
Marry my Grandson

"Lu Fang… I love you."

The man was caught off guard by his wife's confession. He was planning to propose marriage again and was hoping to hear those same words when the time came, but receiving it unexpectedly softened his expression. 

He quickly put an arm around her shoulders. He kissed her cheek and forehead before saying, "Babe, you don't know how much that means to me."

After holding her tight, he gasped trying to hold back his tears. He changed the direction of their conversation just so he could stop himself from being emotional. "Babe, why did you choose to tell me this on the plane? You could have waited for us to get home. Or did you want for me to drag you over the toilet?"

With one hand, she pushed his face away from her. Just the thought of getting banged in the toilet did not amuse her. "Seriously?" she asked. "Do you want me to take it back?"
