
Open When You're Anxious

Virgil felt panicked and looked around. His eyes darted around his room. He quickly opened the satchel and looked through the letters. He just dumped them out on the floor and looked around. He found a card that said 'Open when you're anxious'. Virgil opened it.

'Dear Virgil,

You're feeling too 'you' at the moment, so you've opened this. Just take a deep breath. Breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 7, breathe out for 8. Keep repeating the steps and you'll be fine. No one is coming after you. Imagine yourself in your happy place, if you have one. Or imagine yourself with the one you love most... that always works for me.


Virgil breathed in and out and slowly calmed down. He imagined himself with Roman, the person he loves most.

'I just wish I could tell him my feelings...' Virgil sighed.

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