
A Different Battlefield - Part 8

"Say that when you can match me in it," Greeves said. "You're still far beneath me, no matter how big you talk, little fox."

"I wouldn't say that, Boss… She's a little menace in her own right," Judas said.

"Who pays you, Judas?" Greeves said, without even turning to look at him.

"…Yer right. Sorry, Nila, I reckon it'll be another decade before you can match the Boss."

Nila rolled her eyes. "Thanks for your input, Judas…"

"The only true test of whether one would be good at something is simply to do it," Verdant said. "And I do not believe that my Lord would find lacking in any department, if he had a genuine interest for it."

"Apart from alchemy," Oliver said. "…Never did get the hang of that."

He'd included alchemy in his courses for the entirety of his Academy stay, but he hadn't managed to achieve anything in it that he could be proud of. It had taken all he had just to keep up a passing grade.


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