
Back fired plan (43)

Zane called the office to transfer all conference calls to his home. His Secretary gave him his agenda for the day.

He wanted to stay beside Bella today.

Bella was still sleeping when he was getting his day organized.

The other Nurse came in to find the other one had been dismissed.

"Sir was there something wrong?" She asked.

"Yes, we will need to find another nurse for the second shift. The last one tried to punish Bella and set her back a few days. Bella is not a child to be ordered around. She is the Miss' of the House. Understood?" Zane said.

"Yes Mr. Heart, I have worked with patients like her before. They heal faster doing things at their own pace. You should never push them faster then they can go and never punish them." She said.

"Good you understand."

"Did she have a bath last night?" the nurse asked.

"Yes, I gave her one." Zane said.

"Do you want to pick out her cloths?"

"No, you can do it."

Zane watched as the nurse got things ready for Bella's Day. Soon Bella was stretching and waking up. She allowed the nurse to get her dress and feed her breakfast.

Bella then curled up next to Zane, who was working on the computer, and started to read.


The Tailor, bold as a lion, filled both his pockets with stones and climbed up the tree. When he got to the middle of it he crawled along a bough, so that he sat just above the sleepers, and then he let fall one stone after another upon the body of one of them.

For some time the Giant did not move, until, at last awaking, he pushed his companion, and said, "Why are you hitting me?"

"You have been dreaming," he answered; "I did not touch you."

So they laid themselves down again to sleep, and presently the Tailor threw a stone down upon the other.

"What is that?" he cried. "Why are you knocking me about?"

"I did not touch you; you are dreaming," said the first.

So they argued for a few minutes; but, both being very weary with the day's work, they soon went to sleep again. Then the Tailor began his fun again, and, picking out the largest stone, threw it with all his strength upon the chest of the first Giant.

"This is too bad!" he exclaimed; and, jumping up like a madman, he fell upon his companion, who considered himself equally injured, and they set to in such good earnest, that they rooted up trees and beat one another about until they both fell dead upon the ground.

Then the Tailor jumped down, saying, "What a piece of luck they did not pull up the tree on which I sat, or else I must have jumped on another like a squirrel, for I am not used to flying."

Then he drew his sword, and, cutting a deep wound in the breast of both, he went to the horsemen and said, "The deed is done; I have given each his death-stroke; but it was a tough job, for in their defence they uprooted trees to protect themselves with; still, all that is of no use when such an one as I come, who slew seven at one stroke."

"And are you not wounded?" they asked.

"How can you ask me that? they have not injured a hair of my head," replied the little man.

The knights could hardly believe him, till, riding into the forest, they found the Giants lying dead, and the uprooted trees around them.


From time to time he would watch Bella's expressions as she read. He really had a hard time seeing why this little kitten moved his cold heart so much.

As he worked on some up coming projects he got a text:

[We need to talk please. Just meet me anywhere you like]

It was Heather Thornton.

{Why should I} he answered back.

[Bring Bella if you want. I won't make trouble.]

{Ok, The park over by my mansion 1pm}


Zane worked all morning and after feeding Bella he took her to the park.

Like a child she ran to the swings. While she was swinging Zane got a text.

[In black car in parking lot.]

He shook his head. Bella should be safe. "Stay there Bella and swing I will be right back."

Just as he hit the edge grass next to the sidewalk when he heard a loud engine revving then he spotted the motor bike. It was headed for Bella.

He ran as fast as he could and slammed into the mother bike causing it to go off course.

The adrenaline flowed into his body for he knew nothing of his own injuries.

He knocked the driver unconscious before pulling out the phone to call for help.

Bella how had seen the whole thing stood there with tears running down her face.

Heather got out of her car, with a shock she watched the scene unfold.

She ran to Zanes side. "Why you stupid man? Why?"

Zane was puzzled. He looked over at Bella and seeing her frightened face ran over to her. She threw herself into his arms.

When she pulled back she was covered in blood. Then the next thing she knew he was laying on the ground.

A dozen men showed up and carried him and the motor bike driver away. Leaving her standing there alone.

She was now in shock still bloody from head to toe she pulled out her book to escape this world.


Then the Tailor demanded the promised reward of the King; but he repented of his promise, and began to think of some new plan to shake off the hero. "Before you receive my daughter and the half of my kingdom," said he to him, "you must execute another brave deed. In the forest there lives a unicorn that commits great damage, you must first catch him."

"I fear a unicorn less than I did two Giants! Seven at one blow is my motto," said the Tailor.

So he carried with him a rope and an axe and went off to the forest, ordering those, who were told to accompany him, to wait on the outskirts.

He had not to hunt long, for soon the unicorn approached, and prepared to rush at him as if it would pierce him on the spot.

"Steady! steady!" he exclaimed, "that is not done so easily"; and, waiting till the animal was close upon him, he sprang nimbly behind a tree.

The unicorn, rushing with all its force against the tree, stuck its horn so fast in the trunk that it could not pull it out again, and so it remained prisoner.

"Now I have got him," said the Tailor; and coming from behind the tree, he first bound the rope around its neck, and then cutting the horn out of the tree with his axe, he arranged everything, and, leading the unicorn, brought it before the King.


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