a sky woven with stars feeling the heat of the fire and listening to the sound of his children sleeping.

so sorry guysss i reaply though that i had released this chapter already ???

anyway hope u guys enjoy it ?

Joh_Nticreators' thoughts