
Chapter 56 - TCM

Shirou who was been captivated by TCM, automaticly projecting the sword using Denial of Nothingness without realizing it. And that sword was stabbed at the floor of the shed right in front of him. Archer jaws was dropped when he saw a perfect copy of TCM that was made by Shirou. Because one of his dream was to see the real TCM once more, and now the sword that he really want to have was perfectly made by his younger self of course he have a mixed feeling right now.

"Wow a true magic was really are a cheating bullshit!" Adult Rin said when she saw the TCM that Shirou projecting. "To think my husband younger self can made the perfect version of a sword that make my husband crazy, using the Denial of Nothingness."

"Yeah, I cannot agree more," Rin said while nodding her head. "Emiya-kun was really lucky to have a True Magic that was really fit for him!"

"Onii-chan gradation air magecraft was on another level when you comparing it to the normal one, that was also the same with his Structural Analysis, Spatial Displacement and Reinforcement, basically all of his basic Magecraft was abnormal," Illya said while sighing.

"Eh, and how can you know about all the Magecraft that he use Illya-san?" Asked Sakura with a suspicious look and sharp gaze to Illya. "I was a girl who knew Senpai the longest and not even I know what kind of Magecraft that he can uses."

"Eeeh let's just say, I was watching him doing all of that when he doing his Magecraft training a couple days ago silently," Illya replied with a cold sweat dropped from her cheek because she feel afraid to Sakura who look really scary for her.


Archer making the fake TCM that he made gone, while sighing. And Shirou who was captivated by the sword feel disappointed when Archer doing that.

"Oii Archer why did you make that beautiful sword disappear when I haven't done admiring it," Shirou said who was angry and feel sad at the same time.

"Sigh, why did you must admiring the fake sword that I made when you already make the perfect copy for your self," Archer said who pointing his right hand index finger to the perfect TCM that Shirou made. "You are really a fool because you didn't realize at all when you instantly made it."

Shirou looking to his right hand, and then he realized that Archer was right. There was a copy of TCM that he gripped tightly on his right hand. And when Shirou analizing it using his Magecraft he knew that the TCM that he made a perfect one and not a cheap copy like the Archer made.

"H-how this is possible! H-How can I make the perfect copy of this sword instantly without realizing it at all!" Shirou shouted with a confusion. "A-Are I using the Denial of Nothingness subconciously, because I admiring that beautiful sword!"


"That sword in your hand was a very strong sword that I think almost on par with Saber, Excalibur on the terms of destructiveness," Archer said while feel a bit jealous to Shirou because Shirou succed in making the perfect TCM. "But sadly that sword was not a divine construct or a divine weapon or I already asking you to use it to defeat Gilgamesh. It will be better you focusing your attention back to the new Noble Phantasm that you made rather than focussing your attention to the sword that was made by other person."

Shirou nodded his head and then stabbed the TCM to the ground and after that he pulling out the katana that he just made from the ground. He looking it carefully and feel proud that he can make a beautiful and strong weapon. Shirou didn't know how strong the katana he made. He even didn't know what kind of power the katana have because his mind is jumbling when he made the katana. The only thing he knew is that the katana can change into a ten different form according to the ten magic stone that was embedded onto the katana.

He concentrated his prana into the sword, and then into the one of the magic stone thag embedded to the katana. He can feel that the katana was starting to change even though he doesn't know what kind of change the katana will have. Even Rin, Saber, Sakura, Illya, adult Rin and Archer was gulping because they were as curious as Shirou about the sword change.


The katana suddenly change into a sword handle, a white sword handle that look like an ice spike, beside that there was a oval stone that was embedded into the sword handle and in the blue stone there was a kanji that was writing on it, and that kanji means is water. Shirou was very confused by the katana that he has suddenly change into a sword handle like that. He was thinking are he made a mistake. Because he really sure that the first change of the Noble Phantasam that he made will be a cool sword with great power not a sword handle without any function.

"Eh, Emiya-kun, why did the first change of your Noble Phantasm is just a sword handle," Rin said with a confuse look on her faces. "Are you sure that was the right change?"

"Tohsaka was right Onii-chan did you made some mistake when you made your first own Noble Phantasm?" Asked Illya.

Shirou himself didn't know what he must to answer, because he himself didn't know what kind of change the Noble Phantasm he just has made. The katana he made was make by using Denial of Nothingness, not by using a proper blacksmithing ability. So the katana can be said as a crystalization of all the imagination he haa that added by the blueprint of the weapon from Archer inside his left arms. And because Shirou didn't make the Noble Phantasm using a correct ways, the result of it was a weapon that can change into a weapon he didn't know.


"T-that Noble Phantasm," Adult Rin said. "To-to think that the younger version of my husband can add that sword to be one of the transformation of the Noble Phantasm that he just made. I didn't know are he is an idiot or a genius."

"The most basic Ice type Noble Phantasm, who was weak if it compared to the strongest ice type Noble Phantasm but yet even though that sword handle was just a a basic ice type Noble Phantams, that sword handle can be stronger that other Ice Type Noble Phantasm if the user of that Noble Phantasm can using it in a right way," Archer said whose eyes was bulging when he saw the Noble Phantasm that he can copy but he can using it to full capabilities because of his bad creativity. "The name of that Noble Phantasm was Ice sword Ensui the sword or Madougou that was made by the famous weapon maker from the Hokage ninja clan Koku. That sword was one of his masterpieces that on par with B+ rank Noble Phantasm."

Shirou was seeing the same information like just Archer said when he use the Structural Analysis to the sword handle in his right hand. He really confused why did he can add Ensui into his katana. When he want to added a concept of ice and cold into the katana, he only randomly adding any blueprint weapon that have ice element on it. But he didn't think that the result will be very weird.


"A-Are that sword was really that strong?" Asked Sakura to Archer.

"That sword was a perfect sword that can be called as one hundred percent genuine ice sword that was made from a pure ice. And only it handle that not made from ice, to use Ensui someone must have a very high imagination to use it to it full capabilities," Archer replied. "Sadly my imagination was not that good, because I was a faker not a maker so I'm only good at copying not to making."

"As a descendant of the Muramasa Clan what my husband saying was really embarassing, but it was the truth," Adult Rin said with a sigh. "Because my husband live thousand of years as a Counter Guardian and using his Tracing Magecraft to it fullest, he was bad in other skill except for his household skill. His Projection Magic was borderline True Magic. And his cooking skill was already at the Godly level to the point almost no one in the world can beat him in cooking. But if you asking him to made a sword from a scratch, the best thing he can do maybe only made a high quality ordinary sword but not a Noble Phantasm. If my husband want to make a Noble Phantasm from a scrath. He really need to learn blacksmithing from basic."

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