
Chapter 524: Fallen Petals-II

Li Lian spent some more time in the company of Yu Xiao Yun. The girl was more mature than her age gave her to be. Not only was she polite with her demeanor but also the fact that Li Lian could consult to her about her company. 

Something in the girl also eases others to speak with her.

"Sister," came the voice of Li Xiao Chen from the door. He came with a nod of his head when meeting Wang Li Lei and Yu Xiao Yun. "There are someone who want to talk with you. I thin it is urgent."

Li Lian was rather unwilling to separate from Li Jun Wei. The thought came pass by her mind that question her what would happen if Li Jun Wei crossed the other world when she wasn't beside him which scared her.

"We will be here," Xiao Yun offered Li Lian a smile and held her hand to offer comfort.

"Yes we will. You can leave at ease, Mrs. Li. Jun Wei isn't the type of person to leave others behind him," Wang Li Lei said.

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