
The Ministry

After registration was finished, Amelia guided them back to the Atrium so they could head back to Hogwarts. She silently pulled Art aside to talk to him.

"How long have you been an animagus?" she whispered.

"A year now."

"And you didn't think to tell me?"

"You're a high ranking ministry official. It would be your job to report me."

"I am also your aunt!" she said.

"This was easier for us both. I didn't have to put you in a spot to compromise your career." he said gently.

She looked at him closely, "Why did you say your animagus form was a mountain lion?"

"A magical creature animagus form is unheard of. I am too young to have that kind of attention on me. Could you change it to Wampus later with no one seeing it so I won't get that Auror and you in trouble when it becomes public?" he asked, not wanting any trouble to befall on Amelia.

She nodded her head and looked at McGonagall who was waiting for her and Art. "Let's go." she said.

Art smiled and started to walk towards his friends when he stopped dead. He was staring at a man who looked thin and was carrying a large axe. Amelia saw Art stop and followed his line of sight and noticed he was staring at Walden Macnair. More specifically Art was staring at the man's hand where a black ring with golden inscriptions could be seen. It was clearly goblin made and very expensive.

Before Art realized it, he was moving forward towards Macnair. He took his wand out and stunned Macnair before pulling him towards Art.

Art grabbed his throat and slammed him against the wall. "Where did you get that ring?" he spat venomously.

Macnair's eyes were wide with fear as he looked around for help. "Don't know what your talking about." he said roughly.

"What are you doing Art!?" Amelia yelled, horrified about what she saw. Art had attacked a Ministry employee in broad daylight.

Countless people had gathered around now, some even Aurors ready to interfere.

Art ignored them all on tightened his grip on Macnair's throat. "Where did you get that ring?" he said slowly, his face less than an inch from Macnairs.

Struggling for breath, Macnair spat out, "Family heirloom."

"Your family?"

Macnair nodded slowly, fighting for breath.

"Art enough!" Amelia yelled, taking out her wand now.

Art turned around and saw many wizards and witches staring at him, a few had their wands out and pointed at him. Taking a deep breath, Art dropped Macnair to the ground, he bent over and took off the ring.

He pointed his wand at it and muttered, "Revelio."

Soon the markings on the ring changed became the familiar family crest of Cason with its family motto.

"My father's ring." Art sighed emotionally. He cradled the ring gently as memories of his father surfaced.

Amelia heard what he said and looked closely at the ring before looking at Macnair with a cold gaze. Coming out from his memories, Art suddenly walked up to Macnair and grabbed his robes.

"Were you there?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Art put the ring in Macnair's face before asking again "Were. You. There?"

Macnair looked around for help, not answering.

"Leave him Art. He was already tried and proven not guilty by court. There is nothing we can do." Amelia said, pulling him away.

Art followed her, giving Macnair a deathly glare.

"You attack a Ministry employee and think you can leave?" a sickly sweet voice rang out.

Art felt incoming danger and immediately place a shield around himself. He felt a spell bounce off and turned around seeing a toad like women wearing pink robes.

"You dare attack a student?" McGonagall almost screamed, pointing her wand at the toad faced women.

Amelia also looked angry as she slowly turned around. "I always knew you were a coward Dolores but attacking a student with his back turned?" she said coldly.

Dolores looked around and saw many wizards looking at her with contempt. "I didn't know he was a student." she said with a false sweet voice, defending herself.

"Look at his robes you blind toad!" Fred yelled at her, defending Art.

Many others agreed with Fred's words.

Dolores seemed to gather her courage. "Student or not, he attacked a Ministry employee in the Ministry! He should be-" she was interrupted be Amelia.

"I am the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement Dolores, not you. His punishment will be decided by me and me alone." Amelia said sternly, not letting Dolores talk. She guided Art and the others away quickly.

"Get out of here, I will fix this mess." she said quickly.

"I will inform Dumbledore." McGonagall said.

Amelia thanked her and sent them back to Hogwarts.

Art stared down at the black ring, tracing the crest with his finger. He remembered his father wearing this ring because he was head of house Cason. Art slipped it on his right hand ring finger. The ring gave off a golden light before shrinking to fit Art's finger perfectly.

"Well that was eventful." George interrupted the silence, a goofy grin on his face.

"Head back to your dormitories. Mr. Cason you are coming with me to see the Headmaster." McGonagall said, pulling Art with her.

Soon Art stood in front of the stone gargoyle with McGonagall who said, "Fizzing Whiz Beez."

Entering the office, Dumbledore looked shocked as he said, "What an unexpected surprise, Minerva and Mr. Cason."

Professor McGonagall wasted no time and explained what had happened at the Ministry. Dumbledore frowned when he heard Art attacked Macnair.

Art's face remained unreadable as Dumbledore looked at him, by the time McGonagall was finished telling the story Dumbledore was already contacting his Ministry connections.

"Fudge won't do anything because of Madam Bones and his family name but I am afraid it might be in the paper tomorrow." Dumbledore said, a frown on his face.

"My family name?" Art asked confused.

"Though your family is dead, it's name is still powerful to this day. Many pureblood families were in alliance with yours and the Cason name still has some pull." Dumbledore explained.

Art nodded, knowing about some alliances.

Thankfully Art didn't appear in the Daily Prophet the next day and continued on living as normal.

Soon Friday came along and Art entered the Great Hall like normal but the second he entered all eyes turned to him. Art felt something was wrong and quickly made his way to his table. Sitting down, Hermoine was holding the Daily Prophet and quietly gave it to Art. Readying the front cover, Art scowled.

Artland Cason: The Other Boy Who Lived?

Cason is a name that the majority of you should know. A powerful pureblood family that was killed by You-Know-Who in the war. But what you didn't know was that Artland Cason survived that night and is attending Hogwarts. Multiple statements from students and staff say that Mr. Cason is a model student that is top of his year. Not only that, he is taking extra classes not provided by Hogwarts like Healing.

'He is kind an always helps anybody who asks him.' one thankful student commented.

Another said, 'Art is always willing to help anybody who asks. Muggleborn or pureblood, it doesn't matter to him.'

Mr. Cason's generosity has seem to spread throughout the school. So why did this young king man attack a Ministry employee in the Ministry? This reporter found out.

Mr. Cason had just finished registering his Animagus form when he saw the employee wearing his family's ring. This cause Mr. Cason to feel extreme anger as he witnessed his family murdered by You-Know-Who. Attacking the employee and taking back his ring, this reporter felt was well within his rights. This talented young man had a bright future but will what happened to him affect his decision if he should join the Ministry?

Artland closed the paper, letting out an annoyed sigh. He saw everyone was looking at him with fear and pity. Art stood up and started to walk out of the Great Hall.

Suddenly Marcus Flint stood up and said "Hey Cason, was it scary when-"

Art waved his wand, making Flint's mouth disappear. The Gryffindor table roared with laughter as they pointed at Flint.

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