
Chapter Thirty: Multiplying!!!

Ben had a problem. It was not one of his usual issues such as; street thugs, or a bank robbery god he would even take a random minor supervillain. Rather than, attempting to face this current situation.

"So, you are saying that you're not sure which of us is actually the 'Clone'?" Peter said to Dr. McCoy inside the infirmary at the Xavier Institute.

This was something he had dreaded for a while. He didn't know how Peter would take this knowledge. This same conundrum had sent Ben to a completely different city wondering aimlessly. If it wasn't that he had met Mr. Brown he might still be wondering the streets, and forging documents to work.

Henry nodded looking a little sad at telling the boy this, but also a little excited that something so brilliant could be achieved with cloning. He would be up for the next couple of nights attempting to understand the process in which one of these two people came to be.

Ben looked at the confusion in Peter's eyes, he hated seeing the brokenness and fear inside of them. Maybe it was because he had months to consider the fact, he might not be the original Peter Parker, but he knew the possibility was a heavy burden and Peter was crumbling beneath its weight.

"Pete, do you know the reason I was created?" Ben decided to take the identity of the clone regardless of whether it was fact or not. Peter looked up at the familiar eyes staring firmly back at him the same eyes he woke up to see in the mirror each morning.

"From what I can tell there isn't much difference between the two of us. I would wager we'd react very similarly to most given situations." Ben didn't immediately answer the question he had proposed. He needed to make a point first.

"Why would an evil mastermind decide to create an exact replica of someone he deems a hated enemy?"

Peter's face changed a few times as he considered the question. After several minutes it appeared he had given up, "I can't figure it out. Do you have an answer?" Peter was beginning to get frustrated; he didn't like not knowing the answer to a question... a trait they shared.

"It's to simply break you. To make you question everything and everyone? Peter after a long time of thinking this through this is the only reason that makes sense to me..." Ben reached out and placed a hand on Peter's shoulder.

Peter nodded realizing what he said made sense, at the very least it would have been a distraction.

"So, I stopped thinking of myself as you. I've moved out of New York and attempted to find something here, something to stave off the crushing loneliness. It wasn't easy. Even now every day I think of Aunt May and MJ, but I refuse to play into that mad man's hands!" Ben's mask of calm broke a little when he said their names, it still felt a little raw. Being ripped away from the two people he cared for most in this life... Even if it was never his life, to begin with, and even if he had started to move on the pain was still present...

Peter's face had transformed into a more understanding one, with a little bit of gratefulness in his tone he said, "Ben... I don't know what to say."

"It's fine Peter, what else can I do?"

"No, Ben you deserve more than this. I'm sorry that I misunderstood you... You know, we were always an only child, I guess now we can know what it's like to have a brother..."

"I kinda like that, brother." Ben said with a smile, "But the bigger question is... Who is going to be the big brother? Because I was thinking..."


Jean and MJ were sitting on chairs while the news played in the background. They had made some polite conversation but nothing too in-depth. Honestly although Jean had been inside Ben's memory, she just had a vague impression of the woman that was seated in front of her.

"So, you and Ben seem close…" MJ said. She was obviously feeling just as awkward as Jean which helped Jean out a lot, knowing that the perfect girl in Ben's mind didn't have it all figured out.

"Well, we have gotten to know each other for the past few months."

"So, are you guys dating?"

What a loaded question that was, "Um, no we are just good friends…" Jean replied timidly.

"Really?! Because it seemed like he likes you a lot!" MJ said sounding surprised.

"Well there was a kiss, but it is complicated..."

"Oh. my... Freaking GOD!!! He kissed you?! So, why aren't you guys together... Because if he is anything like Peter... Well sorry, but it had to be amazing." MJ gushed.

Apparently, she didn't find the fact Peter had a clone was a problem... Like it was not really a big deal for her... It felt a little odd, at first but Jean couldn't say she wasn't a little relieved that she acted this way because it would be good for Ben. She could see how Peter fell in love with MJ, she was charismatic and the things that would send most people running for the hills she felt it was just another Friday night.

"Like I said its complex... you see I have a boyfriend..."

"Ok well that is a complication," MJ said frowning. "Are you in love with this other guy?"

The question caught her off guard, it wasn't like she had never considered it. But how does someone just give up on a relationship without a reason?


Patting Peter on the shoulder Ben started towards the hallway wanting to meet up with the girls in the kitchen before discussing their next move.


Jamie had slept for a few hours but had woken up around midnight feeling very thirsty after a nightmare. It had been about everyone in the world multiplying with the same powers he had. Although it didn't seem too horrible until the world was overpopulated, and everyone started stacking up until they breached the atmosphere. It was a little silly now but all the same, he was glad the dream was over.

Suddenly while he passed the clinic the spotted Ben together with Peter casually talking. Then he noticed that Peter replied back in a very similar voice. Attempting to shake off the fatigue he continues towards the kitchen only to see Jean and a girl who looks almost exactly like Jean setting at a table drinking a couple of glasses of tea...

Jamie frantically runs out of the kitchen door panic written across his face. "Professor! Doctor McCoy!... Multiplying! Everybody is multiplying!"

Seeing this, the girls tittered in laughter. As male voices drifted in from the hallway.

"Isn't it obvious the older brother has to be me, right? I mean you have been alive for like, what? A couple of months?" Peter questioned with a smile.

Ben crossed his arms and propped one hand to his chin in a thinking pose, "Well, accentual I have all your experiences and some of my own and those experiences were rough to say at the least..." Ben's words stopped at the sadness that started to show in Peter's eyes.

"Ben..." Peter started to say but was interrupted by a voice calling from the other room.

"Gentleman, if you wouldn't mind coming into the day room. There appears to be something on TV that would interest you." Beast said at the doorway.

Meeting each other's eyes, the two walk simultaneously into the mansion a grim expression plastered on their faces.

Next chapter