
Comments of chapter undefined of Married to the Devil's Son



Happy new year everyone🎆✨🎉🎉. Hope this new year brings luck, happiness and health to everyone. Stay safe and spread positivity. Love ❤❤





i so love how you've managed to make Heaven a perfect mix of Lucian and Hazel. i miss zamiel everytime hes not in a chapter but absolutely love this powerful, future ruler Heaven.


Ilyas is sooo cool 😎 And Zamiel is proved to choose the right people for protecting Heaven. I wonder what Callum means by that. Does he mean to let Heaven give the decision back to his father? Lucian is a great king after all .


Way the go Ilyas😎..Zamiel knew what he's like perhaps when he assigned him to help out and protect Heaven. But yep we need to know more about him. Heaven had the characteristics of a good leader, she certainly had the guts to be one.I think she just have to be more decisive of some things,if that's what Callum meant. (but I guess that comes as she learns the process) I love how she's taking responsibilities of her actions/her men's action.And how she consults and tries to consider them too in certain aspects.How she's weighing on things.Father would be proud yep. 😊 thankies for the chap dearest author💕


Awesome!! I am liking Illyas more and more! Zammy recognized his eyes right off the bat! I am still looking forward to Zammy teaching Zarin a lesson and Lucian and Heaven’s discussion! I am also still dreaming of wedding bells!! ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for creating some AWESOME characters. Hmmmm...is Illyas suitable for Gina? We need some more couple action! Ha ha ha! If Heaven gets married soon, she’ll be that friend setting up all of her single friends! Ha ha ha!


GOD!!! Illyas mom was ancient demon! And he is so strong! Just reminding me of how Heaven and Zamiel children will be in the future! SO EXCITING! And dear author we are not Complaining at all! We are thankful altho it was short you were able to answer all questions we had and thoughts we were trying hard to make logic out of It! AND CANT WAIT FOR TOMORROW UPDATE I WILL DIE AND COME BACK! wake me up when it is the next update thank you.


Seems to me that Lucian made the decision for war unless Heaven could have kept them from being locked up. I look forward to a fauther-daughter talk as they sort through what hapoened & how their stratigies worked or didn’t. I think Lucian & Heaven make a great team!


Yay!🎉Ilyas is everything i hoped he would be!❤️And Im sure Lucian will be proud!


Welcome to the Family Ilyas. Momma Hazel will give you her traditional welcome SLAP! One for Heaven and one for Lucian.


Happy New Year! Let’s pray 2021 is filled with health and happiness!


Heaven is coming into her own! She's grown so much since the beginning! I miss Zamiel though! Heaven is so much like her dad and then so much like her mom! I love it! Thanks for the update!! Happy New Year everyone!! Stay safe and stay blessed🥰🥰


I love this story, I have to admit it was a little hard for me to switch from Lucian and hazel live story to heavens. but after a few chapters I was hooked all over again. I want to know what happens. I want to know if Zarin is going to succeed in trying to ruin zameil and heaven relationship. And how they plan on dealing with the devil and him trying to make heaven rule one of his kingdoms. theres so much that needs answers and I cant wait to see the twists and turns ahead


I understand Zarin is trying to get Heaven back, but the way he is going he will lose Heaven. I love how Heaven is so loyal when she is with someone and stands by her decisions. Ilyas is going to be great in this story. I cannot wait to see what he does to help her be a great leader


This was a very interesting chapter! None of the romance as in previous chapters, but there have been many steps taken towards Heaven’s goal of becoming ruler. Information regarding Ilyas was discovered, and last but not least, Callum’s comment at then end, very intriguing!! I am excited for more!! Plus, I think Zarin is learning that attempting to win Heaven back may not be as easy as he thought. That Heaven becoming a different person (in his eyes) is more than just the work of Zamiel, but that Heaven is growing and truly becoming her own person!


Yes! ilyas is a wonderful guy To have on your side. i look forWard to learning more about him!!


Love when theirs a new chapter


I wonder what callUm means.. cant wait to Read next chapters. Love how strong Heaven is becoming and how much She is learning. Very strong female lead


Heaven will be a great ruler. She’s assertive but not aggressive. She’s decisive and delegates without being a tyrant. She cares anout people and is willing to stand up for those too weak to stand for themselves. She doesn’t put those she commands in a position or asks them to do anything that she’s not willing to do herself. She is a true LEADER.


ilays n Gina 🤔 that would be a great couple


I think her dad was dragging his feet in deciding and she acted decisively .