
Return Ⅷ

Whisps of frost and fog follows the ghastly silhouette that approached, the Hogwarts wards automatically increase their magical output in preparation for battle. The ghastly silhouette came to a halt before the great iron gates of Hogwarts that held winged boars. The very presence of the inhuman existence caused frigid ice to form with each word spoken.

"The Keeper of the Prince Household has been summoned by those of my blood," Sir Prince Knight said. With every spoken word ice formed and spread across the iron gates. "In ages past, I once traversed these halls in my youth under thy protective eye. Grant me entrance, ancient one, for I too am bound by my oath and must answer the blood summons of my kin. I swear even in death that no harm shall come upon the living that resides in thine tender care by myself or that of my kin on this cold winter night."

The castle is dark and dim, but Hogwarts seems to finally assent. The Hogwarts wards unwillingly crackle and die down as the iron gates swing wide open. The inhuman existence strides up the path with a dense mist and frost following in its wake. The inhuman existence passes through the front entrance as the torches within the castle begin to flicker and burn with blue flames. The temperature in the Great Hall drops as an icy chill follows in the wake of Sir Knight Prince.

Many of the residents within the castle do not sense the inhuman presence that had gained entrance to Hogwarts. On the other hand, the same cannot be said for the beasts found within the castle. Many of them stir awake growling with puffed-up fur or hiding away until Death had passed. Several residents of the castle even sound asleep sense the inhuman presence stirring fitfully in their sleep while others abruptly awaken without knowing why.

From the Gryffindor tower, James Potter, who had barely fallen asleep rapidly awakens from a nightmare with his wand tightly held in hand. Lupin too awakens as do all the children in all four houses that once bore the curse of the moon beast, (former werewolves). Or those that possessed creature blood such as Lorcan D'Eath or that of Terry Greengrass and his cousin, Professor Eponine Mortimer, and Professor Flitwick. (After all, the Charms Professor possessed goblin blood).

Although there are always exceptions, beyond the summoner, there were two others who keenly could sense the presence of the dead, the two vessels of Hydra. Each vessel residing in its tower alertly remains awake holding its wands close and ready. The dead represented Death and perchance at long last Death had broken the pact between Life and Death. The vessels of Hydra remained alert for the rest of the night even when the presence of death departed from Hogwarts and could no longer be felt.

The dead vanished into the depths of Hogwarts as Sir Knight Prince descended into the Chamber of Secrets and further. The hidden chamber where Rowan resided grew even colder as Sir Knight Price approached. The temperature drop caused Rowan to shiver and pull her robes closer around her. The air becomes abruptly frigid that she can see puffs of smoke form with her every breath. The light from the flashlight seems to grow dimmer but does not go out.

The hair on the back of Rowan's neck begins to stick up as she senses an awful, terrible existence. Clutching her wand in hand, she tries not to move nor tremble. A hiss of ice rapidly forming, and freezing is heard as the ice grows on the ceiling above. Glancing upward, she sees a ghastly pale figure erupt from the cavern ceiling as icicles grew into thick, pointed layers.

The ghastly figure resembled Sir Knight Prince, but this was not the friendly ghost that she knew. The head and body of Sir Knight Prince had reconnected. The terrible, cold, inhuman presence floated onto the floor. The gaze of the terrible existence caused chills to run down Rowan's spine.

"Speak clearly, oh, the descendant of the Prince household," Sir Knight Prince icily thundered, "the Keeper listens."

Rowan carefully bows deeply and says, "I, Rowan Prince, a descendant of the Prince Household has called upon the Keeper of Prince Manor to full my plea," she raises her still bleeding hand up and shows the gaping gash and slowly straightens up.

"I call upon the Cavalier of the Prince household seeking justice and mercy," Rowan firmly said, "for on this night, a terrible discovery has been made. I seek justice and mercy on behalf of this trapped existence."

Sir Knight Prince tilts his head to the side, before turning his awful frigid gaze towards the large glass orb sitting on a stone dais. Within the orb, swirling darkness can be seen. The obscurus trapped inside flashed a crimson red in enraged fury fiercely attacking its unbreakable glass prison.

The air becomes frigid causing Rowan's lips to begin to turn a light purple. She violently begins to shiver and clamps her teeth shut lest her teeth begin to loudly clatter from the cold. Her hand begins to cramp from the cold and from clutching her wand.

Sir Prince Knight abruptly moves forward causing ice to form on the floor. The swirling darkness trapped inside the enchanted glass orb becomes more frantic in its attempt to escape. Sir Knight Prince extends his ghostly hand and extends his hand through the surface of the glass orb. Ice forms on the glass orb before loudly shattering into pieces.

Rowan flinches but opens her violent lips in shock. The swirling darkness remains still in the grasp of Sir Prince Knight. As if being purified, the swirling darkness and enraged crimson fade away as white spots begin to appear and grow over the length of the inky darkness. In the end, all that remains is a glowing, white silver existence.

Sir Knight Prince gently releases the white silver existence that hardens quickly like an egg. A soft almost relieved sound is heard as cracks begin to appear around the white silver existence like that of a cracked egg. The cracks grow larger and larger until fluttering white butterflies burst out from inside.

An amazed and awestruck gasp escapes from Rowan's lips as the newborn glittering butterflies fly into the air. The white flowing butterflies easily pass through the ceiling and beyond heading home. The last of the butterflies depart except for a single lingering butterfly.

A sweet, butterfly kiss.

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts
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