

Five minutes passed, but there was still no reply. Aildrin walked around the room with his phone when it vibrated—a call. His hands fumbled before he could answer it.

"Hello? Aildrin? This is not a prank, right?" Sophia said.

"Hey, this is not a prank. It's me...how are you?" Aildrin said, smiling. "You've still not changed with that perky voice, manager."

"Stop that, you fool! Those days are already over...I'm no longer the team's manager," Sophia said. "Gosh! It's been almost two years since I last heard your voice! Where have you been?"

"Yeah, time waits for no one. Still here in Peace Valley, just took some time to...reflect. Do you still have a room to spare for me tonight?"

"Yes, we have rooms here! I'll pick you up, where are you?"

"Malabar Apartment, somewhere north."

"Woah, that's so far away from your home. Alright, I'll be there in an hour."

The call ended. Aildrin let out a breath of relief when someone knocked on the door. It was no other than Miss Malabar.

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