
A Passing Breeze - Part 8

"Mm, well, I just started workin'. I woke up late, you see… It's sort of embarrassing that you ask. I don't reallllly want to tell you, to be honest," the woman said. "That's no thing to ask a Lady, Lord Patrick."

"Speak," Oliver demanded.

"Three," the woman said, yawning. "Told you, you wouldn't be impressed. We done now? You gonna threaten to torture me and all that? I wouldn't bother, ya know. I'll tell you all that you want to hear."

"Who employed you?" Oliver said.

"Ohhhh, now, never mind, that's something I can't answer," she said. "They made me swear, y'know. And I gots to keep my promises. Otherwise I'm a bad person, keke. Anythin' else? Or are ya gonna torture it out me? I don't think that'll work, but who am I to say? I'm just you're lovely little prisoner."

"Take that hood off her face, Blackthorn," Oliver said. "I'd like to see the face of this killer."

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