
More Sentimental Than He Let On

Abby was intrigued by a country of people who were capable of creating things from her home without needing explicit instructions on how to do so. She wanted to hear more.

"I would love to hear about them. And everything you've been up to the past year," she confessed.

Blaise seemed pleasantly surprised. "Really? I thought the same thing about you. I have heard a little about your exploits here and was curious to know more. You have acclimated here very well. I'm glad."

Her traitorous heart flip-flopped in her chest. Did that mean he had worried about her? She wanted to ask but had yet to work up the nerve when another Warrior plopped down at their table unceremoniously with Mitzi in tow.

"These sandwiches are so much better than the rations we normally get," he sighed in contentment. "I wish we could have them every day. Especially if such pretty girls bring them to us."

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