
Potter Tutelage Ⅲ

With his feet dangling a foot off the floor, "It is good to see you, Guild Master Thunberg," Fleamont wheezed firmly patting the arms of the older wizard to set him down.

Carefully setting the younger wizard down, Sevant Thunberg, the Potion Guild master turns to study the slender youths in front of him. They were tall and slender just like the Prince's tended to be. Though far from reaching the height of the Thunberg's.

"Mm, the two of you have the look of Reginald Prince about you," Sevant Thunberg mused out loud.

Satisfied by what he saw, Sevant Thunberg claps his hands together. "I had the hall cleared to ensure those gossipy geezers are out of sight lest they let the kneazle out of the bag!" He led them to a nearby guest salon where two other figures were waiting inside.

The first is a stout middle-aged witch with her arms folded across her chest. Her flaming-colored hair is cut roughly to her shoulders. She wears a dark forest green long-sleeved tunic, brown dirt-covered trousers, and scuffed dragon hide boots. The dirt under her nails is visible, but her poise is self-confident.

 Standing just behind the middle-aged witch is a pale young man with strawberry-colored hair and freckles that stick out vividly because of his paleness. The young man seems to be rather good-natured though his eyes show a hard-worn maturity. His expression is cautious and polite as he watches them enter the room.

"It is my pleasure to introduce, the Apothecary Guild Master, Madam Briar Roze," Sevante Thunberg boomed before gesturing to the second figure. "As for young Wilfredius, he shall be a Potion Master in two weeks' time once the masters finish reviewing his submitted master's project to the guild."

Sevante Thunberg paused to carefully speak the following words, "Young Wilfredius was the former apprentice of the great, but tragically belated Damocles Belby, and who was entrusted to me should the need ever arise. Unfortunately, it did," His expression is unusually somber.

"I along with guild wish Master Belby's time had not been shortened. Master Belby still had much to discover. We all very continue to mourn the premature loss of Master Belby," Sevante Thunberg said with much regret.

Keeping a poker Rowan did not visibly react to the words of Guild Master Thunberg, though her toes curled in her boots. Belby's death had not been expected even for her. The only silver lining was that Belby had succumbed to his fate on his own terms.

"Please sit," Sevante Thunberg gestured to everyone as they all sat down. He took the seat next to an empty bowl and a pitcher filled with water.

Madam Roze arches her brow at the youths following Fleamont Potter. Potter had an excellent and well-established relationship with the Apothecary guild for many years with their members being the primary suppliers of Sleekazy's until it was sold. Though they were no longer the primary suppliers to the company, out of respect the current owners maintained their guild as secondary suppliers and ensured the guild continued to receive a steady source of income.

"So, these are the Prince heirs, am I correct?" Madam Roze steadily asked, before expectantly gazing at the shorter elder wizard, Fleamont Potter for a response.

"Yes, Madam Roze," Fleamont politely answered. "They are Severus and Rowan Prince, my godchildren."

"Ah, yes, a (marital) martial alliance," Madam Roze pursed her lips. "I was astonished that a progressive such as yourself, Potter, ever dared to consider much less enter into such a traditional binding alliance. Though I must admit, I am far more surprised by the fact that the old Prince permitted it." She raised her gaze to assess Rowan Prince from head to toe.

"Fair certainly," Madam Roze contemplated Rowan out loud, "but far from being a Helen of Troy." She pursed her lips in a self-satisfied expression. "Of course, if it was the protection of Reginald Prince that you were seeking for your son, Potter, then it was a most excellent move. In fact, I commend you for it."

Clapping his hands loudly, Sevant Thunberg firmly says, "Briar, as much as you desire to catch up with Fleamont, now is not the time. There will be plenty of time afterward."

"Yes, yes," Madam Roze rolled her eyes at the remark but fell silent as requested.

With a warm smile, Sevant Thunberg boomed, "As the Potions Guild Master, I am delighted to speak of our duties." He leaned forward and grabbed the pitcher of water at his side. He placed the bowl on the small round table between them all. He poured the water into the bowl with care so as not to spill a drop. Setting the pitcher aside, he raised his wand and pressed the tip of it against the water.

The pitcher begins to smoke and form a shadowy mist almost like a pensive. The smoke transforms into smoky figures as Sevant Thunberg begins to recount a tale. "Long ago, when wizards and witches lived among muggle kings and queens, they were subject to their laws. At times, our kind was exploited by the nobles in power, who saw those without a drop of nobility as less than." The smoky fogs showed warriors destroying stalls and casting people out of the path of their Noble Master/Lord.

"In those days, the craftsman began to gather both among our kind and muggles. We formed groups to fight for our dignity, our craft, and to provide support and training to others," Sevant Thunberg recounted as the fog showed craftsmen gathering together in small groups.

"A name was given to these groups, a guild. The guild organized itself and began to offer physical protection to guild members and any traveling craftsman from highway robbers and the like. The guild collected finances as a collective to pay for doweries of orphaned craftsman's children or funerals for those without living kin for the Guild takes care of their own," Sevant Thunberg proudly declared puffing out his chest in pride."

"Unlike the muggle guilds, we did not exclude women-," Madam Roze snorted loudly at the remark made by Sevant Thunberg.

"Nor was our membership hereditary rather based on the craft," Sevant Thunberg ignored the snort of Madam Roze. "We do in some part require an introduction by another guild member, but this is largely for the purposes of an apprenticeship or entering into a business agreement."

The smoke vanished with a wave of Sevant Thunberg's wand as did the water in the bowl. Sitting back in his seat, sunnily says, "That is in essence a very short history of guilds."

Growing solemn, he continues, "Now from what Fleamont has stated in his letters, his intent is to introduce the two of you to the Potion and Apothecary guild, since both of you are completing an apprenticeship under the guidance of Chief Warlock Albus Dumbledore."

"Furthermore," Sevant Thunberg paused to gaze pointedly at Severus, "Severus Prince will be submitting a potion master's project to the Potions Guild in a few years' time to complete his apprenticeship and be considered a Potion Master."

Severus did not shift in his seat at the intensity of the gaze of the Guild Master Thunberg. Though he may have been the first to look away.

"Though Rowan Prince is no less interesting," Sevant Thunberg abruptly turned to gaze at her. "I think this will be of some interest to you, Briar," he widely grinned. "Rowan Prince is specializing in the rare branch of alchemy, Spagyric."

"Yes, guild member, Professor Sprout has written to me on the subject," Madam Roze admitted. "Apparently, Miss Prince has a genuine talent in Herbology." She paused with a speculative gleam in her gaze. "Though that remains to be seen."

Sevant Thunberg already used to Briar Roze's brusqueness moves on without a reaction Rising to his feet, he says, "We shall take a tour of the building and make initial introductions to the great masters in the guild. Afterward, we shall have lunch at the Apothecary guild and continue introductions there."

Somewhat resigned Rowan and Severus follow the four adults out of the room. It was going to be a long day, they could tell. Sharing a grimace, they moved forward and caught up with the adults.

Guilds were quite a common function back in the medical age and resistance as a form of passing knowledge from master to apprentice but also as a means of protection especially when traveling to trade or sell wares. Public Security wasn't a thing back then unless one was wealthy enough to hire guards or have knights for their own protection.

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts
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