
The Fall of ETC chapter6

Manhattan Main ETC Base

As General Wyatt's armored truck pulled up by the Main ETC Base they dragged Cross out of the armored truck and threw on the ground. "It's time for you to meet our main leader." As Cross was escorted by General Wyatt and 4 soldiers he saw failed experiments on the ground dead. They then talked him a 7-foot tall door and knocked on it. "Mr.Baxter the creature you requested us to find is here." said, General Wyatt. "Come in." As the went inside Mr.Baxter was talking to his wife who was in Russia. "Now let's get straight down to business." "I want to how did you come to have powers." Cross did not answer. General Wyatt then punched Cross in his face. He spat out a lot of blood. "Answer the question or your jaw will be gone in minutes." "Now l will say it again." "How did you get your powers? "All when Cross was being punched in in the face he was making a plan to escape from the Main ETC Base. "I am tired of talking to a fucking wall." J"ust fucking kill him and bring me the creature that's inside of him." "Yes, Mr.Baxter." As Mr.Baxter made that order they were going to extract Rider out of him. "General Wyatt, we have to put him on the Nitrous oxide gas." "No, forget the gas l want this bastard to feel this." " He killed 20 of my men." "He must pay." "Cut him open." "Yes, sir." As the doctor was cutting him open with a scalpel. He grabbed the doctor's hand and shoved the scalpel in his eye. He then shot spikes out of his body killing the soldiers in the room expected for General Wyatt who punched Cross through the sheetrock wall. The robot arm then sprouted long deathly claws with lethal venom dripping off them. As he sliced after Cross who crushed his other arm like paper." Aaaaaaa!" General Wyatt then bleeding severely from his left arm. Cross then mashed his face into the ground leaving nothing but blood spatter. As Cross walked out of the room;3 soldiers confronted Cross. Cross easily turned his arm into a blade and charged in past them. As he turned around their heads were gone completely off of their body's. Cross then headed for Mr.Baxter's. As he kicked down the door he was shot in the stomach from Mr. Baxter. Mr. Baxter held the shotgun smiling. "This shotgun you were just shot with can take down a grizzly bear that weighs more than a thousand pounds!!!!!" said Mr.Baxter. "Now time for you to show me how you got your power." Cross then shot a spike inside Mr.Baxter's chest sending him crashing on his desk. "Ga!" Mr. Baxter spat out blood. "You think you have- won?" "Not even close!" As Mr.Baxter said that a helicopter equipped with machine guns. Blam! The machine guns all missed it's target. Cross then jumped inside the helicopter breaking the pilot's neck. As he jumped back into the ETC skyscraper, the helicopter blew up! Boom!!!! "Damn my trump card has failed me badly. "But I have one trick left up to my sleeve." "I have a bomb by my heart so when I die it will go off!" "Do you know how many lives you are endangering?!" said Cross "I don't give a fuck." "All that matters is that I get the last laugh." "Now- "As he said now he instantly died. Cross then picked up Mr.Baxter's body and threw it out of the window, as far as he could throw. Mr.Baxter's body landed in the ocean. As the bomb went off a giant explosion occurred underneath the water. Cross then jumped out of the building down to the ground. He landed on the ground perfectly. As he looked up at the building he knew one thing that building had tons of secrets.Now all Cross wanted to do was get a drink at a bar. A decent bar. And a car. And maybe even meet a girl.

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