Karu looked around in amazement. He saw a group of college students walk in through one of the other doors as they talked and laughed. One of them hopped up on the stage and did an exaggerated and stupid dance causing his friends to laugh even harder. They grabbed some snacks from the table next to Yu. They talked to him for a while and a girl in the group said something that made Yu chuckle before they left through the door they arrived through. They joined Yu at the snack table and ate slowly as they talked with Yu.
More people started arriving soon after, they all eventually wandered over to say hi and to introduce themselves. An hour later there were over fifty people wandering around. people occasionally jumped onto the stage with a dance. At some point someone turned on some music that played from speakers set up all around.
The snack plates had been empty and filled again, but Karu wasn't sure how since no one seemed to refill them. When he asked Yu, he just shrugged and said he'd given up on trying to find out who did it a long time ago.
A boy around their age appeared and had spoken to Yu for a while before the both ran over to the stage. When Yu walked onto the stage most of the people around immediately turned their attention to him.
The boy Yu was talking to started dancing, when he was finished Yu started dancing. The whole time everyone was cheering so loud Karu could barely hear the music. When Yu finished dancing he was out of breath and smiling brightly.
When Karu saw Yu's smile, his mind immediately went to thinking about how much he liked it when Yu smiled. NOPE. Karu pushed the thought to the back of his mind before anything came of it.
When Yu wondered back over he explained to Karu that sometimes people had "competitions," basically they were small dancing battles.
Yu had certain representatives that he'd picked out. If you beat one of them you were given a prize, sometimes it was a ticket to a popular band's concert, sometimes it was getting to hear a new song by a band if they were going to release one soon. However if someone beat Yu at a competition they were given the option to enter musical talent's main building and either listen to practice of a band of your choosing, or permission backstage at a concert.
There wasn't a limit to the amount of times someone would challenge Yu, but he only accepted two challenges a day. It meant people were always waiting for him to show up so they could get the chance to challenge. Of course, this only worked if the band or musician was either part of Linx or neutral.
A box was set up and people would put in the name of who they thought was better in the competition, Yu, the challenged or Mike, the challenger. When someone called that Yu won he boasted a bit at first Karu that That Yu was surprisingly the kind of person that liked rubbing in that he won even though he hadn't seemed like it, but Karu realized that everyone including the person who'd just lost. Karu was told that Make was a long-time competitor so he and Yu got along really well.
Karu realized that it had already been hours since they got here and the sun was starting to go down. Karu had gotten to know a lot of the people here, and he could address a lot of people by name already.
When Yu reappeared next to Karu he was holding bags of fizzed drinks and every flavor of chips Karu had ever seen. May and the other two were standing behind him. As Karu and the others followed Yu up the stairs to the top building Karu saw Yu smirk but it dissipated quickly, leaving Karu confused.
Yu stepped onto the roof of the building and Karu followed. what he saw left him speechless. The Linx meeting area was in the older part of the city so there weren't a lot of tall buildings, actually, the apartment building they were standing on was one of the tallest ones in the area. The sun set reflected off the clouds causing the sky to shine in different shades of pink, purple and blue. Karu had lived in this city his whole life but he'd never seen the sunset this beautiful.
Yu pulled a blanket out of the bag and spread it out on the ground as Karu and the others stared at the sky in disbelief. Eventually, everyone joined Yu to sit on the blanket. Yu passed the drinks and chips he'd brought.
Komaki grabbed the only bottle of orange fanta along with three bags of Doritos. Yoku grabbed a bottle of cola, he would probably be sharing the Doritos with Komaki. May didn't like carbonated drinks son despite her arguments that it was fine, Yu ran back down and returned a few minutes later with a bottle of water, May also grabbed the bag of sour-scream and onion. Karu never understood how she liked them. Karu took a bottle of Pepsi, he'd been eating from the snack bar ever since he got here so he wasn't hungry.
As Karu sat there listening to his friends laugh and the music play from down bellow he thought that he wouldn't mind staying right were he was forever.