
Set 145

Mr.John was rolling on bed at 1.00am when the bell rang, A lady enters in saying her name is Lucie, John says "My wife went to her mom's house".

"Oh!it's good time for me to fuck you" exclaimed Lucie.

So they both went to bed, After an hour Lucie gets up and takes a water bottle.

John now was a bit confused about all that happened so fast and asked who're you, Her reply was you do not know me, My husband had an illicit relation with another woman.

John asks With whom, Lucie replies with your wife.


A happily married man, one night, asked his wife to have sex "doggy style."

"No!" she said, aghast.

Throughout their long relationship, he would periodically ask her to have sex "doggy style."

She always emphatically said "No!"

Finally, on the man's deathbed, he asked his wife why she refused his simple request to have sex on her hands and knees.

"Hands and knees?" she said, "I thought you meant in the front yard!"


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