
The Fire Clone

The clone was covered in blood with almost every bone in it's face smashed. Cross noticed that the clone was healing slowly. Suddenly the clone got back on its feet spiting up blood. Cross was surprised that the clone was still alive. He punched he inflicted on the clone created a shockwave which destroyed all the mountains nearby. Cross turned his hand into a blade and lunged after the clone. The clone smiled and flickered behind off Cross, who was caught off guard. The clone kicked Cross in the back of the head making him smash into the ground. " That was quite a punch." The clone picked up a boulder and threw it at Cross who punched the boulder into smithereens without putting any effort in his punch. The clone dodged all the little pebbles that were flying all over the place." " Now's your chance!!" shouted Rider. Cross flickered and appeared by the clone's abdominals. He then unleashed a barrage of punches. As Cross did this, the clone coughed up blood in Cross's face blinding him for a split second. Cross then fused aura around his leg and kicked the clone in the face breaking his neck. The clone smashed into rocks. The clone got off the ground recovering quickly. "Play time is over." " I had enough of you." The clone's aura fused around it's entire body. The entire mountain was shaking as if a volcano was erupting. Cross quickly ran for cover. The clone's white aura then turned into fire. The clone scanned the area for Cross and identifed that was hiding behind a rock. The clone fused a fireball in his hand and threw it at the rock which Cross was behind. Cross flickered before the fireball made contact with the rock. The rock melted as if it was plastic. Cross appeared behind the clone who quickly turned around and shot a fireball out his mouth taking Cross's left arm right off spraying blood all over the floors of the mountain. Cross collsaped on the ground holding the part where his left arm use to be. His left arm instantly healed back perfectly. " Tch." " You have awesome regeneration just like me." " It's all thanks to that supreme lifeform inside your body." " I will burn you until you are ashes!" Fire came out of the clone's hand like a flamethrower. " This fight is going to be a lot harder than I thought said Rider." Cross dodged the flames and shot spikes at the clone. The spikes phased right through the clone's body. The clone laughed and jumped in the air. While the clone was in the air he made a giant fireball in his hand that released hot air around the area. The clone threw the giant fireball which was coming down like a meteor was at least two hundred mph. Cross made a sword come out off his hand and jumped towards the giant fireball and sliced the giant fireball in two. The two splits of the giant fireball become two smaller versions of the giant fireball which both attacked Cross. It sunked in his stomach and made him crash on the ground. The two smaller fireball became whole again and exploded. A catosprochic event occured. The entire mountain blew up. The sound was furious. Everything else in the background including the High Noble Squares were destroyed, killing hundreds and thousands of nobles.

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