

Andrea and Lu Fang were still asleep when Brie came inside their room. 

"Mommy! Daddy! Why are you still sleeping?" Asked Brie. "Daddy you are supposed to help grandfather today at the office. Wake up!"

Lu Fang forced himself up to accommodate Brie. He checked the time before pulling her closer to his side and said, "Brie, it's still six in the morning."

"Why are you already awake, baby? We are on vacation. Only daddy is working," said Andrea. 

"But mom, daddy promised me he'll teach me to make chocolate pancakes before he leaves for the office." Turning her attention back to Lu Fang, she said, "Daddy, wake up now so we can still make pancakes... Please."

Andrea looked at her husband, puzzled. Lu Fang merely shrugged and soon head down to the kitchen with Brie. 

When Andrea made her way down to the living room, she was surprised to find Chevre, already dressed, napping on the sofa. She woke him up asking, "Chev, why are you awake so early?"

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