
A gift from the past.

Jez viewed a white world, no sky, no ground, just white. In this white Abyss there stood a humanoid figure, just out of sight. "Welcome to my abode, somewhere in your soul, or I should say our soul", the same voice replied, Jez, tried to speak out to no avail. "There is no concept of voice in here, you have to learn to speak in a different form, it was this roadblock that kept me from interacting with you till recently", chuckled the voice, "For now I will give you my name and the small amount of information I have, my memory is locked away somewhere and I can't access them at the moment. I, however, do have a plan to gain access to them. When you went out to hunt and each time you killed anything, a little bit of energy is absorbed by our soul, I gain more access to my memories and you gain more processing power. Basically the more you kill the more knowledge I gain and the smarter you will become, it's a win-win." the voice explained, "another benefit we both get is that we gain access to the knowledge that I had, currently my memory stopped at the end of high school, and that gives me access to basic chemistry, electrical, mathematical, and physics-based principles. I can give access to you to those banks of info, as a show of good faith. I can't let you die on me so I will give you all the knowledge I currently have on medicine.".

Jez's vision faded to black and he woke up again, in his bed. His head hurt and his vision was obstructed by something, it was slowly coming into focus, It was a model of a Male human body, his body, it showed that he was fatigued and that there were light burns that covered his lower half from his earlier dip in the draft, it showed the process of healing and told him what stage it was in, but not directly, there were no words or pictures just whenever he focused on the model in the corner of his vision, the condition of his body instantly appeared in his mind. Jez then proceeded to scan through the new information, "This would be great if I could use any of it", he sighed, all of the information that was given to him was too basic, and he had no use of it, as he only understood the basic ideas of chemistry, physics, and anatomy. The math that he was taught was only marginally more advanced than the math he already learned, and learning more languages is pointless since he had never heard of English, Mandarin, German, or French.

But the gift did give him some goals, go to the mage academy and learn how to properly use magic, and hope he can get into a position where he can go hunting a lot so he can plunder more energy to gain more knowledge, after all, what he had now was only the beginning.

He did, however, have to go explain to the guard commander that he had completed his training and wanted to leave, he wanted to go back to his family and spend the rest of his time before going to the academy in hunting as it gave him good survival skills as well as gave him energy that could help Jake, and by extension himself, regain memories. He could already feel the unending "tests" the commander would give him.
