
Units in Rokarns Army

"I think that's about enough. If it's a fight you're looking for Syradil I can gladly spar with you. I don't think you need to provoke my friend now do you?" Shiro asked as she tapped her finger on the table.

Feeling the pressure from her, Syradil understood that Shiro didn't mind dissolving their agreement immediately. She had the power to back it up after all.

Deep down, Syradil wasn't sure if she could actually win in a fight between the two of them.

"Fine fine. I'm only joking. But let's get to the main topic now. So far, I've come across three kinds of soldiers." Syradil said as she sat down on her chair.

"First, is the scouts. High mobility, good at evasion, hard to pin down. However, they have virtually 0 attack power. They have a skill that lets them fade between realms and go invisible and can relay information back to the base the second they see it. I'm guessing they act similar to your cameras." Syradil said while glancing at Shiro.
