
Max's True Colors Part 2 Dealing harshly

Max centered himself throughout the early morning. Those who crashed from the party felt themselves feeling a lot better than they usually would. Thea and Lena had slept in a very compromising position on a couch. Max wanted to take a picture but he held back. It would have to easy to tease them with the photo. A large tiger stuffed animal was between the two.

He sipped his juice as Raven came in with a report on the Company.

*Fwish!* A spell went up as he sealed the area.

"The Court of Owls legitimate business have been purchased. As well as the Black Glove." Raven said. "I named the company that bought them Zenthos Enterprise."

"Cute." Max smiled behind his juice. "And the other thing you were looking into? It should be around the time you are showing up here yes?"

"Yes. I already took care of it. As well as the Tamarian princess. I believe you have the elder one secured already." Max gave her a nod. "I have given her the fake body that lines up with her death. That will show when they check anyway. Starfire also received a few documents to help her with the political mess they have. Maybe pass it onto her brother Darkfire. Who knows."

*Bwoop!* Max used a mirror to summon Blackfire out. Resolving things was a must when possible. The older Princess was quite livid.

"About time!" She yelled. Causing a few people to stir from the pure vibration of her voice. "So, did you give them the slip?"

"It is done. Now make sure you.." Max was cut off as Blackfire lifted him into a liplock. he pulled away after getting his bearings. She slipped her tongue in, which way more than a friendly gesture. "..buah! What was that about?"

"Marking my territory." Blackfire said cheekily. "No other Tamaranian will have you now. As well as acquire more languages from you. You have been very busy Maxmillion. So many in there. You were a.. squirrel? How the hell were you a squirrel as a.." she stopped seiing the unamused expression on his face." Soo.. the Spider Guild, you plan on going to space and dealing with them?"

"Nope. Not anytime soon. I have provided some stuff to a bunch of people to deal with that." Max said sitting back down on the kitchen stool. "That will have to do." He passed over some papers, all part of the contract between the two.

"So... what are you going to do now Komand'r?" Raven eyed the young woman. The one who causes quite a bit of trouble for them in the future. Well, when involving the Titans anyway. 'I can never tell her age or her sister's. In fact, she looks maybe a few years younger than when I saw her last.'

"What ever Max here wants me to do." She poked Max in the chest making little swirls. She was teasing and defintely didn't mean any of it. Knowing he wouldn't take the bait was half the fun. "Come on, let's do some bad things togethor."

"I want you to learn our customs, give some help with technology, and... have fun as a Rock Star." Max smirked causing Blackfire to spin in excitement. "You have the voice and will do well as part of the Rock Group I have. Well as my inevitable replacement. I will move to another avenue..."

"I am so there!" Blackfire did a little air guitar in the air before landing. "it is going to be epic!" She loved Earth music something fierce. It was.. disturbing how much.

"You make strange bedfellows." Regina said coming over. Dressed to the nines in tactical gear. She stood across from Max ready for what is next. "Next assignment boss."

"This one is a long one.. deep cover and new identity." A mirror appeared to her side. Max gave her some documents. "Everything to get started is inside. I will join you shortly. "Enjoy your time to yourself."

"I plan to." She gave Max a nod slipping into the mirror. Inside her body changed. It broke down into nothing and reformed. New flesh to get rid of what was done to the other. 'He completely set up everything. Sucks for the other person. No sense in letting people know she died. Well that Max killed her and a demon took

Time inside this mirror gave her all the years to adjust the information. The life of Tina Greer, who lived in Smallville Kansas. During the meteor shower in the past. The girl was cured of her soft bone disease. Gaining enhanced strength and shapeshifting.

'I already had shapeshifting to a degree. Now with this additional and the strength added on, I am even more powerful. Not bad for a chick from the slums and a former sex slave. Glad I never let those assholes know I could change myself.' The new start in a new place was good. Considering the demon that was now Rose Greer. 'Oh well, her mother Rose was dead and the demon took the chance to take the body and put the daughter under a spell. My gain anyway.'




"So Regina left. She told me some things. Told me how you helped her one day. You found.." Bruce stopped talking not wanting to think about it. "But that does not change what you did to that guy."

"What I did to that filth.." Max took care of a few potted plants on the balcony. ".. go to the police or whatever, it matters not. I will not change who I am. Or what I am doing. Especially for the misgivings of a child."

"You are not that much older!" Bruce said. He felt slightly indignant about things. This version of Max seemed colder to him. "Why are you like this? No sense in treating people the way you did then."

"Why have you stopped training?" Max asked. He placed the pail down and sized Bruce up. "I noticed at the party but thought I was seeing things a little. You look puggy and just so bleagh."

The glass doors opened as Oliver, Lena, Lex, Thea walked out. They were getting ready to go and Bruce was suppose to hitch a ride with them. Walking into this looked to be a little bad.

Blackfire, John watched from inside. Exchanging a few words. Making a bet it looked like. The others went to train with the Amazons. While the normal people were still sleeping the party off.

