
EXTRA: Peeping Tom

WARNING: Misha is being a shameless voyeur! ~

This extra happened before Gabriel's transmigration.

Misha sat cross-legged on his bed, lost deep in thought. He was nibbling on his finger but didn't seem to notice, his mind elsewhere.

Lately, he had come to peace with the fact that he was—probably—in love with Gabriel. It had taken him two lifetimes to realize it, and it left a bitter taste in his mouth whenever he thought about it. How in hell could he have fallen for his sister's boyfriend? It was a mystery. Well, feelings weren't something he could control, much less understand. The heart had its own mind, after all.

But at the end of the day, Misha still couldn't tell whether or not he was sexually attracted to Gabriel. The problem with his current body was that his lower half did not react much. No matter how many times he visualized Gabriel in several compromising positions, there was just no reaction whatsoever.

Misha frowned. This couldn't go on.

By all means, he knew Gabriel was an attractive man, the kind who could bewitch people with a single smile. He had a face with handsome but gentle features and eyes that looked like emeralds. He was tall with a lean body and broad shoulders, long limbs and slightly tanned skin. To put it bluntly, he had a prince-like appearance hard to come by.

'Hmm, but what did he look like again without clothes?'

The thought crossed Misha's mind as he tried to remember that one time they took a shower together, just after being doused in skunk spray. However, his vision had been blurry at the time, and he didn't see much in the end.

Glancing over at Gabriel, who was soundly asleep in his makeshift bed, Misha couldn't refrain from smiling. A mischievous glint shone in his eyes as he shot out of bed and threw himself on Gabriel, crashing onto his stomach with a loud thud.

"Wake upppp! It's morning!" the boy chanted, pinching Gabriel's cheeks until they turned red. "Get up, get up, get up!"

Gabriel knitted his brows in discomfort, shaking his head. Still, he didn't wake up immediately and instead tried to chase away the child as if he was an annoying fly.

"…Isn't your sleep a little too deep?" Misha snorted before bending over, shortening the distance between them. Their faces were now an inch away. "If you don't wake up, I'm gonna bite you."

Unsurprisingly, his threat didn't have much of an effect.

Pursing his lips into a pout, Misha decided that he might as well follow through on his threat and bit Gabriel's nose, nibbling on the tip like a dog chewing on a bone. That had the merit of making the man's eyelids twitch.

"What are you doing?" Gabriel asked in a hoarse voice as he pried open his eyes, his nose feeling itchy.

Through a few strands of copper hair, he peered at Misha, who was comfortably sitting on his chest. The kid wasn't heavy, but he wasn't weightless either.

"Waking you up, duh."

"Is that so."

Straightening his back, Misha flashed him a wicked smile and said in a childish tone, "Let's go take a shower!"



"Aren't you old enough to shower by yourself?"

"You often help my sister bathe, and she's a lot older than me! So what's the problem with taking a shower with me?" Misha snorted. "Stop complaining and get out of bed!"

"Ok, ok, I get it."

Gabriel sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He had no idea what the hell had gotten into the boy, but it was better not to ask and comply without making a fuss. Or else who knows what his breakfast would look like.

The worm-flavored muffins were a good warning of what could become his dinners if he were to get on the boy's bad side. Frankly, Gabriel never wanted to eat something like that ever again—just thinking about it made his stomach churn and his throat clench.

At any rate, it wasn't the first time the child did something weird, and it was just a shower. Nothing he couldn't comply with.



Gabriel felt a chill run down his spine as he took off his shirt. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw Misha staring intently at his back. A strange, unfathomable light seemed to twinkle in his clear blue eyes, making them appear brighter than usual.

What was the kid thinking now? Gabriel wasn't sure he wanted to know. But though he thought this, he still asked, "Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing at all," Misha waved his hands. "Please, don't mind me."


Gabriel had the sudden urge to wrap a towel around his body and flee. Of course, he didn't and instead slipped off his pants before quickly entering the shower, escaping Misha's hungry eyes for a moment.

"Weren't you going to shower? It would be best if you took off your pajamas first."

The reminder seemed to snap Misha out of his daze, and he absently nodded. He then did as told, getting rid of his clothes before joining Gabriel.

The shower was quite large, enough for two adults to move in with ease. The walls were made of textured glass or pale gray tiles, and there was even a small bench on which Misha sat.

Then, the boy not-so-discreetly peeked at Gabriel, propping his chin on his hand, his elbow resting on his knee. His eyes lingered on his butt, appreciating the well-defined muscles and the round form. It showed that Gabriel jogged daily, his long legs and belly without a trace of fat. The lean muscles undulated with every movement, captivating Misha. It made his fingers itchy, and he had to fight with the urge to feel up the man.

Indeed, Gabriel had a nice body.

The sight also made Misha feel a little envious deep down; he could not wait to grow up and regain a body similar to Gabriel's. The body he was currently trapped in was way too thin and frail, making him feel insecure. One wrong move, and it felt like he would break something.

By all means, his adult body was better in every way.

Minutes passed, but Misha's lower half still didn't react, just as expected. He felt no sexual attraction, though he did think that the sight of Gabriel's naked body was quite pleasing to the eye. Maybe after growing up a bit, he would find it arousing too.

"What are you looking at?" Gabriel asked, unable to play dumb anymore. Misha's gaze was scorching, leaving a tingling sensation in its wake. It was hard to ignore, even for him.

"Your butt," the boy answered honestly, forgetting to think twice before opening his mouth. "Can I touch it?"


Misha made a pout.

"How about washing your hair? That's what you're supposed to do right now."

"Wash it for me."


"You do it for my sister!"

"Fine, fine," Gabriel sighed, deciding not to remind him that his sister was disabled and that he wasn't. "Turn around."

"Don't want to."

"Then lower your head at least! I don't want the shampoo to fall in your eyes."

With a hum, Misha did as told. He lowered his head but conveniently lifted his eyes. Now, he could have a good look at the man's private part.

"Geh, it isn't small at all," Misha mumbled to himself, thinking back on how he had mocked Gabriel's manhood a few months ago. At the time, Misha couldn't see clearly after being doused in skunk spray but still wanted to taunt Gabriel somehow. So he said the first thing that came to his mind. And he obviously got the size wrong.

Gabriel stiffened upon hearing the boy's mumbled words, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. Sure, kids tended to be curious, but he wasn't fond of Misha commenting on his manhood. It was putting him ill at ease.

"Close your eyes, or you'll get shampoo into them. And that hurts."

Now that his curiosity had been satisfied, Misha became an obedient child and did as told. He had scrutinized enough for the time being, and he wanted to enjoy getting his hair washed, anyway.

Gabriel's hands were gentle, and his long fingers ran through his wet hair slowly, massaging his scalp in passing. It made him sleepy, and Misha started to doze off.

He still couldn't tell whether or not he was into men, whether or not he would be sexually attracted to Gabriel after growing up, but, well, there was one thing he was sure of; he wouldn't mind staying by Gabriel's side for a lifetime. Maybe even two.


Chapter revised on 2022-06-07

Edited by Clozed! ♥

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I really, really wanted to update this chapter yesterday. But PC decided to crash when I was almost done editing the advanced chapter for *******. So I went to sleep in the end. Why is my PC so uncooperative? It makes me want to cry ;A;

Thank you for reading!

RS_Vaesencreators' thoughts