
Heart to heart talk.

After reading replies in last chapter, I was laughing like an evil :)))


"Tang Min, is he your grandson?" Xin Mei asked with a shock and looked at Bai Yue.

"Who Tang Min? I don't know any Tang Min. He is not my grandson. My grandson is Su Yuchen. See here he comes."

Eyes of Xin Mei became wide when she heard the name of Su Yuchen. She turned around and saw Su Yuchen making his way toward the room. There was no trace of Tang Min anywhere.

Tang Min was in the hospital to meet some other relative. He was only looking at room number when Xin Mei saw him, so she misunderstood.

Xin Mei inwardly cursed herself when she saw Su Yuchen. Why didn't she ask about the name of the groom? She didn't ask Bai Yue about the name of her husband. All this while she was so ignorant. If only she knew!

Never in her wildest dreams could she think Su Yuchen would be her prospective groom. He her crush, the man she had thought was out her league.

Was god showering some favor on her? Was she becoming lucky to have him as her life partner?

The doubts about the marriage which she had in her mind not a long ago flew out of her mind when she saw Su Yuchen!

Su Yuchen also looked at Xin Mei with shock. He didn't think that the girl selected by her grandmother was Xin Mei. Today, he came to the hospital with full determination to reject the girl but now he seemed to be changing his mind.

He could remember the phenomenon of three coincidences about the fate which he had heard once. If two people met one another three times by coincidence then they are fated together.

He met her first during his visit to the psychologist, the second time in his hotel room at City B and third time now. It seemed she was fated to be his life partner.

Bai Yue couldn't help her grin when she saw the eyes lock of Su Yuchen and Xin Mei. Finally, she and her best friend's dream would come true. Finally, she would be free of worries after getting her Su Yuchen married off with Xin Mei.

"Grandma, how are you doing today?" Su Yuchen walked toward his grandmother and wrapped his arms around her. "See I fulfilled my promise, I came here."

"Your grandma is doing well Chen'er." Bai Yue patted on his cheeks. "And I am very happy that you came. Now sit here with me." She pulled him on the bed. "And meet Xin Mei, your prospective bride. Didn't I tell you I will find a beautiful bride for you? Now get to know her and make your grandma worry-free."

Su Yuchen looked at his grandma and Xin Mei. He remembered how his grandma had persuaded him to say yes for this marriage.



"Grandma, I have told you. I can't get married to any girl except for my Mian." Su Yuchen declared his decision in a stern yet soft voice. He didn't want to yell at his grandma who was weak at her heart.

"Chen'er, I know you are waiting for your Mian but when will you find her? From so long, I am hearing this name from your mouth but she is nowhere to be seen. Before my death, I want to see you married. Will, you not fulfill this last wish of your grandmother?"

Bai Yue looked at Su Yuchen with sad eyes. Her face was pale and her eyes held a lot of hope and pain.

"Grandma, you are not dying now. I am sure we will find a matching heart for you." Su Yuchen gripped her hand and looked at her with painful eyes. "You are not dying. You are not leaving me alone."

Bai Yue smiled weakly and ruffled the hairs of Su Yuchen.

"We don't know about life, my baby boy. I am not sure if my body will survive after having heart transplant. What I am sure is I want to see you married. I want to die without any worries of you. I want to see you happily married before my death. Chen'er, please fulfill this last wish of your dying grandma."

Bai Yue pleaded to Su Yuchen. "Chen'er, I know a girl. She is the granddaughter of my best friend. We had always dreamt of making our family one. Please fulfill this dream of ours. You can meet her and then decide if you want to marry her or not."

"Grandma, I can't marry anyone. You are asking me to marry a stranger when you know I love…"

"Stop talking about your love for Mian," Bai Yue yelled and coughed hard the very next second. "From so long I am bearing with your stubbornness. What not have you done to find here but where is she? For how long are you going to wait for her? Why are you wasting your life for her? Why can't you hear your grandma for once? Please marry the girl of my choice please hear to me, Chen'er."

Bai Yue shouted before she started to breathe heavily. She placed her hand on her chest. Su Yuchen became panicked and wrapped his arms around Bai Yue.

"Grandma, are you alright? Nurse, doctor, doctor," he yelled and then looked at his grandmother. "Ok, I will meet the girl of your choice. Now happy! Rest now, don't you want to see me getting married to the girl of your choice?"

Su Yuchen coaxed his grandma who fell asleep. The same moment nurse and doctor entered the room to check her vitals.


After ensuring that his grandmother was not in danger, Su Yuchen left the hospital for his office. Maybe he agreed to meet the girl of her choice but he wasn't going to do so. He couldn't marry anyone not only because he loved Mian but also because of his feelings for Xin Mei.

He reached his office and words of his grandma kept ringing in his mind.

For how long was he going to wait for his Mian? He didn't know. He was already losing hopes. He was forced to think why was he wasting his life in search of Mian when he wasn't aware if she was alive or not?

That evening, Su Yuchen was about to leave his office when he received a call from his grandfather, Su Lingtian.

"Chen, come to the hospital. Your grandma had another heart attack."

Su Yuchen forgot to breathe upon hearing his grandpa. He rushed to the hospital and found his grandfather outside the ICU. His grandfather was weeping while looking at the ICU door.

In the morning, somewhere Su Yuchen thought his grandma was acting to make him fulfill her wish but now he knew she was really in a critical stage and her last wish was for him to get married.

He walked toward his grandpa and gave him his moral support. Both men kept standing outside the ICU, waiting for the doctor. They wanted to hear that Bai Yue was out of danger.

Doctor came out after some time. He announced Bai Yue was out of danger but she needed immediate surgery. She needed a heart transplant otherwise she wouldn't survive for long. Another attack and they could loss her.

"Su Yuchen, now that your grandma is out of danger, will you take a walk with me? I have something to talk to you."

Su Lingtian looked at Su Yuchen and placed his hand in front of him. Su Yuchen nodded his head and took a hold of his hand.

Both walked towards the garden and had a heart to heart talk with one another.


50th Rank= 2 chapters daily