"Can you even defend yourself if I smacked you to the ground?" Max asked seeing Bruce just looking at him. "So, useless now. Living like a basic ass rich.. boy. Partying having friends is fine Bruce, but weakness.."

"Nothing wrong with living my life how I want." Bruce said slightly hollow. "Partying, I don't see their faces. I do it to forget on bad days. Alfred is happy." He gave a hollow smile. "Nothing wrong.. kuff!"

Max back handed him. Never did he think letting have his parents longer than normal would turn out like this. It was, disgusting. But his eye showed him, that Batman would still exist eventually. As well as several other key figures to save Earth from outside things.

"What the hell man!?" Oliver grabbed Max. It was a big mistake. "Whoa!" Max grabbed him and leaned him over the edge. Oliver gave one look as he tried to get back. But the difference in strength was to much. As well as the grip that kept him from moving much. 'Holy shit holy shit! He is crazy for real!'

"A little trauma for the spoiled children goes a long way. Bet I can drop you from here, spin a story that you were to drunk and did it on your own." Max said loud enough for them all to hear. Lena and Lex flinched slightly. Thea just looked wide eyed. Scared for her brothers life. "But you are not to bad." Max pulled him back a little. "A consolation prize."

*Thump!* Max tossed Oliver towards the others. Bruce looking at Max like he was a monster.

"Test results. Some one was looking into your father's, Mr.Queen made some enemies doing the right thing. Something you brats know nothing about or your mother's littles dalliance with a certain group of people." Max said coldly. "I wanted to bring to this you in a better situation, but the party.."

"This!" Thea read the document and wished she hadn't. Oliver was looking at picture of his father. They were surveillance photos. "This is fake!"

"Pft!" Max scoffed. "You Thea, are Oliver's half sister paternally. You also have another Half-sister by your father losing his memory a long time ago. Stranded well.. does not matter. He has no idea she exists. Whether you tell him is another matter. Whether you tell Tommy is another matter."

"Why..." Oliver looked at Max with confusion and some hatred building up. This information could ruined his family. "You plan on blackmailing us?! You already have money!"

"One can never have to much money." Max said calmly. "I am not blackmailing you. Just giving you the information someone else was already digging into. Your mother, mention the Cabbal to her in private. And your father, well tell him about the Court of Owls. Best chance for him to make a move or let whatever it is holding him in place fall through."

"Why not go to the police with this?" Bruce asked and felt Thea hard gaze at him. "What? It would be better for them to handle something like this. That pipeline.."

"Yeah, and what happens to us?" Thea asked with a snide look. "Our family will be torn apart. Every thing we have done will be looked in to. I am not as ambivalent as you are Bruce. Or as cunning as Max." She fixed Max a look of anger but one of fear as well. "I will tell them. With or without Oliver. Let them handle this. The Cabal..I overheard her talking about them once on the phone when I was younger. It did not go over well when she saw me. Grounded the entire summer."

"You could have told us instead of just holding me over the edge of a building!" Oliver said livid. "You are sick in the head! I do not care the why, let's just go!" He grabbed the documents as well as Thea. "We leave in 15 minutes!"

"Right.." Bruce mumbled. He knew Oliver was talking to him. "I think it best we do not see each other for a while again. You are going through some things.." Max shook his head at the statement. "So I am seeing you for the first time then.. I do not like it."

"I do not like what you become." Max frowned at him. "I am sure your parents would please though. At this rate, you will amount to nothing but just another disappointment. Rolling over in their graves.."

*Fwip!* Bruce gave a punch that Max grabbed before it made contact. A bit of his spirit roused up finally. A bit of what drove him later in life.

"That's the spirit Bruce." Max let go his fist. Bruce walked away. Lex and Lena staring at Max. Deciding not to go with the others. "Hmm, such a young angsty young man at times."

*Fwoosh!* Spiritual energy wrapped around Max. A green tint that let him know Gaia had done something. She kept it at bay till now.

"That.. is .. a .. lot of children." Max rubbed his temples. "Well, sperm donation is the way to go in this day and age."

"Hmm, magic.. ridiculous." Lex said. His sister elbowed him. "Oww! Yah know, you have been more aggressive lately. It suits you. Just not my ribs."

"Hehe, it is the way we are afterall." Lena gave a slight chuckle before looking back at Max. Frowning slightly. "You were ruff on purpose. Not really a way to make friends Max. Or to keep them for that matter."

John and Blackfire came in at that. John looking a little unhappy.

"I one the bet." Blackfire held up a few 20's. She had money but the wager is what mattered to her. "So can we go do something now?"

"Did you finish reading over the do's and do not's?" Max removed a box to give to Lena and Lex. "This is Science based stuff Lex. Stuff you will like more than trying to learn Magic. But still learn mediation like before. Best way to steel the mind."

"Quantum Construction.. this looks really .. advanced." Lex ran his hands over the binding and watched it disappeared into his flesh. Stored away inside him. "Ok.. that.. is .. some freaky tach.."

"Try not to create things at World Changing level. Find a.. group to trust." Max said serious. The contract made him unable to say certain things and guard even more things. But it would not prevent accidents from natural.. stupid... choices."

Next chapter