
Mr.Fat and Miss pretty 31

Is that what you want Shi.To kill me.Do you really want to have my life.(Lu Va)

Yes,No I don't know. You hate me that much that you would rather be with another woman than me.So I would rather have you died then have you hate me and my kids.(Shi)

Shi I don't hate you I love you so much that I just couldn't chose who I wanted to be with.I would've gone with you but I didn't want to hurt her.(Lu Va)

Shannon let us have room and let him go, I need to talk to him.So you didn't want to hurt her.But you hurted me the most.You only known her for 2 years.And for me I known you for over 24 years.What do you think now Lu Va,pity sorry.(Tears) I don't want to see you.You made me cry over stupid things and I just can't stop crying over for you but I just can't.(Shi)

(hug) I'm sorry Shi.I was wrong and I promise that I will be better to you.(Lu Va)

Let go of me.You don't love me.Your just saying that so I can stop crying.I told you let go of me.(Shi)

No.I don't want to let you go Shi.I told you,I love you and I want you.I don't want anyone else then you.(Lu Va)

Let me go.I don't want you.(Crying) I already know that your only pitying me because I'm crying.You only loved me back then but I don't want to be with you now.(Shi)

Shi stop lieing to yourself.You Know that you love me but you just keep dening it.Look at me Shi and tell me face to face.Do you really love me or do you want to keep this ageny and pain on you.(Lu Va)

(on her knees) Please let me go and I will talk to you.I promise o won't run away from you this time.(Shi)

If I let you go you will run away.I know you well Shi and you will.I can't afford you to run away from me this time.(Lu Va)

I told you,I promise that I wouldn't run away from you.(Shi)

Fine then if I let you go you wouldn't run.(Lu Va)

Yes Lu Va.(Shi)

Then I'll let go of your arms.(Lu Va)

(Running)I'm sorry Lu Va but I just can't talk to you.(Shi)

Shi.I know that I shouldn't have leted you go.You would just run away and leave me just like all of the woman that I ever known and loved.But this time I wouldn't let the woman I love run away.(Lu Va)(Starting to run after)

Door open...

Shi?What happened in there.(Shannon)

Shi stop running from me.(Lu Va)

Stop right there Lu Va.Where do you think your going.(Shannon)

Please move,I need to get to Shi. Shannon this is for the best of Shi.Let me go and get her back.(Lu Va)

Why should I.You hurted Shi and what are you going to do then.Hurt her again by leaving her.(Shannon)

No.Thats not the point.I want to make it up with her So please let me go get her.(Lu Va)

Fine but you better not make her cry anymore.If so I won't be afraid to hurt you in return .(Shannon)

Got it.Thank you Shanon.(Lu Va)

After the race with Shi and Lu Va...

Is he behind me anymore.If so I need to get back to the helicopter.Its not to far from were I am.(Shi)

Shi!!! Stop running away from me.(Lu Va)

Why should I stop.Your just going to make fun of me and scold me.I don't need you to talk to me.Go away.(Shi)

No I won't let you leave me one more time.I just want to make up for the past and be with you.(Lu Va)

By the helicopter...

Why do you want to be with me.You left me first and finally came back.But you through me out and didn't love me.I don't need your pity anymore once I leave on this helicopter you won't be able to find me anymore.(Shi)

Shi stop right there.Would you be happy if you left.Would you still be the Shi that never let things get to her heart and love everything. This is your choice,not mine.I can no longer stop you but I can say to you that,I want you to be happy and to be just like the old Shi.Not a depressed one.So think right now.If you leave on that helicopter,would that benefit you in any kind of way or stay with me.And we can restart all over again and you wouldn't need to feel this kind of pain anymore.(Lu Va)

I..I..I want to start over.But what if you leave me again and I can't find you for another 8 to 13 years.I don't want to separate from you again but you might want to.Lu Va why are you looking down like that.Your scaring me Lu Va,are you ok.Is something wrong with you.(Shi)

(Low Voice) Shi...I love you very much..(Lu Va)

What did you say Lu Va.(Walking closer to him)

(Hug tight)Shi...I love you...(Lu Va)

Tears...I love you to Lu Va.I love you so much that I just can't hold it in any longer.(Shi)

Bang...Bang... Bang... collapse

Lu Va!!! (Shi)

At the hospital...

Mom is Dad Ok.(Xinghe and Yucheng)

He isn't ok,the doctors say that he wouldn't wake up for almost another 13 to 20 years.His injureys are to severe from the impact of the gun shot.They say that even if he goes through the surgery,he would only live for 3 months.If only,I hadn't done what I've done.All of this would be just fine.With him still being with that girl and her child and I would be with you two.We would all be alive and nothing bad would've happened.This is all my fault.I finally got to reunite with Lu Va and then we go far apart again.I don't know when he will wake up and I don't know when I can say that I love him again.(Shi)

Mom this isn't your fault.You did what you did and that's an accident that happened.You did what your conscience told you to.And you got to reunite with dad and we are all still alive.Even though dad is in the hospital bed right now it is ok.He will wake up soon and we can all be a family once and for all.(Yucheng)

Yucheng is right mom.Even though we are only 13 we still know these stuff.(Xinghe)

Thank you,you two.I don't know what would had happen if I didn't have you two as my sons.I need to stay strong and positive.Thank you both very much.And remember this,mom and dad will love you forever and always.(Shi)

We know mom.We also love you forever and always.(Both)

15 years later...


Opens eyes...

I'm in a hospital bed again.Shi what happened to me this time.Did I sleep long or did I...Who are you two?!(Lu Va)

Dad!! You finally woke up.(Xinghe and Yucheng)

Xinghe Yucheng.Your both a grown up now.What happened to me.Were is your mother,I want to see her right now.(Lu Va)

Dad.The thing about that is,mom is already.You've been in a concussion for 15 years.(Both)

What do you mean gone.Shi has to be hear.Where is Shi?!(Lu Va)

Mom died of old age.She died 1 years ago and at the age of 52 years already,and she told us as her final moment was to give you these letters to you if you would ever wake up.(Xinghe)

(Tears)She had died before me.Thats impossible.We were going to be together forever and she died without me knowing.(Lu Va)

Dad we know that you would be surprised about this but these letters are for you to read.We are sad that mom died but you are still alive to atleast see us with our kids growing.(Yucheng)
