
how the f*ck

Rose: joergen you did it!

she yelled when joergen walked trough the portal and didnt die like the original one (thank god!) now on jeorgen neck there was a thin golden ring with a button like the one that Rose had on her finger

Rose: now i can ride to the next city on you!

???: hey keep quiet out there i'm trying to sleep!

Rose: oh...SORRY!

and like that Rose got on joergen and started to ride to the another city just like that the guard's stopped her when she was exiting the city because a little girl on a horse who want to escape the city is a suspicion thing apparently (well i mean...yea kinda)



'when will i get a new mission?'

<give me a second>

<<system mission: get to a new city!>>

<<reward: 1 lottery ticket>>

<<penalty: -50 silver>>

<<system mission: buy your first bloodline!>>

<<reward: 50% discount in the next bloodline>>

<<penalty: nothing>>

<<system mission: to infinity and beyond! visit another world>>

<<reward: one free low class item from the world you visit>>

<<penalty: nothing>>

'why does the second and third dont have any penalty?'

<you want me to give you a penalty because you didn want to buy something or go somewhere?>

'well when you say it like that...'

Rose traveled on joergen until the sun started to rise into the sky and she decided that this is a perfect time to eat! she got of joergen and tied him to a three he made a unsatisfied sound but she just ignore it and used a netherrack that she lit up with the help of a {fire ball} she then took out a frying pan and some bacon & egg's she started to make the food and when it was ready she put out the fire and put everything into her inventory she then give some hay for joergen and they both started to eat

'hey Arthur?'


'if i can buy bloodlines and soul link from every world i visit does my world count?'




<<home world>>




-dark elf


-high-dark elf


-beast kin (owned)






<ok do you see something you like?>

'do i have the money to buy something?'

<the goblin bloodline!>



<yea bad choice>

'ok! changing the subject! hey Arthur what do you think about selling golem's and doing enchantment's for money?'

<a good plan but i doubt that the people will trust you with the enchantment's>

'meh i just need to put up a good show'

<what do you mean by that?>

'hehe secret!'

when Rose eat her food she used some water magic to clean the plate and put it in her inventory she then marked one three and took out her gun to practice her gun shooting she did that until she was out of bullet's and managed to level up her skill to lv 6 after that she just put the gun into her inventory and started to ride joergen again

---Tifa POV---

Quardir: DAD!

he screamed when he saw his father in full health better then ever! he ran to him and give his father a hug and his father hug him back

Vlad: haha! i'm okay my boy! in fact i fell amazing! where did you find that godly potion! kingdoms would start a war for one of these!

Tifa: it was made by my new servant

Vlad: amazing...AMAZING! where is he? or is it a she? who is this genius that you made into your servant?

Tifa: she...she is...

Vlad face was now a little pale and as he swallowed his saliva he asked

Vlad: is she dead?

Tifa: *shakes head* no...she is just a little girl a VERY skilled girl but a child none the less she could open portal of other world and before we started the mission i left her in one of them?

Vlad: ahh i see...what portal were those? maybe we could recreate them?

Tifa: a very weird portals they were made of cubes one completely made of obsidian and the second of a weird glowing stone

Vlad: i...no f*cking way...

Tifa: dad?

Vlad: were they...blocky?

Tifa: eh? yes how did you know?

Vlad: ...HOW THE F*CK!!

Tifa & Quardir: what?


hello there my dear reader's! how about making my day and giving the novel a powerstone? preety please???
