The final hour of the shift saw Tom heading down to forensics and Petty up to the lieutenant's office. They said their byes, knowing they would head home separately and meet again only the next morning.
The basement of the station was the floor of the forensics. Clearly, whoever it was, had little sense for naming. Or maybe, a very good sense, because a smile crept onto the most depressed face every time the name was said out loud. Maybe that was the intent. No one was going to argue about the station always thirsting for some good natured humour.
Tom smiled as he walked into the floor of the forensics. Viki was at her desk, typing her report into the server. She was of the new age, who preferred keyboards and monitors to pens and paper. Tom sighed at the thought of how he felt of the old age.
He walked over, stood next to Viki who was too occupied to notice him, placed his hand on her shoulder and gently startled her.
"Viki, have something for me?"
Surprise quickly cleared away for delight as Viki saw who it was.
"Detective Tommy, give me a minute please. Let me finish this report. Grab a seat."
Tom did as she asked, with a smile. He wasn't blind. He knew Viki held feelings for him. In the beginning, it was merely admiration. Granted, he had no idea why she admired him so much more than everyone else. She was ever eager to be of service, especially to him. Gradually, and noticeably, the admiration grew into affection and that into what it was now. A scorching crush. The mysteries were why she hadn't acted on her feelings by asking him out, and why he wasn't so eager even though he liked her and they were both single. These were mysteries the two had to unravel themselves.
He was impressed at how her fingers danced rapidly over the keyboard to the continuous clicking of the keys. True to her word, she was done in a minute. She pulled up the reports pertaining to the Persons' case on the screen, and turned to face him.
"Detective," she started in a serious tone that was all work. She was very good at that, keeping her affection from staining her work. And he admired that. "Almost unsurprisingly, there were three sets of prints we found in the house. Two adults, one younger. The younger prints were on the phone too, so we can safely assume it was Sasha's. There's no match in our database, meaning they've never been arrested. They're clean, like a normal suburban family. I'm sorry but there's nothing I can give to help with ascertaining there's even a case here. No signs of struggle anywhere in the house. No signs of anyone else having been inside. Just for you, I even got the recording of the call reporting the burglary. I heard it many times, and I must say, even though I'm no expert, I heard no urgency in the voice of the caller. It was impersonal. Almost like it wasn't genuine. I checked with officer Sarahi, she's the first responder at the scene. She didn't see anything sticking out either, but she felt it prudent to report it upstairs. I don't know what she meant exactly. I don't think she does either. Sorry."
"Why do you apologise?" He asked while shaking his head.
She shrugged, but didn't answer. She waited, looking at Tom deep in thought. The reason she trusted officer Sarahi was because the woman was a lot like Tom. They saw things that they couldn't explain in words. Almost like a sixth sense.
In the end, Tom shook his head, wearing a deep and melancholic smile.
"Thanks," he told her.
He got up to leave. Before he could take a step, she spoke.
"Hey," she said, hesitantly. "Your shift ended, didn't it? Any plans? For dinner? There's this new restaurant not far. Well, it's not exactly a restaurant. A tiny establishment. A kitchen. A small hall seating twenty, thirty maybe. Aunty Gaia, it's her restaurant. She makes great spicy and crispy meatballs. Do you want to go?"
Tom saw the expectation on her face, and he couldn't bring himself to say no.
"Alright," he said, smiling at her beaming face. "Shall we go?"
She closed up in record time. She almost couldn't keep her heart from leaping out of her chest as they left the station and walked down the streets of night that were alit like day, feeling like a young girl on her first date.
Neither spoke as they walked, each for different reasons. She smiling shyly. His straight face masking the complicated thoughts.
The restaurant was a long ten minute walk from the station. It had no sign board hung over the entrance, as if it had no name. It was a modest establishment, clean and simple, plain and bland. The scents of foods graced the inside, swaying to the tune of cutlery, steel forks and spoons and knives and wooden chopsticks on porcelain bowls and plates. There were a dozen tables, that could each seat four, distributed evenly. Two men, one middle aged and other younger, bearing the resemblance of family, welcomed and waited upon guests. The guests were all modest too, setting the tone of the restaurant prettily.
The older man showed Tom and Viki to a table near the middle. He greeted Viki familiarly, even sharing a secret wink asking about her friend, which Tom couldn't possibly miss. Viki blushed, and nodded openly. She didn't need the menu. She ordered for the both of them. After the older man left, she turned to Tom, blushing deeper. And explained.
"That's uncle Peitros. Aunty Gaia and uncle Peitros started the restaurant. That's their son, Furuy. He helps out after college. Lea, their daughter, helps out in the kitchen. Lea's balance is terrible. She could never hold up a plate without spilling. But she's remarkable with the knife, and with fire. She's a great, great cook. She only cooks for family and friends though. She helps out with cutting and preparing the ingredients. It's a family restaurant, like that."
Tom nodded.
"You come here often?" He asked.
Viki blushed as she nodded.
"Yeah. I love aunty Gaia's food. I'm sure you will too, once you taste it. It's unforgettable. And it couldn't get better. Great food at unbelievable prices. I stopped even thinking about those bigger and more expensive restaurants. That's why uncle Peitros recognises me."
"Okay. So, while we wait on our food, why don't you tell me what's on your mind?"
She was surprised. Gave herself a moment to calm down.
"What do you mean?"
He shook his head faintly. He knew they were at a point where it couldn't be avoided any longer.
"I know how you feel, about me. I know you like me. Truth be told, I like you too. Very much, actually. But I must apologise. You and I, I don't think it'll work. It's complicated. I'm complicated. Maybe, another day, I can explain so you can understand. But, tonight, right now, that's not what this is about. With that out of the way, let's sort out the now."
She understood him perfectly. She was first embarrassed by his directness, then she felt her heart flutter in expectation, then came the barrage of disappointment, ending with hope. She didn't hear him say no. Only that they would go out another night, some time later, talk things through. He had a lot he had to tell her. And truth be told, she had a lot to tell him too. Detective Tom had failed in realising that she was complicated too. But that was for the another night. She smiled lightly as she returned to tonight, to right now.
"There're rumours," she said slowly. "About things changing. Lieutenant is retiring. Someone will be promoted up the ranks, to fill the vacancy. Are you applying for it?"
Tom couldn't keep from feeling affected. She really cared for him. She worried for him.
"Viki," he said just as slowly, taking her hand. "I know that I don't need to say this. You're smart. But I will, all the same. The rumours, keep away from them. They're dangerous. Much more than is apparent. As far as lieutenant's retirement, I don't know. I don't know about the promotion either. I haven't applied, and I haven't heard anything. So, it's safe to say it's got nothing to do with me. Let's leave it at that."
On cue, uncle Peitros served the food. The meatballs Viki drooled over, along with a bowl of soupy noodles, mildly spicy, the way Tom liked his noodles best. And two glasses of hibiscus tea.
"Enjoy," uncle Peitros said, smiling like an old man overseeing his children on a date.
Tom smiled. Viki blushed. As the old man left, the couple dug into the food, which Tom discovered was tastier than Viki claimed. As much as the two refused to admit, it certainly felt like a date.