Exam day...
Shi.Are you ready for the test.I forgot to study last night so can you please pass me some of your notes.(Shou)
Shou I'm sorry but I can't.You should been smarter and wrote some notes and study.But good luck Shou.Hope you do your best.(Shi)
(Shou's thoughts) Shi what happened to you I thought that you would help me.Well then let me just change the test scores in the end.And let's see who gets away from it in the end.
After the test...
Shi how do you think you did on the test.(Shou)
I think I did good but what about you. Do you think that you did good. (Shi)
I think so but it seems like I did a bad job.(Shou)
Well at least you tried your best.Thats all that matters isn't it.Well Shou I think that I should leave.Its already 3:40,so bye Shou see you tomorrow.(Shi)
You to Shi but I just need to pack thinks first.(Shou)
When no one was looking Shou went to the test scores and changed my test with hers.She know that I got the more questions right but before she did it Mou showed up.
Shou what are you doing.You know that it's wrong to be doing that.Its practically a illegal act your doing.(Mou)
M..Mou how did you get in hear.The door was locked.Will you not tell.(Shou)
Shou why would I.I like you very much.I just need you to get me close to your friend Shi.If I can marry her and kill her.All of her family's money will be mine and yours.So Shou will you help me do this.I promes you,I shall marry you once I get the chance to kill her and her family.(Mou Ying)
Well if you can put it in a will and shack on it.I will consider it done.(Shou)