


[ I got you.. ]

Mu Lingxi heard someone speaking before oblivion takes over her.

When she open her eyes again, the gray sky greeted her. Raindrops keeps pouring on her face as she lied on her back . Her body was facing the sky and is currently soaked with rainwater mixed with her own blood. She gasped when she saw where she was lying, the pool of blood reminded her of her own predicament.

" I survived the fall?" She asked puzzled. " But how???" She still can't believe what was happening.

She remembers the fire, her attempt to call for hel, her fall, and even the pain. She tried to remember everything that happened. She closed her eyes but as soon as she rack her brain for what happen a foreign memory flooded her head. It was the same her but not at all.

In this memory she was loved by her doting grandfather. And she was spoiled by everyone. She was the youngest miss of the Mu Clan. She had an older brother. And this brother of hers was the trusted general of their kingdom. Even the emperor regarded her brother as his peer that is why Mu Clan enjoys a high status througout the entire kingdom. His brother, Mu Gaoyan was overly protected to her since she was the only sibling that he had. With her excellent brother as a backing, she can do whatever she want. Often disregarding others and doing as she please. Brewing trouble one after another.

This memory of Mu Lingxi was a stark contrast on her own pitiful life. And the revelation makes her more confused than ever. She observed her surroundings. The place looks so desolate with big trees all over the place.

"What is this place?! Where am I???" " I certainly died. There is no way I can survived that fall." She muttered under her breath.

"Maybe,,.. maybe this is what they called afterlife?"


[ You didn't die... I saved you. ]

Mu Lingxi jump to her feet, startled. She looked for the source of that voice. It sounds so familiar.

"Oh yes, I remember now, I know you... I mean I know your voice. I remember you speak to me before I woke up on this place." She said while scanning her surroundings but no one is around aside from a black cat. Sitting leisurely on a nearby tree.

"Janus???? Janus is that you?" the cat jump down from the tree and walk slowly near her. Mu Lingxi patted her cat and scratched it behind the ears. The cat loves it.


[ Enough Lingxi... ]

"oh geez!" Mu Lingxi quickly retracted her hand that was caressing her cat Janus.

"Wait. wait. wait. waiiiiiittt..." She can't believe that she heard her cat talked to her. She shot her cat an incredulous gaze as she pinched her leg.

Tears wetted her eyes immediately as the pain assaulted her.

"No. This can't be happening. I must be hallucinating. Yes! this is not real. Maybe even the fire???? Yes, maybe I don't really die.. This must be a dream. Albeit a weird one... it feels so real...hehe" She said more likely to convince herself.

She closed her eyes tight and willed to wake up from this dream as soon as possible.


[ That won't work. silly girl. ]

Mu Lingxi tried hard to closed her eyes and while muttering "this is a dream, this must be a dream" repeatedly.


[ You died back there after you jump from the window. Although you don't die totally. Since I saved you at the last minute. ]

She slumped on the ground when she realized that she can't wake up no matter how he willed to. She looked back at her little black cat and hug it.

"Janus,..." she said as she cried.

The cat looked back at his owner, then using its own paw he tried to wipe away the tears that kept on falling from Mu Lingxi's eyes.


[don't be sad, I won't let anyone hurt you in this world. We will be inseparable. This is how I will repay your kindness from saving me before and for treating me nicely all this time. ]

Mu Lingxi stared at her cat and feel like she was going crazy... Janus was talking to her. The little black cat that she raised all by herself suddenly talked to her. And not just a simple talk, it was comforting her! This was so surreal!

"But how? How did it happen? This is impossible!" Mu Lingxi decided to asked her cat since she don't have a choice anyway. Well, no one can explain her what was happening right now except this talking cat of hers, right?


[ The previous owner of that body that you are currently residing at died exactly the same time as you. Using the ancient blood that I had with my body, I diffused it and with its power I tried to put your soul to a different shell. ]

"Well thanks for explaining. I still don't get it." Mu Lingxi retorted as she scratched her eyebrows awkwardly.

She got more confused than ever. The two chatted with each other until Mu Lingxi feel like believing that everything was real. Although there was still a small part of her wishing that she could just wake up and end all of this farce.

"Base on the memories that I gain, the previous owner of this body was well taken care of. So how come she died suddenly and in this kind of place as well?"


[ Well that is something that I'm not aware of. And I don't care who might be the culprit or the reason why she died. The important thing here is, her dying works well for both of us. With her, you survived. And the best way to repay her is to live this live the best that you can. ] her cat explain lengthily.

Mu Lingxi nodded listlessly on her cat's word of advice as she shiver from the cold.


[ You're cold. We better get out of here and went back home to your family before you die out of coldness here and render my effort saving your life futile. ]


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