
Prep Time For The Expedition

Our bath time was short. Although I enjoyed the conversation and of course the "view", it's not good to keep soaking in the hot spring for long and Queen Tanya agreed so we both got out of the bath after a while.

"I can tell that you are indeed planning to join in for the expedition we will do. However, I want you to prepare for the upcoming trip we are about to do. As much as you think the exploration thing is not that troublesome, we still don't know what will happen. With the Kamikaze continent being sealed off from every other continent for quite a while, it's clear that something big is brewing there and I hope you don't take the challenge so lightly even though you are strong enough. I will also be making my preparations as well," Queen Tanya suggested as she put on her bathrobe.

"Do you think the situation on the Kamikaze continent is worse than what the reports are given?"

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